
Friday, October 4, 2013

My name is Ethel and I'll be your server tonight

Johnny: What in the world is taking her so long? I'm starving here.

Me: She wants to make sure your food is safe to eat.

Hank: Excuse me? We're still waiting for our menus.
Lucy: I'd like a glass of water with lemon, please.

Ethel: Tonight's special is a grilled ocean whitefish, served with a delicate gravy.
Lucy: Cat food by any other name. You can't fool me.

Ethel: What's it gonna take to please you guys?
Hank: Hay. We're vegetarians.


  1. Everybody likes to eat. Me too! Ha!

    Best always,

  2. Ouuu Watermelon, watermelon please! I can see it in their eyes.

  3. so does this mean hay and grass are veggies? LOL... love those faces peeking in at the new waitress.

  4. i wonder if Donkey's have cat genes since they are as curious as a cat or maybe more curious than a cat.

  5. although I love all your critters, seeing Johnny makes me soooo happy!

  6. Lucy is channeling my MIL. :) She always asks for a glass of water with lemon, even though most places in Austin serve it that way. Love the commentary!!

  7. Just proves the old saying that cats have servants eh! ;-)

    I work at a business that is located in an industrial area on the very edge of farm land. A young cat showed up one day that looks like Johnny Cash cats sister. I think some city person "dumped" her :*-( Yes, I have been feeding her.

  8. I'm more than a little in love with Johnny CashCat.

  9. Love the shot of Ethel acting like she was going to taste the cat food!

  10. You better check her suitcase when she leaves, she might take Johnny with her.

  11. I am very familiar with the morning feeding frenzy. I have to feed hungry mouths before I can even pee some days.

    I see your bunch are already well on their way to training the new help.

  12. Love how JCC just seems to go with the flow; he has no problem with a new ranch setter every week :)

  13. LOL! Not always vegetarians! I remember a time I was carrying a large Hickory Farms pepperoni sausage out to the trash bins at the house where I grew up. I walked past the barn paddock and one of my horses poked his head over to see what I was carrying. I held the sausage out for him to sniff, saying you don't want this, it's meat! Well, he grabbed and swallowed whole that sausage so fast there was nothing I could do! It was gone in the blink of an eye! I had a couple of nervous days waiting for colic to set in! Thank goodness it never did!

  14. That very last pictures shows me how your Ethel is a girl after my own heart. Look at that earnest conversation she is having with Hank and Lucy, complete with expressive hand gestures! I have had many, many equine-human discussions such as these! :-)
    Looks to me like everyone is settled and feeling pretty happy these days...
