Sunday, October 27, 2013

Down the road with Smooch...and Johnny?

It was late Saturday afternoon and Smooch and I headed out the driveway for a nice long walk. 
I had my iPod cranked up, but under the din of the music I kept hearing a sound that didn't belong to the song.

I stopped and took off my headphones. It was obvious that Smooch was hearing the strange sound, too.

Johnny: Meowmeowwaitformemeowmeow!

Smooch: Seriously? He's coming with us?

Johnny: Why yes I am, and I don't need no stinkin' leash.

This is the moment before Smooch pulled my arm out of the socket and lunged.

Johnny decided that a group walk was probably not in his best interest and stayed home. 


  1. JC is most definitely NOT a feral cat any more. you might have to get another one for the rats and critters and take JC in the house, IF smooch would share that is, or maybe JC would like another cat to keep him company

  2. Well, that's a shame. It would be nice if you could have Family Walks.
    Molly and Peep played tag all the way out and all the way back the other day.

  3. My cat Martin comes with us all the time. I love how Johnny is inserting himself into all aspects of your life.

  4. jeez, Carson, this cat has fallen for you in a big way!!

    Maybe you and Johnny could take your own walk without Smooch. Or maybe he'll just decide to follow the two of you from a distance.

  5. Our cat JJ will wake up when we say, "Walk", she also knows "outside". She learned 'walk' when we had 2 corgis and she'd tail behind, the whole walk, warning of the dangers lurking on the logging road. As soon as we turned to head home, she was silent and would lead the way. Johnny is smart he'll turn Smooch's dislike of him around. Mick

  6. I used to have a cat that would follow along about 25 yards behind us every time I walked the dog - often creeping along in the ditches or shrubbery. I felt like I was being stalked, but it sure made me laugh. I hope Smooch will eventually get used to Johnny and let him come along - after all, she did learn to live comfortably with your previous cats, I think?

  7. Smooch may have lunged but her fur wasn't bristled up in those pics! They are on their way to a nice friendship :)

  8. oh it breaks my heart to see how attached he is to you and he cannot come with you. but it is also beeter he doesnot take the habit to walk far from the ranch. he is needed in its perimeter not outside.

  9. just thought, it also means that Smooch is a very good guard, quite exclusive and that she still considers Johnny as an intruder.

  10. Johnny is probably thinking at Smooch ''can't we all just get along?'' !

  11. JC is willing to give it a go, so now it's time for Smooch to give a little! Cats are amazing, are they not?

    Nancy in Iowa

  12. Smooch, sweetie, are you worried he'll end up ursurping even your bed, and you'll have to lie next to it??

    Btw, I've been wondering whether JohnnyCashCat's voice does his name justice... ;)

  13. Time to get another barn cat. Johnny CashCat definitely will want to be in the house with you in the winter. That is, once he and Smooch become friends. Since Smooch has lived with cats before, why did she lunge at Johnny?

  14. If these were long walks I was thinking you would need a backpack to give Johnny a rest...that is until the lunge. Since Smooch was used to the indoor cats I'm a bit surprised at her with Johnny. I understand though. I love my brother, but can't say I enjoy being around him very much. Happens in the best of families!

  15. Huh how we can't get Smooch "lunging" for Johnny once both are in the house. A little training is needed on Smooch girl, to remind her who's family

  16. Awww..too bad. Walks with kitties along is so much fun. I do hope Smooch can see her way past whatever's bugging her about Johnny. There's plenty of lovin' to go around.

  17. Love that he was giving you whatfor for leaving him behind. He and Smooch will get used to each other eventually. Have to dance some first.

    Lucy just ignores the drama I suppose.

  18. You guys are a hoot....I think Smooch and Johnny will be close friends soon and all of you can go hunting, er walking, together...LOL
    Love this post...
    Love from NC

  19. Awww! Johnny sure is loosening up! I used to have a tabby named Thor who would hike with me. We'd go miles into the bush. My favourite part was when we'd stop to sit on a big rock and look over the creek. He even used to watch baseball games at the local ball diamond. I bet it won't be long before Johnny figures out just how to come along!

  20. One thing if Johnny does go with you sometime make sure he comes back also. I had a barn cat some years back who would follow us. Cute. But he stayed back there one time and disappeared which pretty well says the predators got him :( I had thought he could take care of himself by his following but obviously he couldn't.

  21. Our ginger boy likes to walk with us but limits it to walking round the paddock with us. We had to discourage him from walking out with us because we have to cross a road to do so. It's sad for him. He totally loves us to be outside with him in any form. Yes he comes inside but he seems to especially like quality outside time. And yes he yells at us if he gets too far behind or can't find us too. :)

  22. Johnny is going to worm his way into your house this winter. :)

  23. Go Johnny, go! :) I love it when our cats join us. We recently lost our orange tabby, now our gray is becoming an indoor cat.
