Sunday, December 8, 2013

Johnny's winter survival strategies

Johnny: Again with the snow? Are you kidding me?

JohnnyCashCat's biggest objection to the snow appears to be walking in it.

He chooses instead to ride the rails, which works fine until he runs out of track.

I won't be surprised if one day I see him swinging around the barn like a monkey by his tail. That thing is long.

As cold as it has been lately, Johnny hasn't been asking to come in the house. 
He loves his new cat cave bed and the microwaveable heating pad I place between his sheets each night.

I didn't expect this thing to work as well as it does. I nuke it for exactly 5 minutes in my 1000-watt microwave oven, and it stays warm for more than 10 hours. I didn't want to use a regular heating pad in the feed room, thinking a mouse or curious cat would inevitably chew on the cord and cause a fire. But apparently this thing, called a SnuggleSafe, comes with its own dangers if you over-nuke it. All of which is to say, if you get one for your own outdoor pet, read the packaging and follow the instructions. Johnny loves his, and so do I – it makes that late night trip to the barn not so bad when I carry it out to him stuffed inside my jacket.


  1. you need to write a book and call it Tales of a Feral Cat.. woo hoo on the heater for JCC

  2. I like them too! It makes winter so much better with a warm bed.

    Best always,

  3. Do you use the same microwave for food preparation purposes?

  4. I do not blame JCC for not wanting to get his tooties wet eh!

  5. Yay it works good! And for 10 hours, amazing!
    He is very adaptable...who would have guessed?
    And such a lover

  6. smart cat and lovable too :DD

  7. JCC has grown a nice fur and great winter tabby colours! and yes he's right snow is too cold for him to walk long in it

  8. Johnny is one lucky guy to have found his way to the 7MSN ranch. And you are lucky to have him on the job.

    Love the bed cozy.

  9. Oh, I am loving that bed! We were so worried about our Mama Boots when the temps dropped below 0. Even though I don't have animals in the barn, I still didn't want to do a heating pad. We settled for a clip on light about 18" from her bed... but oh my, Santa may have to bring her a new bed!!

  10. Wow, that kitty heating pad looks like a terrific idea. Oh, but the thought of having to leave a warm bed for the kitty box in the middle of the night is too much.

  11. Missing my own cat and loving Johnny from afar. I don't blame him from loving his bed heater. I have a bag of rice I nuke and put at the foot of my bed for the same reason. Keeps hubby from complaining about my cold feet.

  12. I agree with JCC, I don't like walking in the snow either! He's so sweet, maybe putting boots on him would be good blog fodder.....or mean....either way? Haha!

    I need to get me one of those! If they last that long, it's worth buying one instead of sewing a rice bag I was going to make for several animal family members for Christmas!

  13. What a lucky boy is JCC!

  14. My cats is spoiled living in So Cal! She's freezing and trying to find a window with sun because it's 55 degrees today.

  15. I work at a vet clinic and we use these all the time. They work great!

  16. I am so happy that JCC has such a great ranch to live at and a mom that takes such good care of him. Keep those paws high and dry, Johnny!!

  17. So glad Johnny's keeping warm out there. It's a worry, isn't it? Our friends loaned us a special heating pad made especially for animals and our feral cat spent a night in total luxury last night.

  18. Velcro thanks you. I just ordered one for him since it gets mighty chilly in the family room when the heat goes off. Johnny is a lucky little guy but then, all of your animals are lucky to be living in paradise at the 7MSN.

  19. Thanks for letting us know that this works. He is so cute and we want him to be warm.

    Give him a pet from me. I'm very fond of orange boys.


  20. I have a 17 year old cat who now sleeps on an old chair we threw outside by the front door. He would probably really appreciate one of those! :-)
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

  21. I have used my snuggle safe for years. My cat is an indoor cat, but my house is chilly. Thunder gets it in the morning--and I get it at night to keep my feet warm. He keeps his feet warm by cuddling with me.
