
Friday, June 20, 2014

Chasing rainbows

 The problem with chasing rainbows is that it's usually raining when they come out. 
Smooch doesn't like getting wet any more than I do. Let a chamisa be your umbrella.

 New Mexico rainbows are almost always of the double variety. I don't know why.
The camera was pointed due east in this photo.

 The double became a single when I looked south.

 I really like this picture. It could be improved with an ear or two poking through the barn door,
but the herd was nowhere to be found. They will usually run back to the barn if the rain comes down hard, 
but a few drops here and there isn't worth the effort.

The weatherman predicted scattered showers. Here are four of them.


  1. I love it when these things happen. You got pictures of all of them! What an awesome day!

  2. Something I always find interesting is that when you have a double rainbow the second one has the colors in reverse order of the first one. Nature is amazing! Lisa G in TN

  3. Lovely pix, Linda. Thought for the rest of my day: Let a chamisa be your umbrella. Thought where I'll find a chamisa in Ohio remains to be seen.

  4. Excellent pics! Interesting about the double rainbow having a reverse. I've seen them before but hadn't noticed that. Since i've learned something new for the day i should get to go home!

  5. Wow, that picture through the door frame is gorgeous. :)

  6. Love the open barn door photo...I can almost feel that I am there, smelling the air, ahhh

  7. Love the barn door shot - the contrasts of light and soft colours - beautiful!

  8. Good morning down there! Love today's shots. You get such great colours against the landscape in New Mexico... and tremendous big sky views!

  9. Two things I never saw in Ohio that I see out here in the west: 1. bright rainbows (back home they were always faint) 2. the rain coming out of the clouds like in your last pic. (you could see the big black clouds rolling in but I never saw it dumping on a certain area). Maybe these things were there but I never saw this until I got out here.

  10. These are outstanding! Thank you for a wonderful Friday morning. I love them all, especially the barn. You should enter some photography contests. I am constantly having to change my computer background. I had your sunset photo, but the barn photo just blows me away. You take the most beautiful pictures. Have a great weekend Carson!

  11. Hey....there's a face in the clouds in the last photo. It looks like a grumpy dog. See it??????????

    1. Yes! Actually I see a happy Schnauzer with his tongue hanging out.

    2. I see him, and yes he is smiling in a doggy way. :)

  12. gorgeous rainbows! and Smooch under her chamisa makes me laugh!

  13. Sad...your NM desert has gotten more rain lately than my little corner of NC. Oh, everyone around us has gotten rain, but the storms all split on their way through and leave us dry. Good thing for rain barrels!

  14. An American in Tokyo6/22/14, 5:46 PM

    I love that shot through the door as well! Beautiful!
