Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Making tracks

 Smooch is rather ambivalent about all this snow.

 It gives her something to dig in besides dirt...

 but she doesn't like it when it gets in her ears.

 Perhaps Santa will bring her ear muffs.

She is content to stay in the house with me during wintery weather but after a weekend of confinement,
we both were missing our daily walks. Since neither of us wanted to make tracks through the snow
and the likelihood of a snowplow clearing the road was less than zero, I improvised.

I drove the Ranger up and down the road to make a path so we could get back to our regular routine.

 Hi, neighbor.

The snow has started to melt, but we've got a ways to go before we see the ground again.


  1. brrrrr and love these pics of smooch... she looks great against that white back ground.

  2. What, you don't get the Snow Zoomies, Smooch?

  3. the " Hi, neighbor" picture is calendar worthy...I would name it "cow mountain" ;)

  4. Adapted for Smooch...
    The road is lovely, dark and deep.
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

    Greatly enjoy pix and comments, esp "cow mountain"

  5. The colder it gets the more my dog seems to want to be outside. She must have been switched at birth.

    That said, there's nothing quite like a walk through crunchy snow, enjoying the freshest air and the tingle of cold cheeks. Makes a roaring fire in the stove all the more inviting.

    Blessings. Stay warm!

  6. I can just imagine the scrunch of snow under your boots & that kind of muffled silence that always seems to happen with snow. It looks chilly but beautiful.

  7. You have much more snow than we have here in Minniesnowda. I want it where the snow packs up around your house, making it easier to heat. Snow is such a good insulator!

    Jo in Minniesnowda

  8. Wow those pictures are amazing loved all of them

    Welcome to join my blog

  9. Counting you, and your sweet crew of critters, among the things for which I am thankful on this day before Thanksgiving.

  10. you are quite astute, Linda! beautiful walks indeed

  11. Smooch in earmuffs! ROFL!

  12. Awesome pics! I love how there is a random cow walking in the road and it's no big deal. Snow is beautiful. And I bet you don't have to worry about snakes, that's a plus. Smooch, my pug Pixie and I love you!

  13. It's so beautiful to see ..... I would miss snow if I ever did move somewhere warmer .... I love the changing seasons.....
    'specially love the shot of the road going on forever with tire tracks on them.....

  14. And to think of all the green you had this past spring and summer, now all white. It is pretty, but since I live in central California, I don't see much of it. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful and funny pictures. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  15. Wow, how deep did it get? I have snow envy (I'm in central Georgia, it doesn't snow here). I've got two dogs, one who *loves* the cold and snow and the other who really, really doesn't! Enjoy.

  16. WoW Bow WOW!!! Haven't visited for a few days and I am SURPRISED!!! All that snow and I LOVE the pic where Smooch is reacting to snow in her ears!!! LOL Love the neighbor too!!

  17. Adorable, adorable Smooch. How many inches did you get?

  18. I find it ironic that you have snow that while in Eastern Canada we haven't yet.

  19. Oh, wow...another post to make me want to pack my bags and sail away from the heat and boring landscape of my Aussie town!
