
Monday, September 2, 2013

Postcards from Pres Hospital

A monumental day ... I graduated from jello to yogurt!

Have I mentioned that Presbyterian Hospital is not only my current residence but also my employer? The staff takes special care of everyone, but I think I may be getting a few extra perks...not counting the weekend power failure. All systems are back to normal now, except for mine.

The surgeon was just here for a visit and says I can probably go home tomorrow. I will spend the remainder of the day taking steps to ensure that happens. Not sure what I'll have up my sleeve, but I just streamed last night's episode of Breaking Bad and have a few ideas.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there was a big storm last night (of course) and the electric fence appears to have blown a fuse. My sister will now be able to add "herding cows" to her résumé, as they are always the first to figure out when the fence is not on. I think it will be in everyone's best interest that I get out of here tomorrow.


  1. That's good news but take care of yourself when you do get out. I know how ranchers are from first hand experience. Sometimes you just need to not do it and get someone else-- and healing from major surgery is one of those times.

  2. YAY..glad you'll probably be getting out of the slammer! Read your blog every day. Hugs to the Smooch et al when you get home. Especially your good sistah! Ann

  3. thanks for the update and i have fingers and toes crossed you get out tomorrow.. on no on the fence.. of course MURPHY and His Law strikes again. good for you on yogurt. not sure i would have wanted my employer in charge of my health. LOL..

  4. Excellent! You will notice rapid improvement in your health when you get home. Though, you will miss those cute doctors. Please do not overdo/push yourself to do things before you are really able.

  5. You are amazing! Going home and being around your critter friends will be good therapy. I'm so glad to see your smiling face. Take care of your dear self.

  6. I feel sure we would all agree with Rain. If you bust out, make sure you take gentle good care of yourself for the next two weeks, and this does not include herding anything! The option is to wind up back in the hospital and we KNOW you don't want that!


    Jo and Stella

  7. Good for you. Glad you're going home. BrBa was pretty good. Nice you got to see it.

  8. Yogurt is good diet. and Yes, take care of yourself, have some rest and listen to your body. Health is treasure number 1 before finance.

  9. I'm glad to read you are making progress. I hope your sister is staying around for a while when you return home - she'll likely need to chain you to the couch or bed. Or install a working electric fence across all exits from the house!

  10. I do hope you are able to go home tomorrow. If nothing else, you can sit and tell others how to do things and pet Smooch.

  11. So glad you're coming home !! ( But not as glad as the 4 leggeds ) !!!

  12. Great news! At least the 'boss' won't need extra evidence for medical leave - the usual forms/notification should do. It's not like they can drive by and see if your truck is in the driveway ;)

    So, when the fence looses its charge, the cows invade. What does your herd do, guard the barn?

    M in NC

  13. Yay for yogurt! Hoping for a quick release.


  14. Fingers are crossed for you to be home tomorrow.

  15. So glad that you are on the mend. And I'll forego the finger wagging about taking it easy since there are so many of us cluckers out here that care about you. I saw the crew list of ranch sitters and I'll wager they are all strong enough hands to take care of all that needs to be done. Hope you get to go back to the ranch tomorrow. I'm sure your critters have all missed "the boss". Oma Linda

  16. ummm, would that not be chasing asses, instead of herding cows?...just saying....

  17. Hoping you do get to go home tomorrow. Knowing just being home will lift your spirits, but do take it easy.

    Your poor sister sure is learning fast about the ins and outs of living 7MSM.

  18. Looks like you are on the mend! Super!

  19. Glad to hear that you may be going home tomorrow. I am sure Smooch is missing you :) Take care.

  20. Ohmygosh, look how GREAT you look! You look like healthy-you again!!! (Simultaneously cheering and sighing from relief...)
    Keeping my fingers crossed for a tomorrow release.
    See you in a few days!! :) :) :)

  21. I have it on good authority that your sis has fixed the electric fence, NOT gotten struck by lightning, and beaten the cattle to the fences. Not one crossed over.
    Trial by fire, for sure. :)
    So very glad you are well on the mend. Hopefully they'll kick you out tomorrow.

  22. I'm so glad you get to go home and I'm sure you will heal faster with your animals next to you. It is great you have such a great support crew that can step in and just make sure you take it easy.


  23. Isn't it amazing that despite your efforts of keeping everyone safe and healthy, you ended up being ambushed from within?
    A new day dawns at the ranch. Welcome Home!

  24. glad to hear you are going home soon. I don't miss a day with out checking out what's going on at the 7MSN. I was sure surprised to see (and worried. i know---) to see you all hooked up. please recover soon, but don't rush it! when the cute dr's say 6 weeks they really mean 6 weeks. longer for some activities. just get well!!!

  25. From what you've written about the road into the ranch, I hope you have some serious pain pills and excellent shocks. After that, I'm sure all will be good provided Smooch isn't a "jumping" hugger. Take care....we're out here watching.

  26. so glad to hear you are making progress !! please go easy so you don't have to re-do anything :) wish I could come help you for a few days....hope you have plenty of help...jeanne frome SC

  27. Hope you get out tomorrow!

  28. Here so soon after your surgery you give us a smile, a thumbs up, and you have even combed your hair. Carson, you are amazing. Again I say, get well and be well. But this time I'll add be careful so you don't further hurt yourself before fully healing.

  29. You'll really be able to enjoy your new sunroom now. Hint.

  30. Get back to work, slacker! Just thought maybe you needed to hear this after of all of the "take it easy" comments. JK. We all want the best for you.

  31. An American in Tokyo9/2/13, 10:50 PM

    Get well soon!!!

  32. Take care of yourself, Carson! A blown fuse? What next?
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~

  33. Partly due to your repeated mentions of the show, Husband and I have been catching up (from the beginning!) on Breaking Bad. RIVETING! I always mean to ration myself with the Netflix dvds: watch ONE episode and stop. It never works and by the end of the whole dvd (3 episodes) my nerves are screaming.
    I'm with anonymous: Go home, sit on your daybed in the sunroom and watch the days go by for a while.

  34. Home tomorrow? Hurray!!!!

  35. Movin' on up in the food groups! I see a piece of toast in your future. :)

  36. I would want a big stick if I were dealing with cows thank you ;-) Hope you are home soon on the ranch with your crew

  37. Take time to heal Carson, it's good for the soul.

    Best always,

  38. Whoa. Just getting caught up. You really know how to celebrate a long weekend. Glad to here that freedom is within your grasp. I know you will be happy to go home (my personal theory is that no one ever gets better in the hospital. They do the work to keep you alive but the recuperation is best done at home!) Good luck!

  39. I am so glad to hear you are getting better!! I suspect when you get back to the ranch you will get better faster. There is nothing like having your loving animals around you.

  40. I leave town for three days, and up in the hills with no internet service, so when I got home to read your blog, I am in shock! I am glad to read you will be coming home soon. Just FOLLOW those cute doctors orders no matter how hard it will be! Take care and get well soon!

  41. Glad to hear of the progress to yogurt...And going home...Your sunroom looks like a great place to put your feet up and mend....
    Oh and more pictures of the desert after the rain....
    Love from NC

  42. KarenK in Portland9/3/13, 11:54 AM

    Hey! Just getting caught up. I'm glad you're on the mend and that your hair looks cute in that picture for all of the handsome docs around there. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  43. Well, it certainly hasn't been boring. Cow herding is no mean feat! And, who knows where that kind of experience could lead? Maybe Lucy will take her under her wing again. Or, Hank. I can see him sending the cows packing.

    Glad to hear all systems are "Go" and you'll be joining your herd soon!

    Don't forget to get your doc's phone know, in case of an emergency. *wink*

  44. Ohhh...what an ordeal for you! Please do not DO anything when you get back home.... this'll take a bit of "getting over" I'm sure .....

    Good for your sister....I can relate a tiny bit. I live in the city too and had to take care of my sister's small 4 acre place, two horses, 4 indoor cats, 2 barn cats 2 ferals that came for a bit of food if I left it out and the neighbour horse lady had to come and help me figure out the feed and schedules, etc...
