Friday, March 1, 2013

What comes after "mutant"?

Way back when, one of my hens laid an enormous egg. Of course I had to blog about it 
because this is what passes for entertainment in the middle of nowhere.

I did my research and determined that my mutant egg was a full 20% heavier than an official USDA jumbo egg.

Well guess what...

One of my hens has outdone herself. I hereby declare a new USDA classification: Gargantuan.

Weighing in at a whopping 3-5/8 ounces, this specimen is a full 20.8% heavier than the previous record-breaking mutant.
I don't know about you, but I'm impressed.

I have no clue as to which of my girls is responsible.

I do know that it just about filled my not-so-dainty hand and was an extra tasty double-yolker.


  1. I'd be looking over my shoulder for an emu if I were you!

  2. Twins! And OUCH!, that had to hurt!

    I get my eggs from a guy a work, and it's funny to look in the carton. They come in a wide range of sizes every time!

  3. Are you sure there's not a duck hiding in the hen house? Wowzer!

  4. By Golly! I'd say that is most definitely blog worthy. One time, many moons ago, I got a quadroople yolker! I even have the picture to prove it.... somewhere. And I was the self proclaimed Chicken Queen of Owyhee County. Even had a Chicken Queen hat though it wasn't exactly royal looking..... (0;

  5. Estella from Co.3/1/13, 5:28 AM

    Personally, I hurt just thinking about it. That is one heck of a big egg. Next you'll show us that you put a video camera out there to video the "BIG MOMMA", in action. Hugs

  6. Holy Mother of Yolks! That's enormous!
    Any of the girls walking funny? ;)

  7. wow, i am thinking which ever hen laid this egg might have said OUCH....

  8. Waouh! I love the name of your new egg category!! plus double yok, this is amazing - you have the only super duper hens in the country! must be all your TLC tender loving care!

  9. Look for the hen that is wobbling and bowlegged!!!! That must have hurt!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  10. Duck, duck, GOOSE!

  11. Double yokers are always a welcome surprise in my house! Gotta love 'em.

  12. MMmmmmm omlets ;-) and ouch ;p

  13. I'm loving the idea of a webcam in the henhouse.

  14. Ouch from me too. How does that thing get out? Have you measured the diameter?

  15. My girls would lay double-yokers when they first started laying but none after that.....what a fun treat and I'm sure that didn't feel good coming out! Betsy

  16. Now I'm hungry. Sounds like it's never a dull day in the middle of nowhere.

  17. Thanks so much for posting daily. I look at your blog first thing in the morning and you never cease to amaze and amuse me every time.
    I don't often comment, but just wanted you to know you lift my spirits. Thank You

  18. If you figure out who dunnit you can name her Gargantu-hen.
    Love your posts... :)))))

  19. Love the double-yolkers!

  20. That makes one mighty big one-egg-omelette! Poor hen.

  21. Whoever did it would be pleased to hear all the "clucking" about it in the comments.
    I'm also impressed with your math skills. :)

  22. It doesn't take much to make me wonder about things and this egg did it. I discovered that a hen in Cuba laid an egg weighing 180 grams, or 6.35 oz. Not being convinced I had found the largest chicken egg, I went back to my search results and found that there is a recorded egg weighing almost 12 oz. and was over 12 inches around. The web site didn't say if the chicken survived that one! I wonder, too, what your hens have been eating these days to produce such a gargantuan egg. Diet has to influence egg size. How many spiders, mice or birds would it take?

  23. Maybe its a rooster that just finds goodies for certain hens. It might be chicken romance or you know, something like that.

