
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Put a lid on it

Smooch: Roof! Roof!

I've been driving around topless ever since I got the Ranger. What a knucklehead.

I've finally pimped my ride and bought an anti-sun roof.
File this under "things I wished I'd done a long time ago."

Gone are the days of climbing onto the sun-baked seat after a hot afternoon of kicking cactus
and burning the backs of my legs.

Of course, it's probably just a matter of time
until Alan or George figures out how to take the top down.


  1. Uh, oh. The donkey engineers are going to work.

  2. It looks like George is reading the directions on the little label inside.

  3. i am wondering just how long it will last... good for smooch to have shade while she waits

  4. Smooch always looks so secure, content and relaxed in her cute little ride. I believe George thinks this is your version of a fly mask and it must go. They really are very observant, aren't they.

  5. EXCELLENT! Although I do wonder why they don't make it in white to reflect the sun. More cleaning maintenance, but cooler. I learned that the hot way.

    1. My other color choice was camo. The market for these things is skewed toward hunters, not us unassuming rancher women.

    2. How small do they make the silver/reflective tarps? It may be a bit redundant to cover the new roof with a cover ...
      Any shade is good!
      M in NC

  6. I love how curious george and Allan are. :)

  7. I was thinking the top was a nice height---too tall for the donks to catch their heads/ears.

  8. Gotta love those donkey snoopervisors, checking you've put it on correctly!

  9. haha roof roof! clever pun! this top smells new and different, says George

  10. Just discovered your blog. You go girl! Love the pictures in "for you". Amazing! Glad you followed your bliss.

  11. Quality of life improvement. Congrats!

  12. Looks like a great purchase. Reminds me of a question. When everyone is in their 'home', Smooch runs around the donkey pens like a madwoman. When out, like your post today, does Smooch growl when they get close or are they friends?

    1. Smooch is surprising tolerant...until one of them, usually George, gets in her face, then she may give a warning snap. No contact is ever made. I think Smooch is just trying to protect her space.

  13. Haha, you have a wonderful blog!
    I love animals and your posts are so so great :)
