
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Primary colors

Jello comes in red, yellow, and green. I think I prefer yellow. Yesterday's milestones included drinking the ginger ale I was craving, taking the shower I was craving, and being a patient in a hospital in the throes of a massive power failure. Apparently there was some vandalism in the neighborhood involving copper theft, which caused a great big power surge that melted the hospital's back-up generators, which sounds suspiciously like a plot thread from Breaking Bad, which I will not be able to watch tonight so don't tell me what happens. I have to wait for the streaming version tomorrow. Anyway, the hospital staff is doing an awesome job of holding the place together. Rumor has it that visitors might be let in today to the critical care areas. See the advantages of being in the icu? Yep, still here, but I'm the healthiest person on the unit. I walk a lot of laps and get to check out  my neighbors the cute doctors.

This is me celebrating a bowl of yellow jello a few minutes ago. Please note the hair is still very bad but at least it's clean.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, sister has everything under control. There's a flurry of emails in the air as she lines up replacement ranchsitters for the next six weeks. She sent me the picture below and let me know that Lucy has captured her heart. Yesterday city-girl sister was trying to put on Lucy's grazing muzzle and just couldn't figure it out. She tried and tried and Lucy patiently waited. Finally, the buckle was buckled, sister heaved a sigh of relief... there may have been a few tears involved... then Lucy draped her head across sister's shoulder and gave her a hug. Yes, we will all find a way to get through this. Thank you again for your kindness and concern.


  1. Michelle from BC9/1/13, 9:43 AM

    Sisters are amazing! Glad to see your sense of humour is still intact ... not sure mine would be? 6 weeks ... how are you going to be able stay still for that long? Maybe one of the cute Dr's might have to make a house call to check on you?? Just sayin !

  2. Great news .... eating and doing laps. Laps are very important. it's surprising how something as simple as some walking/movement can have such a big influence on healing .... and those two functions that will get you your exit papers!

    Congrats to your sister on figuring out the harness puzzle -- and Lucy deserves some watermelon for being such a patient instructor. Hope the rest of the herd is doing well too.

    M in NC

  3. You know, I'd be classified as a lurker, but a dedicated one. Your blog is my second bookmark every. single. morning. Last night I lay in bed thinking of you and praying/sending good wishes your way for a smooth recovery. The updates from your hospital bed are much appreciated. Sounds like they are being very careful with you. I assume infection is a big risk. If all your blog readers lived close by you'd be set up for animal care (though then you wouldn't be living in the middle of nowhere), although some of us know next to nothing about horses and donkeys other than the love and humor we witness everyday from your herd. Take care, and I hope things work out better than you can imagine in the coming days and weeks. Becky

  4. Sitting here, crying, at the special memory. I love 'em all - but Lucy will be forever dear. We're managing here. But we really miss you. Come home to us soon.
    Kat and your Herd

  5. Your sister is a gem. I am glad to see you look so good. Still thinking of you and hoping things keep going well after such major surgery. Your attitude and physical strength has to help a lot.

  6. you already know i come here first out of all the blogs i follow and this makes me so happy to know you are up and walking and that Sister has it under control.. i have to admit, i have worried a little more about the ranch than you since you have icU taking care of you and all the handsome doctors.. this post is good news and i agree, if your blog followers were close you could have a different sitter each hour of the day... i don't do chickens though, even if yours are funny

  7. Sweet Lucy, what a gal for being so patient with your sister. I imagine Smooch misses you more than the others and can't wait for you to come home....and take it easy!

  8. So good to see a twinkle in your writing. Ah the wonders of a shower & ginger ale. Keep up the good work healing. Hugs to you & your wonderful ranch sitters!

  9. You look great! A power failure? So this is not the year for you to go to Vegas and risk any hard earned dollars. Just saying. On the plus side - yea for you sister and friends. Glad everyone is taking the long view to your recovery.

  10. Congratulations on the jello, and ginger ale! Progress is progress!
    Poor sweet Lucy.


  11. Congratulations on the jello, and ginger ale! Progress is progress!
    Poor sweet Lucy.


  12. Six weeks? Wow, that must seem like forever to you. However it is very important that you rest up and heal. Lucy (and your sister), so sweet! It sounds like city girl sister is learning lots about ranch management.

  13. If I lived near you, I'd get on the list to help.

    I do hope you get home soon so you can start recovery.

    ICU isn't as much fun as one would think. Been there way too much lately myself.


  14. Glad you're doing better. Hope you get to go home soon. Hang in there.

  15. I love that Lucy is such a sweet girl with your sister. You have vaca'ed enough without Smooch so hes probably thinking you are off having fun. And it looks like from today's post YOU ARE!

    Yellow jello must be lemon, they would never get more creative than that. Had your beef bouillon yet? Yum!

    Praying for quick healing for you.

    Jo who would come and help, taking care of the chickens cuz I am an expert at it!

  16. Awwwwwww!!! Congrats Kathleen!!

    Yay for clean hair, walking laps, and ginger ale.

    PS: Looks like your SpO2, HR, RR, and BP are doing well although I bet that they would like your SpO2 a smidge higher but nothing some more laps can't do :-)

  17. Are you sure you are in ICU and not the psych ward? I'll bet the nurses just love you! Tell them you need a visit from a therapy donkey and maybe your sister could sneak someone in... =o)

  18. I gues the plus of the special unit must be the handsome doctors. yellow gelly that soudns great! well you log energetic. although we may live far, you are close to our heart.

  19. I wish I lived close enough to do some critter-sitting for you and get me a Lucy-hug - and a Wynonna wiggle. I do hope the Piggy Princess is not too put out by the change of servant. I'm sure she and all the others will have your sister well trained by the time you get home. Thanks for keeping the Fans of 7MSN updated! :)

  20. Carol in N. Colorado9/1/13, 1:18 PM

    You have a special sister as not all would be willing to help out being a city girl and all. I wished we were closed than an 8 hour drive as we could take over the ranch for a couple of weeks until I get busy with 4 H. Glad you are getting better with the yellow jello and gingerale. Keep up with the laps and hopefully you will be home soon to get some donkey therapy and love. Many gentle hugs to you.

  21. I'm so glad you're feeling better! I'm sure you've already thought of this but, we (me and everybody else) would love to see a video of your return to the ranch. I can only imagine how happy all your children will be when you get home.

  22. I can't see you staying in there for 6 weeks.... you will have yourself all better and outta there long before that- determination is a pretty good healer!
    How about getting them to make ginger ale- jello?
    Love the two boys watching Lucy with such concern, and bless your sister for stepping up to help.

  23. Yay for jello,
    Especially yellow!

    I call my sisters my S'tars. I couldn't live without my S'tars.

  24. You and your sister and Lucy are all dear little darlings.

  25. 6 weeks? No way! I cannot make it 6 weeks without the critters. I can't. Oh Carson be well soon!

  26. Hugs to everyone! A round for the house! Glad you are better and Lucy is a sweetheart. I would have tossed that grazing muzzle and said "later". Also glad for your peeps who check your vitals on the photo you post. LOL. Much love to everyone.

  27. I've been working all weekend so am just paying catch-up. So sorry to hear that you've been unwell, but delighted at the progress reports. What comes after Ginger ale & jello? Tequila & nachos, I hope!

    Seriously, take it easy for a while. I know it's tough for us independent gals to accept help, but it's only offered by people who care & you'll need some time to recover. And the next boxed set of Breaking Bad :)

  28. Keep up the laps. Moving your body helps move other things along inside that the doctors are concerned with. I'm so glad that Kathleen was able to come to watch over the ranch and manage things while you're out of commission. I've seen pictures of donkey hugs at your place and Morning Bray. They look so sweet. The fact that Lucy was so patient and accepting of the muzzle when you know that she must hate the thing shows how sweet she is. I just hope that all your kids don't hurt you in their excitement when you come home to them.

  29. WOW! They let you eat jello eh! ;-) I work in an industrial area with a lot of machinery and the business next door was broken into during the winter. all the thieves stole was spools of copper wiring.

  30. Good for your sister and Lucy!

    And jello and laps and gingerale too.

    Six weeks minimum before those parts get all knitted together nice and strong so that you can go about your super rancher woman workouts.

    Hope you get out of ICU soon. Bound to be the healthiest one there.

  31. Look out critters - here I come. Bringing a bit of insanity and Alaska to the ranch. Hope I get a hat out of it ;)

  32. Wow. I've been away from my computer for a few days and I get back on and find this. Glad everything is OK now and you'll be home soon. Maybe you can take a cute doctor home with you as a souviner.

  33. Carol in N. Colorado9/1/13, 5:35 PM

    I was going to mention in my earlier post, I am blaming you for getting hooked on Breaking Bad. I spent all of last week and this weekend watching all five seasons. Great show!! Will have to wait until the next episodes are released to netflix.

  34. Been away from internet for a short time, was shocked to see the last few posts, hope you are on your way back to the ranch in no time. I'm sure the critters are missing you, but sounds like they are being good for their care takers. Get well soon!

  35. What? there's no tv in your room? No AMC? I don't watch Breaking Bad, but I'll watch it tonight in solidarity.

  36. You'll be downing jello shots soon, I have no doubt! I love the story about Kathleen and Lucy. And isn't it great how many people love and miss you? Keep healing and remember my motto -- All's well that ends. You'll be through with all of this soon and life will go back to beautiful normal. Sending you big hugs!

  37. Oh, it's all under control at the ranch i can see. Alan and George obviously are monitoring things well. Lucy handing out loves...what could be better?! And I'll bet Hank, Smooch, Wynonna and Johnny Cashcat are pitching in and keeping things running until you return. You have trained them well. That and the fact they are such sweeties and hard to know who is taking care of whom...As for you CrazyEyes...continued speedy recovery. Don't make those nurses chase you down. Bet you're a fave!!! Sending hugs from Oregon.

  38. Isn't perspective something?
    The first response to this post says, "Sisters are amazing."
    My reaction was that Lucy's compassion for your sister was amazing. What a sweetheart.

    Yahoo! Yellow jello. Now I'll be humming Mellow Yellow all the rest of the evening. Not that I have that much of it left here at 9:51pm.

    Glad you're feeling good enough to walk around. That's gotta be good for you!

  39. OMG, I'm off line for a week and come back to you in the hospital! Do take good care of yourself - you're in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

  40. O, Carson I watched Breaking Bad tonight and, WOW; well, what happened isnopyjhifhebasdbsva xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Oh, never mind, I forgot you didn't want to know !

    Keep feeling better; wish I was closer ! Wow,are you ever loved !!!!!!!!!!!

  41. 6 weeks?! Smokes! When I was in the hospital a few months back the bed was like laying in a rubber canoe. It was unmercifully hot. I would have to get up and open the patio door and let the ocean breeze blow on my hot parts and cool me down.

    Hope you're comfortable. Good luck with #1 & #2.

  42. City-sister is having an adventure, for sure. Sweet story. You are looking perky today, soo happy to see that! And if you have to stay there for six weeks (which i doubt you will need ...) you will earn your right to a multicolored jello, just show the the food trolley people this:

  43. Good heavens! Nothing will seem scary or impossible after you survive this crazy ordeal!

    Do you need us to send you a jello cookbook? ;)

  44. Seems to me like you're coming along quite well in such a short amount of time. Way to go Carson! Two thumbs up for one great sister too.

  45. Carson, just rest and get better! And, don't you go running after those cute doctors! :-)
    Cheryl Ann

  46. Can't imagine the panic in the hospital with no back up generators. I'm glad you didn't require oxygen. Geeze. It must have been hot in there. Glad you are up and about.Since there are no animals around maybe you could take pics of the docs and let us know what antics they are up to. T'would be fun, non!
    Joking aside, I know you'll be home soon. Best always,

  47. You'll be out of commission for 6 weeks? I hope you'll be out of the hospital before that. It sounds like this will be a good time to make full use of that wonderful looking daybed in the new sunroom.

  48. I take it the "6 weeks" will be the recovery at home, behaving yourself and doing no farm/ranch work. Now aren't you glad you built that sunroom? I can picture you lounging there with Smooch reporting everything that's going on. Lucy and your sister - what a perfect story!!!

    Love and gentle hugs,
    Nancy in Iowa

  49. Glad you are on the mend. And I guess Ry was right about Lucy taking care of you when you get home. She started with your sis. That is such a precious story. The Cuckoos blow kisses and hugs to you and hope you get to go home soon and recuperate. Oma Linda

  50. Jenny in MN, now in AZ9/2/13, 8:51 AM

    Good thing you are so strong and healthy other than this incident landing you in the ICU. Best wishes for a speedy, uncomplicated recovery. Wish I was closer and could offer help.

  51. Wow you are scary!!!!!! I'm glad to be seeing the donkey pics!!!
    Laughs will help your road to recovery!!!
    Rain :)

  52. Aawww, how sweet - Lucy took pity on the clueless city girl (no offense - from one city girl to another). I'm quite confident that Hank will have everything under control and everyone behaving in your absence. So great to hear how everyone is rallying to your aid and the aid of your herd. Proof positive that, even Seven Miles from Nowhere, you are still not alone.

    BTW...on Breaking Bad this guy...kidding...I haven't even watched a single episode. I have no idea what all the fuss is about. Who's clueless now...?

    Sending lots of love for everyone!
