Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunday in the corral with Lucy and the boys

It was late Sunday morning, around 11 o'clock. Lucy and I had just returned from a lovely ride, 
and we were all hanging out in the corral, waiting for lunchtime. 

Lucy: You could feed us a half hour early.
Me: I could. But I won't.

George passed the time taking a few selfies.

Not really, but he sticks his nose in the lens when the camera is hanging down from my neck,
then I press the shutter not knowing if I'll get goobers on the lens or a funny picture.

I climbed atop the fence to catch all the action from above...if you can call Lucy taking a nap action.

It was such a peaceful moment until Hank stuck his nose in to interrupt.

Lucy and Hank exchanged words while I stayed on the fence.
It's best not to take sides when these two are involved.

Now imagine that alarm a piece of heavy equipment makes when it's backing up.

Can you hear it?

Any burro who backs up 10 yards for a butt scratch deserves a butt scratch.


  1. Best selfies I've seen in a long time!

  2. Too funny! Me thinks that George stole the show this time! Taking selfies and backing up for a butt scratch? He really did deserve it!
    Thanks for a great start to my day!
    Deb in Viola, Ks

  3. AH! You are so right! I could hear the back up beeping!
    No cow bones from your ride? I'm disappointed. :)

  4. Love the stripe on George's back. So fancy. He has such beautiful markings. Even if he does take goofy selfies :)

  5. Happy Anniversary, Lucy!! I know you and Carson are outnumbered by the boys, but I think they know who the real bosses are!

    1. Thanks, Karen. Mom forgot to look at her calendar yesterday and didn't even make me a cake.

  6. It's the first time I've really noticed the strip on George's back ?!

  7. is Hank showing his tongue to Lucy? message?

  8. An American in Tokyo2/17/14, 4:53 PM

    Is it George who backed up for a butt scratch?! Too funny that the pylon(?) is also in the photos...makes it hilarious!!

  9. Great George, I like his style :)
