
Monday, October 7, 2013

There's a new horse in town

I don't often succumb to promotional emails and deals of the day, 
but when an ad for this item popped up in my in box, I could not resist. 

I've never looked so good.

Good thing Ethel was around to participate in the silliness.
She took pictures as I introduced myself to the herd.

Ethel as my witness, Hank bent his head over to mine and nickered in my nostrils.
Then he went right back to eating. You can fool some of the horses some of the time,
but you can't fool Hank.

Lucy: Careful there with that fresh green stuff. We wouldn't want you to colic again.

Lucy: Were you always this weird ...

...or shall we just blame the meds?

Alan: You dress like her and you talk like her but something's not quite right.

Alan: I think I'll make my exit, just to be on the safe side.

George: These pictures would be funnier if you had longer ears.

Me: Oh, come on, be a sport.

Me: I could use a new photo for my facebook profile.


  1. That is one strange side effect to your medication! Who was the first to wake up with this in their or Ethel?

  2. I want to see a photo with a fly mask on!

  3. Wow .. that's one outstanding horse-head mask, and you wear it well :-)

    I never realized just how big burros' heads were..

    And they're lovely heads, all of them.


  4. I am really surprised everyone took it so well, AND I'm glad I was done with my coffee before reading your blog. LOL

  5. Definitely a possibility for the 2014 calendar. Ha! Great laugh for today. Thanks.

    Best always,

  6. Cute! My 14 year old daughter has that same mask. She plans on wearing it for Halloween, though, she says it's a bit hard to see out of it and the rubber smell kind of gets to you. She also has the squirrel head too!

  7. What Sandy said. Bwahaaahaaahaaahaa.

  8. I laughed all the way through each time a new view came up. just to funny and i love it.

  9. HAH!!!! this is too silly/funny ;p

  10. Ha!! What Sandy said! :)

  11. Oh. My. Gawd. I think you'd better ease off on your meds...*wink*

  12. Oh stars above....meds schmeds. That's funny. You could be a card carrying member of the Cuckoos with that schtick. Love your fun lovin' spirit. Oma Linda

  13. Ethelette #110/7/13, 8:20 AM

    Unfortunately I was drinking my coffee... I am shocked my mother did not fight you over who got to wear it! If you leave that thing laying around you are bound to find her lurking around corners ;)

  14. Michelle from BC10/7/13, 8:21 AM

    glad to see everything is returning to normal around there !!!!

  15. Oh my. Clearly you are completely better. :)

  16. OH MY GOSH! I am laughing so hard!

  17. Northern AB gal10/7/13, 9:07 AM

    We had to know there would be strange happenings at the ranch with Ethel visiting :) You two are hilarious together. Making memories that we get to share with you, priceless!

  18. Oh. My. Gawd! Sandy said it so I won't, but I will tell you I kicked back all day yesterday and watched the Godfather saga. At least your head doesn't have blood running out of it. Poor Alan. Keep having fun, you crazy kids!

    Nancy in Iowa

  19. You should have seen my face when she peeked around the corner of the barn with it on! OMG I fell over laughing and crying I almost couldn't take the pic's

  20. Carol in N. Colorado10/7/13, 9:38 AM

    I love the one with Hank and it has to make it to the calendar. He knew it was you, Alan not so much. Lucy wasn't to sure about the mask. Maybe you better stay on the meds as this has been great blogger material. I am still laughing while writing this and having a difficult time spelling and typing.

  21. I had one hell of a roaring laugh looking at this post! I think you should put your horse head on, DRIVE to your local feed store and pick up some horse that would be funny.

  22. Priceless. Maybe they do cat heads as well....... hmmmmm.....

  23. Hilarious! at the same time, I get the impression your critters know you quite well, they dont seem frightened at all. I like the last one with George. Wonder what Smmooch would say of this...

  24. OMG!! You are so totally, hysterically funny. Love, love, love your sense of humor and zany antics. So . . . where did this new character fit in the herd hierarchy? From the looks of it, I'd say Hank is still "Boss Hoss". :-)

  25. What about Smooch, Johnny Cash and Wynonna???....Tomorrow??

  26. The Vicodin made her do it!

  27. Hey, ya gotta have some fun sometime, right? But, Carson, you have fun every day!
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

  28. You two are lots of fun! I really did a big ol' laugh out loud at work!! Oops. . . I think they know I'm not working :-)

  29. Halloween suggestion: think Godfather.
