
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday encore ~ All the boys in action

Today's encore is from June 2013 and may be my most favorite video ever 
because it stars my favorite leading man. But, my goodness, how dry it was then. 


Lucy and I went on a search and rescue mission Saturday morning, looking for George's latest missing fly mask. 
Our plan was to zig-zag across every acre of the ranch, looking in, under and around every tree. 
It had to be out there somewhere. 

We were about a half hour into our mission when George and Alan spotted us and decided to help.
Hank had his nose to the ground and didn't realize his little herd had deserted him. 
And that's where today's video begins. 

Someone asked recently if I ride Hank. Not anymore – I retired him about four years ago because of his arthritis. You can 
see in the video that his right front leg barely bends at the knee. Clearly it doesn't slow him down or interfere with his pirouettes! 
And in case you were wondering, that is Hank's sweet voice you hear in the first few seconds of the video.


  1. love it love it love it... thanks for the re run... it is new to me...

  2. Thanks for the repost. This IS a great video. Everyone looks so happy and energetic.

  3. They crack me up!!! I love Hanks pirouettes!! Thanks!

  4. I love the video. It makes me remember with longing my teenage years when I would ride out in the Saskatchewan prairies. My horse, Jiminy (as in Jiminy Cricket) was huge to me, he was a cross between a draft and a Percheron. Not a comfortable ride, especially to a newbie rider like me, but Jiminy was thoughtful and usually walked or cantered slowly and with as much grace as he could provide.


  5. This is one of my very favorite of all of the 7MSN videos. More please! Especially with the sounds of Hank and Co. whinnying (sp?) and braying. Maybe even the rest of the gang barking, meowing, etc?

  6. What a fun video! Love the music... I was just printing some pics of the trip I took on the train to NM, the cave and tarantula and snake...always a good time

  7. That was a great morning smile! Oh how I love seeing your open skies! As I'm writing a backhoe and HUGE truck are working on our front field - which after the last two years became our front marsh ... . They're backfilling it so we can have a better gravel sand expanse for the herd.

  8. Yer ha! That was fun. Even with the masks, they run like the wind.

  9. Love the Hankster and his beautiful self. And what's not to love when the "boyz" do their let me bite your butt run through their playhouse. I am always so thrilled to see your family of critters just being themselves. Happy Summer Solstice LC. xoxo The Cuckoos

  10. An American in Tokyo6/22/14, 5:44 PM

    What a great adventure!
    I love seeing Hank's antics! He is one special guy!
    You are so lucky to have such a wonderful place to share with your farm-ily. =)
