
Friday, June 6, 2014

Another UFO in New Mexico

 I was scooping poop in the corral recently and came upon a UFO (Unidentified Found Object).

 It was sitting on top of the dirt, not far from the barn.

It is metal and has what appears to be a part number etched on it. I could only assume that it is a piece of the Ranger 
since the Ranger is the only thing that goes in the corral besides me, the herd and the plastic poop cart.

I performed a thorough inspection of the Ranger to determine from whence this part may have fallen but remained clueless. 
The Ranger seemed to be running smoothly, but surely it was just a matter of time before the transmission fell off 
or an axle dropped. So I made a trip to the Polaris dealership with part in hand so that the experts could advise me 
and prepare a repair estimate. The parts manager and mechanics consulted and were in agreement –
the part did not fall off the Ranger. Hmm.

I've been pondering this mystery for over a week and can only conclude that whatever this UFO is, 
it fell out of the sky. There simply is no other explanation. Maybe it fell off one of the military helicopters 
that routinely fly overhead ... or a commercial jet ... or an alien spaceship. 

Google has been of no help. A search for SK A500 7-8L turns up everything from a bible passage to a report on 
Quality of Water and Stratification of Possum Kingdom but nothing that will help me solve the mystery.

So I'm turning to you, dear readers. Any idea what this could be? 
The picture below might help you get a sense of its size:

If Lucy ever needs a steel-toed boot, I've got just the thing to make one.

UPDATE: Janet figured it out! It is a steel toe, which had to have come out of my dad's shoe, 
which I had given to the boys to play with.  I'll take all of this as a sign that 
dad is still reading the blog and messing with me from heaven.


  1. Stumped in WI. But it does look cute on Lucy's toe! :)

  2. It looks like a metal cover for something eg a piece of farm equipment or a pump. What other thing do you take over to the dirt pile?

    BA SP

  3. I vote the aircraft thing. If you go back to your picture, it shows the impact mark in the dirt. The edge where it hit matches the mark and depending on how much rain you have had, give you the impression as to the height from which it fell. No rain=higher, muddy pasture=lower. The bent over edge shows that it slipped into a like slot and covered something. That thing would not be on a top of something with that big number stamped on it.

    SK might mean Sikorski. They have a plant here--that's why I thought of it. You could probably send them the picture and ask them.

    Or you could just let us ramble...

    I love it when you challenge us.

  4. Me again: It might be something that fell off your truck or the trailer. Just sayin!
    BA SP

  5. I did an image search, and it's apparently a tiny helmet.

  6. I agree with Farmer Barb - I'm thinking it's aircraft related, Sikorski specifically. Or a message from aliens. One or the other.

  7. very weird indeed! *shaking head and shrugging shoulders* ;p

  8. Looks like a toe guard (safety cover for shoe/boot). The 7-8L might be the size. Is this Lucy's correct size?

  9. I go with a Sikorsky Helicopter...we can use it for one of our creative projects :-)

  10. Contact Kirkland AFB and see if the part belongs to them. Perhaps you can arrange to return it and they'd show you where it belongs. Field Trip!!!

  11. I love a good mystery, but not when it creeps out a friend! Unsolved mysteries are the worst. Please keep us posted as you that we won't!

  12. Hmmm…. the toe cap of a steel-toed shoe, size 7-8 (hence the 7-8L). Someone's shoe is missing!

  13. I didn't search, but the first thing to my mind was the little cover on the front of a trailer hitch. It would need holes to hold it on though.

  14. I like the helicopter idea too, although my first thought was toe cap for a boot (no idea of scale so maybe alien ).

  15. When I Googled SK A500, it returned a lot for transmission shift kits for Dodge trucks.

  16. I like Christina's comment about it being a tiny helmet. It looks like the top and back of a little Darth Vader helmet. I guess that puts me in the alien's part missing group. The good news is that they must be very small aliens. It does look good on Lucy. This was fun!

  17. The last picture looks like Lucy is wearing mary janes. So cute! I vote something from a helicopter OR since I've been watching Breaking Bad, maybe part of a meth lab motor home.

  18. Well, the good news is...if it fell of off an alien UFO...communication with them should be easy, since we share the same alphabet and numerals!!!!

  19. Have you asked Mrs Hughes if she ordered a helmet to protect her ears when the donkeys bray, or perhaps to protect her head when she finally attempts to fly down from the fence?

  20. It IS a steel toe.

  21. Now, how did it get there?!

    1. It had to have come out of the shoe that I gave to George and Alan to play with.

    2. Mystery solved. Not as exciting as aliens or meth labs but now we know. lol

  22. I'm sure your dad enjoyed this particular post ! :)

  23. I read this earlier before the update and just brought hubby in to see if he knew and he said steel toe, then i saw the update. now we know and thanks to you and your dad in heaven who IS still messing with you for the laughs

  24. Sigh. I'm so happy the answer came early...I was letting my imagination run wild...and my head was starting to hurt...and my worry buttons were being pushed, etc. Thankful it did NOT fall from the sky!

  25. Now, recalling that fighter jet that buzzed our heads that time and came so close it felt like it ruffled our hair, I was going to guess the tip to a missile, but I'll accept a steel toe... That's a much less frightening option. And I like thinking your dad is near.


  26. Whew.....for a tick of a second there I thought my best advice would be ....Wear a hard hat while out scooping poop!! Things do fall off planes though...I have to say. We had an ice ball almost a foot across fall through our roof one May. It had rivet markings on it and we (the Dept. of Transport and us) decided it came out of the wheel well of a plane. We are on the flight path and they put their wheels down before they are supposed to do... so it hit the house doing great speed.... tore straight through roof and the ceiling too... was hanging out of the ceiling by the front door when we finally discovered what had made the huge noise... smaller bits left a trail through the cup de sac and one hit the side of our neighbour's house...
    Nobody accepted blame for it and we had to pay for the damages ourselves. Yeh...wear a hard hat, even indoors. A parrot on the north end of our city narrowly missed being hit by a large wrench that apparently fell off a plane wing shortly after it took off from the airport. It went through the roof and through two floors of that house...

  27. I guess you need a good laugh once in a while, even if you're in heaven.

  28. HA HA! I love the last picture. I am glad the mystery was solved. Have a great weekend.

  29. it does suit Lucy very well!

  30. LOVE that your dad is still messing with you! what a special find

  31. I am glad you figured out the mystery, and what a wonderful story!
