
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Someone else does the heavy lifting

Ranchsitter #4 and I  caught up on ranch chores yesterday. We rearranged the hay supply and the feed room
so that everything would be organized for winter. Danni did all the work...

...while I stood around pointing out where things needed to go. 

How Danni keeps a smile on her face when lifting a 60-pound hay bale remains a mystery.

We checked the fence line...

...and made a very important discovery.

One of George's missing fly masks!

Dinnertime rolled around and Danni suggested using the grill.
Smooch and I warned her that it hadn't been used in several years because of a recurring problem
and maybe we should make something on the stove instead.

She agreed.


  1. a once in a million shot...

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the end of our post... i would say that IS a recurring problem and about the cutest one ever.. love those big ears... you look super good as does your number 4 ranch sitter. lifting hay must be good exercise...

  3. Perhaps Johnny Cash Cat needs to have the barbecue left slightly more ajar than you have been. However seriously he may take his job, he can't make himself THAT skinny!

  4. Boredom is not a word one would use at the 7MSN eh! ;-)

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
    "Mother and children"
    Maybe you should buy another grill and roll it into the sun porch when it's cooled off...? By all means, continue to let the cute little mousies have their shelter . . . they're way too cute to turn out!

    And just let me say: Dannie must have back muscles like steel cables.

  6. Danni: I like the Batman shirt; but SuperWoman would be more appropriate.
    Sis: Lookin' mighty slim in those jeans; bikini in Cozumel next time?

  7. You guys are making work look fun!!
    I have yet another Pack Rat in my shed, I just evicted one last fall and I see signs that one is back. I use a live trap to relocate them far far away...I cant find the nest unless I move everything out! Easier to put some sunflower seeds in the trap and wait...IT always scares me that they may have young so I look for the signs of nursing...
    Glad y'all didnt fire up the Grill!

  8. I want Danni to come and stay at my house for a while. She is quite amazing and always with that smile.

  9. Hi girls,
    I was just wondering if we could keep Danni? That girl is pretty amazing! She's not afraid to tackle anything from hay bales to snaaakes! She's a keeper!
    Sending lots of hugs.
    Deb in Viola

  10. I'd smile too, with a sixty pound bale--mine are 9110!
    So glad you have such competent and cheerful help. Yeah, Dannie!

  11. Even in suburbia on the East Coast, we have the same problem in our grill! And we use ours often!

  12. That last pic of the Mama and her babies is awwwww inducing!

    You are looking good and so glad you are only sidewalk supervising with the ranch work. You don't want to end up in the hospital again!!

    Hugs from CO ... Marcia

  13. SO CUTE! They get to stay!!! YaY~~~

  14. Hey, Danni, do you want a farm sitting job when I have my back surgery? Great job at helping out a friend. By the way, nice cowboy boots in the last shot :-}

  15. So, are you training JohnnyCashCat to just frighten the packrats away and leave the mousies alone? Love that last shot!

  16. Your blog is my favorite thing to do each morning. So glad you and the boys are here.

  17. You do have fantastic ranchsitters! Now, how did George's fly mask get on the other side of the fence? I'm sure it was the wind, but I'd also bet on that rascally Alan. Re the adorable mouse family in the grill - I'm ashamed to say that what went through my head was Kliban's "Love to eat them mousies...mousies what I love to eat!" A friend gave me the poster long ago! I can just picture JCC....

    Nancy in Iowa

  18. Bless friends who stand by us through tick and thin!

  19. LC you look fantastic. And Danni you are a gem of a friend and all round beatiful smiler.
    Yesterdays beautiful blue skies and light wind made me think of you two gals enjoying the day.
    The last shot is so dear. Goodness I would be like you and choose the stove for sure. Oma Linda

  20. So good that you feel well enough to out and about with her.

    How sweet but how did they get in there ?

  21. Northern AB gal9/22/13, 10:39 AM

    Danni, seriously, no gloves when handling bales?? Don't you get slivers under your nails? You are one tough gal!
    Looking good Linda, Enjoy the help while you have it.

  22. Carse, you look great! "Maavelous dalink "
    Love your t-shirt Danni!

    I'll never forget when we found those little buggers in the
    cow skull... So cute

  23. Oh!! Baby mice. I hate it when they're in my house, but they're darn cute when they're in your BBQ. *grin*

    I still think this was all a ruse so you could get some help preparing the ranch for winter...*wink*

  24. Caught myself smiling already while the 7MSN page was still loading...
    (I was right!)

  25. Mom L.- "Bite they little heads off, nibble on they tiny feets."

    I love pack rats, until of course thy move in and steal all my stuff.

  26. I guess there was no electricity on that fence!

  27. Denise @AutumnSky & IanH - Maybe I should become a countrywide traveling ranch hand? :-)

    Deb in Viola - I'd stay if I could!! :-)

    Hey, Mom L- we were driving 'round the outside of the property - that fly mask was actually *inside* the ranch line!

    Oma Linda - xoxoxo

    Northern AB gal - Long sleeves are a must, but the gloves didn't matter...the bands on those compressed bales were so tight, I couldn't get my fingers underneath!

    Carine- In that picture, I was actually reenacting the scene from Jurassic Park when Dr. Alan Grant grabs that electric fence and scares the kids by pretending to be electrocuted. Cracked myself up, I did. :-)

  28. Umm, photo five seems to show Danni being electrified by the fence in her zeal to get the fly mask. I hope she's ok! She must be since the next shot shows her smiling with her prize.

    So glad the torrential rains have been replaced by beautiful New Mexico sunshine!

  29. Let's not get attached to the cute mice, remember the hen's dietary habits.

  30. Nice of you to let those mice have such a sturdy durable smoke free home :)

  31. Those are some tight bales! Love them- we never have them that snugged up here!! I can smell all that hay..... Mmmmmmmm
    Keep healin'
    Rain :)

  32. Cindy D - that's it!!

    Danni - thanks for the replies to us!

    Nancy in Iowa

  33. Gotta say, despite the verminous nature of the pack rats, they are terribly cute. That momma must have been what Smooch was looking for on the back porch.

    Glad y'all got the fence fixed. All I managed was vacuuming and porch sweeping. :)
