Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chickens in the rain

I was standing on the front porch late yesterday afternoon taking pictures of the rain.
I wanted to have a few keepsakes to tide me over until the next storm.
Around here, that could be tomorrow or six months from now. One never knows.
I was so focused on the rushing water coming out of the downspout that I almost missed the real action.

My water-obsessed chickens were fishing for lizards.

Here is Minnie with the catch of the day. 

None of the girls seemed bothered by a little rain on their parade.

I think Minnie may have been fly fishing here.

Here she is having a zen moment staring at her navel. Unless chickens don't have navels,
in which case she must be looking at a bug.

Clara: There ain't no river wide enough to keep me away from you, worm.

Wish I looked as good as these two fresh out of the shower.


  1. That's a first for me. I've never seen chickens soaked like that. I didn't know they would go out hunting in the rain.
    Best always,

  2. How about Johnny Cat? Long time no news! I miss him!

  3. I looked much worse than the girls after golfing in the rain on Monday....

  4. Your chickens are just too funny! They do seem to be enjoying themselves.
    So glad you're getting some rain!

  5. I know there is an old saying about "mad as a wet hen" but mine really don't seem to mind much. If we would only have some rain.....drought is no fun.

  6. I wonder if Minnie got to eat her catch. In my flock, the girl who catches the goodie rarely gets to eat it. The others take it away.

  7. hahaha you got me this morning with the fun comments....those chicks know how to party !!! LOL Hope the boys enjoyed it as much as they did :) Jeanne in SC, visiting grandkids in In. :)

  8. i had no idea chickens would stay out in the rain like this and i must say the last photo shows that a little rain must be good for chickens...

  9. Carol in N. Colorado7/11/13, 7:19 AM

    I bet the chickens were enjoying the moisture and the shower for a change. Hope we get more rain soon.

  10. RAIN!! funny how brown Minnie get more soaked than the others: would she have less feathers? and yes, missing Johnny too!

  11. Minnie looks like she could use a little chicken-sized raincoat and one of those bright yellow rainhats. Or maybe one of those little umbrellas that attaches right to a child's head.....hmmmmmmmm.

  12. It's nice to see the rain puddles and see the chickens out in it. A downpour doesn't seem to dampen their outdoor games.

  13. My mind is still boggled by the thought of murderous, flesh-eating chickens! Until I started reading farm and ranch blogs, all I knew about chickens was that they are great fried or roasted and eggs taste great!

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. Water obsessed? I think they're food obsessed, and they certainly are opportunists.

  15. I'm kinda scared of your chickens. Meat-eaters and all ... LOL! Thanks, I always get a kick out of your blog.

    - Bonz

  16. I love your girls. There is no pretense. Food is available when it rains and they go for it. Now that's a well adjusted normal chicken. And I get to laugh.

  17. I've heard that "mad as an old wet hen" saying as well...I just assumed chickens didn't like getting wet! Ha!

  18. Navel....ha h hah ahahah that cracked me up! Sometimes I get so thirsty when I read your posts, I am relieved you have finally received a little rain, short lived as it may be. Hoo Rah!
