
Friday, June 27, 2014

Still good to the last drop

Pictured above are Eugenia and Clara in 2012, obsessed with the raindrops falling from the downspout.
Pictured below is Edith, obsessed with the same thing. Since Eugenia and Clara are no longer with us, 
I can only assume this is an innate and not a learned behavior among desert-dwelling chickens.

There's a technique to catching a raindrop from the spout.
First, one has to stare at the stream to gauge the proper timing.

Then the head is turned perpendicular in order to snatch a drop out of the air.

 Finally, the head is tilted back to swallow, allowing the next chicken in line to take a turn.

Chickens are much smarter than I give them credit for.


  1. I thought for sure there would be a tarantula hiding in there.

  2. they are amazing... who knew they could drink droplets and would share. great shots

  3. Not exactly dumb clucks :)
    Clever girls

  4. Fab shots, Carson. The water drops show up so vividly. Enjoy your weekend.

    BA SP

  5. They are so cool with their little their feet.
    I agree with Sandra, great shots!

  6. I see your chickens and think of their dinosaur ancestors. No wonder they are fierce!

  7. Anybody who has ever called someone a "bird brain" has never owned a chicken.

  8. LOL! that last picture she looks like "whatchu talkin' bout Willis?".

  9. I like what Carla posted. So true. I have raised many chickens and often times, I would think, gosh my chickens are the smartest birds on earth. Then other times, not so smart to fly into the dog's yard. Yeah, lost some lives there....
    Have a great weekend Carson!

  10. I can't decide what's more amazing - the chicken catching the drop, or you catching the chicken catching the drop!

  11. That's some fancy shootin'! They're gorgeous AND smart.

  12. Yes they are. And in that last shot, she looks to be plotting to take over the world. Better sleep with one eye open. Just sayin'
