
Friday, December 27, 2013

Down the driveway with Smooch

It was around 5 p.m. on Thursday. Smooch and I headed down the driveway for our daily walk...

...only to be met by an angry mob.

Me: May I help you?

Cow: We read yesterday's comments and don't take kindly to all that talk of "roast beast" and prime rib.

Me: Don't look at me! I had pork.

Who knew the readers of this blog were such a bunch of foodies? 
I drooled on the keyboard with each and every comment and am totally on board for a potluck next year.

Bull: May I assume you'll be bringing the vegetable?


You've got until 8:00 Mountain time this morning (Friday) to comment on yesterday's post 
with what you had for Christmas dinner. I'll update this post with the two winners' names this afternoon.


Mr. Random Integer Generator selected comments #40 - The Village Queen (stuffing, shrimp, snacks, chocolate cake, adult beverages and eggnog) and #114 - Anonymous Heather (ham, yams, mashed potatoes, rolls, broccoli and gravy) as the calendar winners. Thanks everybody for playing along! (Heather, I've emailed you at the address you provided, but if you don't receive it, please email me your mailing address at the7msn at gmail dot com.)


  1. Poor cow :(, but give us another solution , what should we eat :P

  2. Awwwww... Poor cows look like refugees trying to cross the boarder into the promised land (where humans love animals!). Word has gone around Carson....Everyone wants to live at your ranch!

  3. and I thought I had touchy and weird neighbours ;)

  4. Okay. You asked for it!! Mashed potatoes, green beans, ham, pork roast, chicken-n-noodles, broccoli/cauliflower salad, cheese ball and crackers, fruit plate, veggie plate and dip, assorted fudge and cookies. Oh, and rolls. Cannot forget them. Sigh.

  5. Turkey, stuffing (in casserole), garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, Chesley's cranberry sauce made with fresh cranberries, orange juice and maple syrup. But the best thing was that all my children, including dogs and one grand dog, were around my great grandparents' table for what my grandmother always announced was "a lovely party"!
    I hope my comment is drawn, but if it is, please draw again as I "won" the wonderful photograph in another drawing and it's someone else's turn.

  6. Beef (sorry cows) tenderloin, twice baked potatoes, whole green beans, salad, rolls and Christmas cookies with champagne for dessert!

    N.E. Oklahoma

  7. Sorry ladies but, I had roast beast also. I'm so ashamed. Put us down for 2 on the pot luck. I'll bring pies. :)

  8. "MMMmmmmOOOOOoooooooo"
    I can't see cattle without 'mooing' at them. It's the friendly thing to do. Kind of the two-finger wave when you drive by another person on a back country road.
    PS...I'm in for the potluck as well.

  9. Don't tell Wynonna you had pork or she'll be giving you the same look that the beastie in photo #3 is giving you (love that shot!).

  10. I hope these beautiful cows have been fed. Personally I am a vegetarian, one of the reasons being that I love animals and cows have such beautiful deep-look eyes. I cant eat them anymore.

  11. They look hungry! Who are they? Do they belong to a neighbor? Do you have a neighbor that close or are they wandering around in the desert? Btw, in my comment from yesterday I misspelled dessert as "desert". So embarrassed!! Ok, now I feel better. Back to the cows/bull, what did you do about them? Will they be back? I just love hearing about your adventures!

  12. So cute !!!
    I am trying to be a veggie gal. It's hard though.

  13. Yummy!
    Cute post! Have a wonderful weekend. Keep cozy and warm.

  14. The cows probably want to beat you up and take your chocolate, what is left of it anyway.

    Too late for the calendar giveaway. Will be using the 30th annual James Archambault Kentucky calendar this year. We get his every year (for many now).

    No big Christmas meal. Had leftover homemade pizza dough and made really funny looking calzones. Maybe one day I'll figure it out. One piece rose okay, sat longer after filling for extra oomph.Did have special Christmas breakfast of fried country ham (which I can only eat once in a while, called it salt ham growing up. Eggs and a version of red eye gravy with Mrs. B's frozen tea biscuits. Not an paid ad, just a new discovery. Come in a bag. Three to a serving work well for us.

    Will have brother and sister and my daughter and their significant others over on Sunday. Will have ham for sandwiches, homemade chocolate crinkles- known in the family as Kathy's cookies. Assorted other foodstuffs.

    Still makes sense to us to get together between Christmas and New Year, and not the day of UL/UK basketball game.

  15. I love those damn cows...never get tired of seeing them

  16. Word really travels fast in a small community, doesn't it? :o)

    You can let the mob know we had ham for dinner - but don't tell Wynonna.

  17. @ JanB - my feelings exactly when I saw the first photo! Also, for an angry mob, all the pretty bovines really watched their manners, no? Well, at least they got a few apologies from beasteaters out of this (cute) blog post, and I bet Carson answered the bull in the affirmative... ;)

  18. Such cute cows! I, too, don't eat beef anymore...I've looked into the eyes of too many cows going to slaughter in trucks on the freeway...Actually I didn't even eat Christmas dinner because I had food poisoning from a green smoothie I made that day! NO DINNER! ACK!
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

  19. Great shots!!! Love your gate-haven't seen it before from other side-- will have to research your blog when have a minute- must be here somewhere!! Day six here from ice storm-power back finally- no meat for quite awhile!!! Ha!
    Rain :)
