Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday encore ~ Alan voices his concern

I'm often asked about the braying habits of my donkeys: how often, how loud, how come? My herd doesn't bray nearly as often or as loud as I would like. A donkey's bray is like a song to me and, if I could, I would keep putting quarters in the jukebox to hear it.

Lucy brays only occasionally, usually when she wants a date. George never brayed at all until recently. It was almost as if he didn't know how and finally figured it out. Now he and Alan might sing a little song together if I'm too slow coming out of the feed room with their breakfast.

Alan is the only consistent brayer in the herd. He'll speak up any time he perceives an injustice. I finally caught him in the act in this short video. If you're not quite sure what Alan's trying to say, I've subtitled the second half. (And if you're watching this at work, you might want to turn the volume down a bit.)


  1. I love, love the braying. Had a good chuckle. Keep up the good blog. A good start to my day. Bev

  2. Ditto to what Bev said, and I *loved* the subtitles!

    Oh that braying .. it got all the dogs up and barking! It made them come quicker than their favorite word (cookies).

    Thanks for the belly laughs ..


  3. I'd love to hear Lucy's dating bray. As intimidating as she can be when something doesn't suit her, I bet it's unnerving for the boys when she's being overly friendly.
    Love Alan's bray.

  4. love it and i have heard donkey's are great at warning you when something or someone is up to no good. as in a donkey sentry or alarm system. i am wondering if they bray like this if a stranger comes on the property, like at night.... of course i do know you live in the middle of no where so it would be hard to test my theory.

  5. Alan is the family spokes-donkey.

  6. Alan may be small, but he is certainly not shy. Loved it.

  7. I love the braying and wish there was a way for it to play automatically when people open up your blog for the daily read.

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! You girl are hilarious and obviously very insightful. AND you can understand donkeyspeak or donkey song... love it and thanks for getting the blood pumping today from the giggle attack and pasting a smile on my face. Happy Easter to you and you're wonderful gang.

  9. Love the braying! Emma the Calico Queen came trotting up to my leg to see what the ruckus was all about, but she doesn't bray. She meowed her concern!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  10. Hahahaaa- No wonder you live out in the middle of nowhere --- you wouldn't be the favorite neighbor on the block!!

  11. I love it!
    I had a donkey years ago. A friend was staying with me, a 'townie' and she got home after dark. The donkey began braying and my friend just about lost her mind! She had never heard a bray and thought it was some weird chupacabra out to get her in the darkness! I've never laughed so hard!
    Thanks for posting!

  12. An American in Tokyo3/31/13, 8:05 PM

    I love your subtitles!!
    I would never have understood what was going on without them!!

    Please give Alan and all the rest of your family a hug from me!

  13. A donkey's bray is music to my ears, and I smile every time I hear Star. I laugh when I hear Buddy, cause he squeaks! Although the other day, I did get him with a pretty good bray on my trail cam I have set up in the pasture. I will be posting it sometime. After I get thru all the videos, and the "I should Post That One" I am tired and lost track! LOL

  14. i have neighbors around, so i hate the braying. it's about 6 times per day, and horrific, like monsters being tortured on a rack, not the sweet song alan has. the braying starts at 6:30 AM on the dot. 2 neighbors have complained so far. it's mostly the gelding, bellis only brays once every few days (but it's ear-splitting pain when she does). i have a little video of my donkeys braying when i brought the laptop out to show them donkeys braying on youtube. i won't do that again, it clearly scared them.) i'll put it on my youtube channel if you're interested (lythawausw).
