
Friday, August 30, 2013

you'll never guess who had colic surgery

seriously. you'll never guess.


go figure.

i'm typing this this live from presbyterian hospital.

stop worrying. i haven't lost my sense of humor. that would be my right hand on the pain button and a one-finger salute with my left. you can tell how much i enjoy being here.

woke up wednesday around 2 a.m. with a stomach ache. blamed it on my cooking. by noon wednesday, i gave in and had a coworker drive out to the ranch to pick me up and drive me to urgent care in belen. they decided i needed to take the fast route to albuquerque with flashing lights. then the cute er doc said he was calling the surgeon. then the surgeon removed a large chunk of my necrotic small intestine. same damned thing that emmy lou (lyle's mom) died from. my prognosis is much better.

My sister has now taken over the typing, so maybe the punctuation will be correct. I called her in Florida as I was being wheeled into the OR, and she arrived sometime, (Carson can't keep her days strait. Kathleen says it was 1:30 Wednesday afternoon, and that she knows it should be "straight.")

Bottom line. All of my friends have rallied and are taking the best care of me  of my animals. Let's keep  our priorities strait. My sister is coordinating ranch sitters and I'm sure everything is under control.

Stop worrying.  I mean it.  Stop worrying.

I don't know if I've got blog coverage lined up. But I will try to post updates occasionally.

Because I know you won't stop worrying. Even though I have told you to stop.

That's all for today. Thank you for your concern.

p.s. The doctors are very handsome.


  1. Handsome docs are the best for a quick recovery. Such nice scenery.

  2. Hugs to you Carson. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. I knew something was going on! I won't tell you not to worry, because I know you will, but the critters will be fine! So glad your are going to be okay and that your sister is there. I was afraid Lucy had you pinned in the feedroom until you removed her grazing muzzle! Prayers for a quick recovery!! Your stay shouldn't be too awful since you have eye candy. :o)

  4. I'm not worrying, I'm not, really I'm not...
    I'm glad you are well cared for and I know you have the animals covered. Enjoy the docs! :)

  5. Carol in N. Colorado8/30/13, 10:34 AM

    I was wondering if you were sick with no blogs for two days. Thankfully you are on the road to recovery. Hugs to you. Take it easy when you get home too.

  6. Love the pic! Awesome....""you look maavelous darlink""!

  7. Oh my! I know your critters are in the best of hands while you recover. Enjoy the view while you're there ;-)

  8. I am sending good vibrations your way. Keep your chin or finger up and best wishes!

  9. Good lord!! I began to wonder what happened when I checked the blog numerous times yesterday and nothing new. Nada, zip, zilch. I had to calm myself down because there wasn't a new Alan/Lucy/JohnnyCashCat/etc update!! Get well soon and I'd also be waving the one finger salute if I was in your shoes, I dislike hospitals also.

  10. Oh, my! This is the last thing I expected! Wishing you are very speedy recovery!

  11. I was wondering why you were silent. I am happy you are in good + good-looking hands, enjoy your luck!
    and I keep my fingers crossed for you and wish for an excellent recovery process. good to have a handy sister!

  12. Whew - I was worried. Knew something was up. Glad you're ok and your sense of humor is intact. If I was closer (I'm in Virginia), I'd be there in a heartbeat to help out. I must say, the i.v. pole attachments are most impressive.......between the 'good' drugs and the good looking doctors, you'll be fit as a fiddle in no time!
    Take care.

  13. Do promise to get better soon!
    Now you noticing how handsome the doctors are is of course a sign in itself that you're OK. Ish. Work on it, will you? We miss you!!!!

  14. PS: you have been eating too much hay!

  15. feel better soon! I wondered what was up...very best to you, Ann

  16. Feel better and take care!
    Best wishes to you!

  17. Damn, Carson. Just....damn.
    (Really glad you're on the mend.)
    Loved the picture.
    Loved your P.S. (reminds me of our trips to Hank's vet) :-)
    Got my finger on Southwest ticket purchase button - just say when.

  18. So relieved to see a post here. Glad someone could step in at the ranch, and you get well soon!!

  19. I guess we all knew something was wrong cuz you were caught up on Breaking Bad and hadn't mentioned taking another vacation. Get well soon Carson. I'm so happy you have a great support team with you.

  20. Linda, I had a hunch something was wrong and so glad you got to the hospital...take care of yourself and we all are pulling for you to get well soon and back to entertaining us every day :) Lots of good vibes coming your way ;) Jeanne in SC

  21. Whew! thought something happened to Hank!:)

  22. whoa!

    you got lot's of bags hanging from your trolley..IV drip-drops

    you will be up and running in no time..feeling 100%

    as long as you got pain meds and you can eyeball a few of the dr. mcdreamie's running round you're good.

    a speedy recovery is in order...

  23. No, I won't stop worrying till you are home and back on your feet....

    I'm so glad you have a wonderful sister and good friends to help out..

    Be well, Carson dear !!

  24. Just said to the friend I am visiting in SLC this morning that I was worried about you because you hadn't blogged since the 28th. And here you are asking us not to worry. Hope you are feeling back up to snuff really soon and that all your critters will get you back in their routine without much delay.

  25. so glad you're OK - I was getting worried. I love that you share your life and lovely herd with all of us.

    Feel better soon!
    Lee Anna

  26. Good to see you still have a sense of humor and that the critters have care takers.

  27. When I noticed the blog hadn't been updated, I started to wonder/worry. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and try to think of it as spending time at the spa, only with needles & beeping machines & tubes in rude places ... well, at least there's hawt docs. ;p

  28. I am so so sorry. I hope you recover fast. Who's going to help you with your gang til you can do it on your own ?

  29. I wondered if something wasn't amiss when you didn't post blog comments a couple of days ago. I am so glad to hear you are on the mend. Enjoy taking some time off and concentrate on healing. Let somebody else do the cooking for a while. ;)

  30. Dianne Daines8/30/13, 11:33 AM

    Can't keep a good rancher down for long, so I'm sure you'll be better soon. I'm a new fan of yours (googled 'donkey' because I love them) and I am spending waaay too much time trying to catch up from day 1 of your blog. I admire your tenacity. I'm thinking you MIGHT be getting close to my age, 62,and that makes me even more gobsmacked about what you are all about. I would like to see pictures of your home, are they in a blog somewhere? I live in the Kickapoo Valley in WI, another beautiful place to be. Except - I live in town, even if it's only 1300 people, so I get my 'country fix' through you. Thanks. Now go get better. Dianne D.

  31. Ouch. Knew something was up when you didn't post 2 weekdays in a row with no warning. So, yeah, we were worrying. Best wishes for a smooth and complete recovery. Tend to your own care; it's the fastest way to get back to those beloved animals.

  32. Carson, my whole family is wishing you a speedy recovery.So glad your sister is with you,that helps.
    We love you and yours so much..sending positive thoughts out your way.

  33. So now that everyone and everything is covered, don't go rushing out of there too soon- enjoy the cute docs and get well! Sending you big hugs - thanks for the update - we would indeed have been worrying about you!

  34. Take care of yourself!

  35. well, i am worrying about you and all those sweeties that depend on you. i know your sister will handle it for you.. so sorry to hear this, i will pray for a quick recovery. and will be waiting for more details when you feel better. hugs from florida.

  36. I was about to send the Morning Bray crew over to check on you and the herd!
    Glad to hear you're well taken care of, eye candy is good for recovery. Take care of yourself, and let the rest of us take care of the farm (I say from 2000 miles away). And the worrying. No matter what you say.

  37. Carson -
    This seems like an extreme way to get out of seeing us when we are in NM! Seriously, I hope you feel better really really fast, and get back to your critters quickly. I'll be in touch!


  38. We were already worrying and will try not to keep on worrying. The good news is that there are so many of us trying not to worry and doing whatever amounts to prayer in our various ways, that you are being loved and cared for beyond all norms, and that damned well better help.

  39. JMG said it best! Sending positive thoughts your way

  40. You deserve flashing lights, but not that kind...hope you feel better soon.

  41. Oh no! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. But if the humor is intact...all will be well. Glad the critters are covered.

  42. Linda, This is an awesome way to get your "lurkers" to chime in. really know how to visit the doctors! Feel better soon...

    :) pauses4paws

  43. Fambly is a wonderful thing. Especially when said fambly members know how to spell. So the blog posts should be covered. And the animals are covered although I imagine Miss Lucy will convince the staff to leave off the dreaded grazing muzzle. Sniggering the entire time.

    Feel better soon, take whatever pain meds they give you because the body heals much quicker when it doesn't have to fight the pain as well as trying to heal at the same time. Per a surgeon after my husband's emergency gallbladder surgery. Who I called Dooger Houser--the surgeon, not the husband. Gah, off track!

    Will await your next adventure. Bated breath and all.

  44. Here's to a fast recovery, Linda. I know this hasn't been any fun for you. (Aren't you happy for that right hand button?) Glad you got to the doctor Wednesday and that they quickly diagnosed and got you into surgery. Even though you're 7 miles south of nowhere, you made it, girl. Now get home soon (but no more of those crazy chores for a while, that's what friends and family are for.

  45. So good to see you.... Ok, I will stop worrying now :)

  46. Not worrying here either. mild concern, but no worrying per your instructions! love the iv pole...don't think there's anything you're not getting! good sign. and yes, cute doctors correlate to excellent care. so, you rest and keep pushing your pain med and you'll be dancing in no time. hi to sissy and your critters will get the best of care. you deserve it!!!

  47. Aye, not worrying anymore: Now we know you're not out there somewhere in a rotten situation, alone and without a cell phone... (We KNEW something had to be very wrong with YOU this time!) Once you've recovered, you'll need to devise less painful and scary means of meeting handsome docs, though, please. Feel lots better and get well soon!

  48. I knew something was up when you had not posted. I am glad you will be okay, just enjoy the handsome doctors. Just have you ranch sitters post pictures of the animals and make sure to keep us updated on yourself.

  49. NOW I'm worried!!! OK - you're fine - you're in good (handsome) hands - I'll stop worrying. Sort of. God bless your sister - and everyone who is pitching in to take care of all the kids. Has Smooch tried to sneak into the hospital to visit you yet?

    Love and hugs,
    Nancy in Iowa

  50. Phew! Glad you are sort of back...and hope recovery will be speedy...

  51. P.S. And bless those cute docs who understood the urgency...

  52. So glad to hear you are under good (and good looking)care. Because we WERE worried.

  53. oh my gosh. that is scary. Hope you feel better soon and of course, everybody who reads your blog will worry. That's just because we all like you even when we haven't met you.

  54. Good Lord woman! You have been around those animals way too long if you have an equine ailment!!! Are you sure you didn't pick up "something" in Cozumel? The things some people will do just to lay about =o) FEEL BETTER!

  55. I thought you may have gone back to the water vacation and decided not to tell anyone...Then again, the herd would have blown your cover...LOL
    Hope you feel well very soon...or not if those docs are handsome...
    Love from NC

  56. Carson, I feel like a dear friend is hurting and ill but there is nothing I can casseroles to make or plants to water...such is the nature of internet relationships. Please know everyone that reads your blog everyday is thinking about you and wishing a speedy recovery! Hugs

  57. I won't worry but get well soon! All my thoughts on you

  58. One more thing-- if you need economic help to get through this, please let your readers know. Those of us at a distance will want to help

  59. Yikes! Sending good thoughts for a quick and smooth recovery!

  60. Ooh poor you! Sending get well wishes and thanks for letting us know. That's dedicated blogging! But you're right we were all worried.

  61. Absolutely love the pic! A woman at church has a chronic disease and is hospitalized about once a year. We always know she's on the mend when she gets her smart-aleck self back.
    Glad you've got friends/family rallying around!

  62. Cute is good and easy on the eyes. Get well soon and so glad you were able to get help as soon as you did as you had a long way to travel.

  63. I knew there was something afoot! I was expecting an animal crisis, and oh my goodness, it was you!

    I'm glad that you've got friends and family, and cute doctors on your team!

    Seriously? You're in the hospital, and worrying about blog coverage? Silly lady! Take care of yourself, we'll be here for you when you get back.


  64. Hope you're on you feet again soon!

    We had laugh at my mother's expense - she had to have a couple of surgeries right in a row for her hip. She was swooning over the "nice looking Irish doctor.". We told her that she had that second surgery just "so he could get his hands all inside her.". grin

    Get better soon!

  65. I knew something was going on! Thanks for updating and take care of yourself!


  66. Get better soon Carson.
    Don't be afraid to pinch a bumm or two and blame it on the drugs! Tee hee!

  67. Wishing you a speedy recovery from N.E. Oklahoma!

  68. Good thoughts for you! Hope you have not to stay in the hospital for long and can be with your animals soon. Thats what you need for recovery I think.

  69. I'm so glad to hear that you are alive! I was about to start pinging Morning Bray Farm and any other folks I know that have visited you. I'm sure I wasn't the only long time reader hatching plans.

    Please know that you have lots of admirers and followers wishing you a quick and easy recovery.

  70. I am not worried either, I was worried when you didn't post and I looked up and down at all the blogs wondering where you were. Now I know.

    Get well fast and you know your friends will be around you taking care of things.

    Jo and Stella

  71. So glad to hear from you!! I was worried!

    Rest up and feel better soon.

  72. I'm so glad you got to the hospital and you're going to be okay. Take care of yourself.

  73. Scary stuff! Feel better soon!!

  74. Man,what the hell is going on in this universe?! All three of my favorite bloggers are dealing with health issues and I'm having the first surgery of my life Wed.! Let's all get well soon together! I don't say it often but love your blog,your animals and you. Get well and listen to the docs.Not easy I know.Take care.

  75. Wah! Trying not to worry...
    I guess if the docs are cute and you can still flip off the camera, things aren't beyond hope. Be better soon. Your critters miss you and so do your readers. xojudi

  76. Told hubby this morning I was ready for a ride to New Mexico. Like all the rest, I knew something was wrong.

    Thought maybe you had discovered "Longmire" on A&E TV and had started watching all of the episodes from two years. It will help you get over "Breaking Bad". Or, read some of Craig Johnson's novels.

    Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville has some of those same cute ER docs too! Don't you stick that finger up at them, just us. *LOL*

    Get well quick!

  77. That's a hell of a way to get a vacation from poop clean up detail!! Get well soon!

    Sue from NY

  78. Okay, I did not expect this! (You either, I'm betting...) I was concerned until I read the last line, then I knew you would be okay. *grin*

    Seriously, though, I don't like the word necrotic used anywhere in a sentence involving body parts - yours or anyone else's. I know you're in good hands and so are your herd.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  79. P.S.

    Only YOU would be blogging from your hospital bed. *head shaking*

  80. Well, Carson, what can I say? Here's to wishing you a speedy recovery~!

  81. Get well wishes are sent your way. I can tell that your pain is adequately controlled by the number of mentions of handsome docs. LOL Hugs to you and your sister and everyone who is helping out.

  82. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Maybe you can convince one of those cute docs to pay a house call to check up on you.

  83. You busted a gut digging that hole, didn't you! See, that's why I don't do that stuff.

    Good to know you're being taken care of, and that you have the strength and coordination to manipulate your digits so handily.

    Get well soon!

  84. Yikes! Glad everyone concerned moved fast and they had you into surgery so promptly! I hope your recovery is a fast one and you are back with your furry friends very soon. xxx

  85. Take care of yourself! And take it easy. Here's an offer...we won't worry about you if you don't worry about blog coverage


  86. Whew, that is quite the IV pole, looks like they are giving you just about everything. Which is probably why the doctors look so handsome:) I hope you heal up fast and feel better. And hey, at least it wasn't one of the equines right?

  87. Love the picture! Hope you feel better soon so you can get the heck out of there. Even if the doctors are handsome, hospitals are nowhere near as fun as being home on the ranch.

  88. Whoa, that's scary! Hope you're back on your feet soon... I'm sure your animals will start up a list of chores for you to do when you get home. :D Recently lost a very dear horse to colic, so I kind of braced myself when I clicked on the link from Facebook, but I'm glad this story had a much better ending.

  89. Poor thing! I do hope you feel better soon. Rest and recover and take things easy.

  90. Too soon for fiber jokes? ;D

    Take care Carson!

  91. Glad you are on the mend. I look the boys and girls first thing in the am to get a smile. I was afraid there was something wrong. At least you have cute docs to look at while you recover...
    Take care,

  92. Oh Carson! Do get well soon, enjoy looking at the cute doctors and the pain meds. Hope you get to make bail and come home soon. Oh and Kathleen-thanks for taking care of her. In case you didn't realize it before, there are an awful lot of people who have never met your sister but consider her a good friend.

  93. Oh my gosh, colic surgery is tough! Thank goodness you went to the hospital and didn't try to handle it yourself with one of your DIY projects! Get better...soon! And make sure you do exactly what those handsome doctors tell you to do.

  94. I was worried!! I still am but I love seeing that you still have a sense of humor!! Get well soon!!!

  95. Ouch... sounds awful. How does one get a case of necrotic small intestine?!
    I hope each day brings more energy and less pain.

  96. I am worrying less now that I was when there was no blog for two days. Here's to a speedy recovery. I'm sure the animals will have some stories to tell when you return. Take care.

  97. I'm so glad you will be okay!!! Handsome doctors are very helpful!
    Take care of yourself. Everyone will be here.:P

  98. You poor thing. Sending prayers and positive light your way. Glad you are on the mend and I hope you are out of the hospital and back on your feet again with your herd very soon. XO

  99. Sounds like diverticulitis, my husband is susceptible to it ad it's very painful- he just had another go round with it a couple weeks ago and fortunately didn't need surgery. So I know how much pain you have been in, and I'm glad you made it to the hospital and the cute doctors and the pain meds. Hope you recover rapidly, I'm sure your critters miss you!

  100. You must be on the mend if you are noticing "cuteness". I always though colic was something that happened to horses when they ate too much green grass. :-}

  101. You couldn't come up with a less painful way to meet cute doctors? I hope they appreciate your sacrifice, but you've got some 'splainin' to do when you get home!

  102. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Had been wondering what was up with no updates on the gang. And special thanks to all your helpers in your recovery.


  103. I'm so glad you got help in time and are on the mend. We feel like we're extended family out here in blog land, keeping tabs on friends and family without picking up the phone to do it. Take good care of yourself and use all your energy to heal, not worry. As much as we love your updates, we know that posting to your blog something that can wait. Since you're such an active, strong woman you should have a fast recovery. You're in our prayers.

  104. I said to my husband this morning ...I hope nothing is wrong on the ranch ( we talk about you like we do our family !! )it's just not like Carson. Just came home from work to find this post. Take care, relax, get well fast. Boy did you have a lot of followers worried about you !

  105. Hell of a way to get close to handsome doctors.

  106. Wishing you a speedy recovery Carson. Of course having cute doctors always helps. Two thumbs up to your sister for being there to help you and also to your friends helping on the ranch. Take care.

  107. Here's to a speedy recovery! I'm so glad you have such a great support team behind you and the gang. Sending healing thoughts and prayers.

  108. EH!! Don't do this again!! I mean, gosh, you take darn it eh!!!!! Praying for your speedy recovery and quick return to the ranch!

  109. So sorry you have to go through this.
    But glad to know you will be OK.

  110. Whew. Get well soon -and thanks for the update. We were worried. And will till all is back to normal.

  111. Ok, that was quite a dramatic event (and post), which sure got all or us readers (rather than commenters) out of the woods and into your comments! Glad all is going well and we wish you a speedy recovery to good health.
    Fay and her family, including the four leggeds.

  112. I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I'm also so thankful that you have cute doctors to fix the problem!

  113. I could not figure out where you had gone and was worried, so thanks for the update. The family at the ranch will be fine, although they will be very happy to see you return. Johnny Cashcat and Smooch may even have arrived at a truce in suppport of Mom when you get home.
    Good for you to reach out for help---even if it took flashing lights and pain to get you to finally make the call.
    Do keep us posted.

  114. What do you mean "don't worry"?! Been worried for 2 days! You have enough hanging from that IV pole to supply an army! Lovely photo. Can we have one when they get you up for a walk in your lovely gown and all snubbed up to that pole like a donkey gone wild?
    Hang in there. Get well. Robert the horse sends velvety lip kisses your way.

  115. I knew something was wrong when I didn't see a post on Thursday! I've been a lurker for awhile and I look forward to your posts. I hope you get well soon, and enjoy the cute docs in the meantime.

  116. Be Here Now, and Get Well Soon.

  117. Oh Linda, I am so sorry.
    I do hope you feel better soon and wishing you a speedy recovery!

  118. Thinking of you and yours today! Get better soon!

  119. And you thought the herd was demanding :) Glad the surgery is over and bases covered. I had hoped that you just sneaked away for a Labor Day included holiday. No such luck. Let the good people tend to you. This will take some time to heal. Good thing there is real pasture this year for grazing.

    Thank you, Linda's sister, for posting. And the picture is priceless.

  120. Big hugs from all of us (humans, cats, Corgis, horses, pony, and especially the donkey boys!) on November Hill. Get well soon.

  121. As many have said, I knew something was happening when there wasn't a post on Thursday, it's just not like you not to let us know if you'll be away from the blog for the marathon Breathing Bad break :-) So I worried and kept checking back: thanks to your sister for relaying your messages to us! What an ordeal..thank goodness the surgery was done in time. Now it's time to concentrate on getting you well. The ranch will be in fine hands with your friends. <>

  122. Well that was a rather dramatic way to see how many concerned caring lurkers u really have out there?! !!!!
    Glad you are ok and I'm sure giving them the business !
    Get well soon- and remember you'll still have to take it easy for awhile when you get home.......sorry but you do have (we all have) blogger moms out there/here .........

  123. Holy crap! I go off on vacation...and this is what I return to?!!!! Geez, Carson. Please no more colic surgery, OK? Hope you are already feeling much better. I'm sure your sis has a handle on the boys and Lucy back home. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  124. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.
    Lynda in Michigan

  125. Hey Carson - glad to hear your on the road to recovery... I KNEW something was up....and the most I could do was pray - which I did. Get it on up and get along little doggie!

  126. I was away when all this happened, but I'm glad I read newest to oldest, because you're right... I would have worried a lot. I'm still worried.

  127. Oh boy, I turn my back for a couple of weeks and you get all dramatic on me. Glad they got you straightened out. If there is one thing we all worry about you it's this very thing, I'm glad your wonderful support system kicked into overdrive.
