
Saturday, September 14, 2013

UPDATE: Operation Get Carson Home has begun

It's 9:30 mountain time and the doctor just said I could go home. Cue the hallelujah choir.
Of course it's still raining and home may be a halfway house called Morning Bray Farm for awhile,
but at least I'll be out of jail the hospital.


The post below is from one year ago, but given all the rain we're having it could have been yesterday.
Saw the doctor Friday morning, and I think his exact words were, "Wow! That's lookin' so much better!" 
He also said I could go home on Monday for sure, but maybe sooner. Of course I'm hoping for sooner. 
CeeCee has things under total control at the ranch...except for the rain and the mud. 
I'm trying not to worry about those things I can't control, and your comments/hugs are a huge part 
of helping me succeed at that. Thank you again for your kindness. xoxo, Carson.


It rained yesterday. All. Day. Long.

Lucy and the boys never budged from the barn until around 5:00,
when the clouds finally parted and the sun came out.

Alan was the first to discover that the barn's property value had increased exponentially
with its lakefront views and beach access.

George: WTF?

Lucy: How deep do you think it is?

Alan: Five feet, at least. Those donkeys in there can barely touch the bottom.


  1. Good news! Hoping what remaining rest you get does it's duty.

  2. "Wow! That's lookin' so much better!"
    Now *that* is something to savor! SO MUCH better + wow = some serious healing is going on at last! Go, Carson!!
    Considering this encore post :), Danni's "Yeeeee Hawww!" :), and your weather radar :(, I'm thinking: airlift. I mean, you do have certain 'neighbors' that've been known to do some fly-by admiring of your place. And they have helicopters. Piece of cake to get you home that way, no?

  3. Good news that you are healing well! Yay!

    It's funny how things work; here I am on the bottom of the world in another dry area and we've had so much rain the last few days that we have new temporary lakes in the paddocks too!

  4. You caught me with this one!!!

    Now I remember snorting out loud when I read this last time. It's one of my favorites.

  5. Love the shot where they are looking at themselves in the water.So curious!

    Best always,

  6. We love this doctor! keep on the good healing. REST! your body needs it to recover from the shock. no working all day at the computer as soon as you are home please. and for all the rain, I guess 7MSN must be totally green by now!

  7. i just came from Runaround Ranch and laughing my head off, now i am here and laughing again. not often there is monsoon weather where you live and to be able to get reflections of our friends. these are amazing shots of all of them... glad to hear you are doing better and hope today is the day you can go back home...

  8. Love those pics. Good news on the doctor front. Have to be able to get to the house via road to get home. Doubt you are up for a helicopter stunt :)

    Wicked weather for sure. Classic early taste of fall here today. Summer not over yet though. Will be back, just like Arrrnold.

  9. So happy for the upcoming return home! And, this time, STAY home! Wanting to see the cute doctors is no reason to get an infection. Glad it looks better!

    I'm glad you reposted this one - I honestly don't remember it, yet I check on your blog every day.

    Nancy in Iowa

  10. Great news that the infection is clearing. And hopefully the rain will subside during the next "change of ranch sitter" event.

    We'd love some rain here in California. Drought is not fun either.

  11. Since I live north of you I'm experiencing the rain out of all proportion for NM that is drenching the state, and have been thinking of you and 7MSN. Poor CeeCee must be wondering . . . Great to hear of progress regarding the infection being subdued. Sending good thoughts your way as you wait for your body to heal and think of home. Take care. We're all with you in believing you will soon be well and home on the ranch. Becky

  12. Each hour must seem like a day as you get closer to being home !

    We will all rejoice when that happens, but, OH, those 4 leggeds !!
    (Especially Smooch)

  13. YIPPEE! Our thoughts and prayers have been answered!! So thrilled for all of you and selfishly for us too! Not too much longer and we can shout: LET'S GET THIS BLOG STARTED! YAY!

    Hugs to all,
    Deb in Viola, Ks

  14. This has been such a great reminder to me why it pays to think ahead and keep your place in good shape, as you do so well, Carson. I see too many people who hold things together with baling wire, have more animals than they can adequately care for, and have to spend a lot of time every day working to keep those animals safe and happy. It's really hard to work with that kind of situation in an emergency, especially if the only person who knows all the secret methods is away. "Keep it simple, keep it safe, know your limits." I'm saying that to myself.

  15. Something made me check back in and - yesss: Hallelujah!!!!!! :-) Very happy about this update!

  16. Hallelujah indeed. A hospital is no place to heal. With the infection under control that should come soon. I wish I could help out with your ranch sitting, but the 3000 mile commute is a killer (not to mention the lack of ranch sitters on my end). Get well.

  17. So glad you are moving forward!! Miss M and I are sending happy travel thoughts your way!!

  18. Excellent. Hallelujah indeed! take good care!

  19. Such good news that you can get outta hospital. Enjoy your half way house stay and the wet will be gone in no time. At least this way you'll have donkeys that know your donkeys to gaze upon while you wait to hug your herd. So happy you are truly on the mend. Oma and the cuckoos

  20. It's usually so dry there, you'd think the ground would just suck up all that moisture in an instant.

    So glad to hear you're recovering well. You must have good cowgirl genes.

  21. Oh, YAY!!! I know you're more than ready to be at home (or at least half-way there) and w/ good friends ... the new locale and camaraderie will help you heal faster, I'm sure!

    Just remember to take it S-L-O-W, ok? (I suspect that's not your style, but become the lady of leisure for the next few weeks so we can stop worrying about you! :)


  22. Viva! Hurray! What a good news! I am very happy about this update!
    Many hugs,

  23. YAY - Morning Bray Farm is the perfect place for rehab :)

  24. That is wonderful news! Spending time at Morning Bray Farm is a great plan. At least you will nearer to some very cute donkeys and wonderful friends!! I will keep praying for you return to your home and a very speedy recovery.Everything in life is baby steps.

  25. Ooh Morning Bray Rehab! Justina and Don will take good care of you and you get to visit with Ellsworth, Nigel, Patrick, Gracie etc but not do chores. Very fortunate.

  26. Good news. That's been quite the storm

  27. Hooray for getting out of the hospital!

  28. I love your blog--it's my favorite way to start my day. Stay safe and dry (I'm in Boulder, where as you probably know we're also having ridiculous rain and flooding), and heal quickly!

  29. I think that once you make it to Morning Bray we'll all breath a big sigh of relief.

  30. Hallelujah, indeed! If you can't go home yet, Morning Bray Farm is a great stopover. Just about any place is better than the hospital, but you hit the jackpot with Justina and Don. I know that while you're there you'll be watched and well-tended so I won't worry. But that trip home has got to be rough after all the rain further degrading the road. Here's hoping for a tolerable trip. I hope you sleep well. You sure don't get restful sleep in the hospital.

  31. How grand to be released from jail, err, hospital, Just do not overdo activities when you are out. Your animals are so sweet, I want to hug them.

  32. Yay for wonderful news! Here's hoping the monsoons stop, and the "sea" parts so that you can get back to the ranch (we're sure you're just itchin' to get out to the barn!)


  33. Okay, I'm doing the happy dance!! Woo hoo - Carson's getting out of jail/hospital! Wish I could see the herd's reaction when you pull up.
