
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Further evidence that it snows in New Mexico


  1. Merry Christmas to you Linda. we love this big wonderful boy

  2. Now that's a pretty picture! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:)

  3. Morning and Merry Christmas Carse! ( beautiful photo )

  4. May the sun come out for you, and the sky turn blue, to brighten and warm the day for all at The 7MSN Ranch!

  5. Merry Christmas to you, Carso, and to all your beautiful critters who have halped you to build an amazing community of friends! THANK YOU ALL!

  6. WOW!! You would think that Hank is here in Alberta ;p
    A very Merry Christmas to you and the gang at the 7MSN from CanadaEH

  7. Merry Christmas to you and the gang!

    Hank looks especially handsome in the snow.

  8. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you, Linda and, of course, to all the critters, too! Hank looks so stunning draped in snowflakes! No snow here in C. CO ... it's a brown and cold Christmas morning up this way!

    Hugs from Marcia in CO

  9. Merry Christmas from all of us at Morning Bray Farm. It is 13 degrees here this morning and the herd is loading their furnaces as we speak.

    Know that we are thinking of you today. <3 <3 <3 xxoo

  10. Merry Christmas, Carson! My husband and I read every day, and we want to thank you , cause this blog is like a little present,day in, day out. Sending you and the critters best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. My husband surprised me with the calendar so I'm ready for January!

  11. What a beautiful present to log on to this morning!! Merry Christmas to you and the 7MSN ranch folks...Alex just earlier expressed it very well to say that your blog is like a little present to us (me, personally!) every day. Thank you very much.

    Hank, at 20, is looking SO fine in the Snow!!

  12. It just wouldn't be Christmas without snow.
    Enjoy this special day of indulgence and great fun.
    Best always,

  13. Carson -

    A very merry Christmas to you and the 7MSN residents! Wishing you all a healthy, happy New Year!

    From the gang at Edgewood Farm (((♥♥♥)))

  14. Sending a special Christmas hug to you, Carson, and to all the amazing 7MSN animals!! Especially Wynonna. I guess she stays put in her pigloo on snowy days and I don't blame her. Hank is stunning in the snow, wow!! Thank you for all the amazing scenery, pictures of your babies and all the laughter right down to my toes you have given to me and my burly construction guy hubs!! Stay warm yall!! :-)

  15. Merry Christmas to all of you at 7MSN. What a beautiful photo of Hank in the snow!

  16. I hope you, Smooch, Hank, George, Alan, Lucy, Wynonna, JohnnyCashCat and the chickens (sorry, can't remember their names) have a wonderful day!

    Merry Christmas to ALL of you at the 7MSN Ranch!


  17. Merry Christmas to YOU and your furry gang !!!


    JC and The Purr and Fur Gang

  18. Lovely card! Merry Christmas from sunny, warm Colorado!

  19. Hank is handsome and that picture looks like Christmas. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

  20. Wishing you a and your animals a very Merry Christmas. What a marvelous photo of Hank!

  21. Beautiful Hank in the snow. Merry Christmas and a wish for a classic quick New Mexico snow melt.

  22. Peace, Linda to you and all the creatures great and small of the 7MSN

  23. That is a stupendous photo. Maybe one that will be put in the 2015 calendar?
    Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2014 to all of you.

  24. Beautiful picture of that gorgeous guy. When I see your snow I just keep thinking of all that moisture that must be soaking into the ground ready to green things up when it gets warm. Wishing you a magical Christmas and a wonderful New Year with the herd and critters of the 7MSN!

  25. Merry Christmas!

    I have been reading your blog for the past few months. You and your furry friends brighten up every day.

    Thank you!


  26. Hope your Christmas was a good one! Great picture.

  27. Merry Christmas .
    Lynda from Michigan

  28. Merry Christmas Hank- I love you- you're beautiful ! Blessings to you all- Linda stay well !!
    Rain :)
