
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Things my ranchsitter taught me #1

My ranchsitters are not only taking care of my every need, they're teaching me all sorts of cool stuff.
This tip is courtesy of Ranchsitter #3, CeeCee. It is incredibly useful for people with gut wounds and/or
people who might have one too many helpings of mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving.

The infamous gut wound happens to be directly behind the button on my jeans, so the last thing I want to do
is fasten the button and put pressure on it. However, I also don't want my jeans to fall down.

Enter the elastic ponytail holder, although a rubber band would also work.

Loop it over the button and through the buttonhole...

...and there you have it – an extra inch of waistband and no arrests for public indecency.

Thanks for the t-shirt, Mikey!


  1. Excellent use of elastic! Pressure on the boo-boo is bad. Sometimes for years.

    I also love the t-shirt!

  2. and this is a great tip for us overweight people who eat to much.. what a great idea.

  3. Brilliant!! Very cool t-shirt.

  4. Great idea!! Hang in there, Linda....each day that old hole fills in just a little more and more!!

  5. :)
    I fall into the "one too many helpings of mashed potatoes" camp. Glad I could help in far more important matters of holding up the pants and not hurting your belly.

  6. Genius. I'm sure I'll need to use that tip someday.

  7. Good for pregnant women in that weird in-between time before true maternity clothes become necessary. A young friend of ours showed me this when she was pregnant.

    Glad to hear that ranch sitters are taking such good care of you and the critters.

  8. Great idea!! Love the shirt! So happy you feeling better. Those ranch sitters have been marvelous!You are one lucky gal!

  9. Hey thanks for this cool tip ,I will be sure to use it around Thanksgiving :)

  10. Goodness have the most "with it" ranchsitters. DIY to deal with so many handy things. This one is ingenius. Thanks CeeCee, Sweet Man thought this was aces.
    Love the t-shirt, fits the bill for sure. As to yesterdays honey. This is so very exciting that the medical community finally has caught up with the folk remedies and made them "official". About time.
    Keep healing and smiling LC, Oma Linda

  11. My pregnant friends did this alot!

  12. Adding "elastic bands or ponytail holders" to my shopping list!

  13. Oooh I like it! Thank you, and feel all better soon. Hi to Smooch!

  14. Elastic bands and plastic shopping bags are my go to things for a temporary fix. Both these items come in hand for a variety of DIY temporary fixes.
    So glad you're on the mend.

    Best always,

  15. Fabulous idea!!! Might need it soon for getting back into fall/ winter jeans after summer shorts/ capris!!

  16. Great idea. I would've just worn sweatpants.

  17. Just brilliant, thats all. All of us tubbies can give a big thank you to Cee-Cee for this idea!

    Cheers and happy healing,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  18. HA~ I need that for my everyday jeans! Darn things keep shrinking!
