
Friday, September 27, 2013

Beware of Alaskans bearing gifts

Ranchsitter #5: Smooch want a Yummy Chummy?

Smooch: What's a Yummy Chummy?

Smooch: Nom nom nom nom nom...this is not a flavor I've had before.

Ranchsitter #5: Wynonna want a Yummy Chummy?

Wynonna: Yes, please.

Who wouldn't want a dog treat made with wild Alaska Salmon and flavored with bacon?

Johnny: I sense I'm missing out on something important.

Johnny: I like the way your hands smell.

Johnny: I wonder what Alaskans taste like?
Probably chicken.


  1. JCC is such a magnificent looking kitty! Hope he got some salmon treats too.

  2. Ranch sitters who come bearing gifts. Wow:)

  3. Those things sound as if they'd be really nutritious. I'll have to look into finding some.

    Johnny's beginning to look a little cheetah-like.

  4. Imagine a visitor bearing treats from afar. Alaskan salmon! I would love that too.

    Best always,

  5. once again great shots, you have not lost your skills with that camera. i got the biggest laugh out of Wynonna.

  6. Carol in N. Colorado9/27/13, 6:40 AM

    Johnny Cat has certainly taken to all the ranchsitters. He is pretty friendly for a feral cat. Yummy Chummy sounds pretty good to me too as I love salmon and bacon. Enjoy your time with your Alaskan friend.

  7. Now that's a treat! And an equal opportunity, multi critter pleaser one to boot.
    It's so cool to see JCC choosing to interact with people like he does. And he is quite the stunner in the looks department as well.
    Happy Friday to 7MSN, xoxo The Cuckoos at the Casa

  8. Yes I agree Johnny also deserves a yummy chummy, please

  9. It's terribly hard not to bring treats when visiting a friend with wonderful animals. :)

  10. To have Smooch, Wynonna and Johnny in the same post, you've made my day, my weekend. Oh and the Alaskan dog treats are nice to know about.

  11. It looks like everyone's thoroughly enjoying all the traffic at the ranch this summer. They're going to expect some fantastic entertainment on your part to get them through the winter. Just sayin'...

    Big hugs all 'round.

  12. Okay, now there's something seriously wrong about feed bacon-flavoured treats to a piggy! LOL

  13. Johnny sure has gotten over his fear of people!

  14. Love Johnny Cash Cat....He is so loveable....Hope he got some treats too....
    You have a great group of ranchsitters...They take care of you and your crew....
    Love from NC

  15. Heck, after smelling those yummy chummies, I was practically ready to do tricks for Joey myself! :-)

  16. mmmmm, and bacon, too! I'm sure JCC would love some. Smooch looks very patient, except for her tongue sticking out in the first pic - "Yes, and now, please!"

    Nancy in Iowa

  17. I've missed your little gang, I'm so happy to be reading the blog again. Johnny Cash Cat certainly is a beauty. Wynona is fabulous as ever of course too - thought I better add that in case she had a Diva Strop at being left out ;).
