Friday, November 16, 2012

Blame it on the Lunch Lady

Lucy and the boys flunked the sand portion of their most recent fecal tests. Not good. An accumulation of sand in the gut can cause colic, which is the last thing we need around here. Since they've tested sand-free up until now, I'm blaming the drought. The pasture grass is very short, so they might be ingesting more dirt and sand while they graze, and the area where I feed them is dry as a bone, so they're probably picking up sand when they toss their hay out of their tubs and eat it off the ground.

Yesterday I decided to nip part of the problem in the bud by moving their feed tubs into the stalls, where there are rubber mats instead of dirt. They did not embrace the change.

Lucy: You want me to eat in there with them? I don't think so.

George:  I didn't invite her to sit at our table. Did you?

Lucy, George and Alan may have burned as many calories as they consumed
while they jockeyed back and forth between stalls. 

Me: Alan, do you have to pee?
Alan: Yes, but I'm not about to give up my spot at this tub.

Hank dictated who ate where and when...

...with the simple flick of an ear.

Lucy: Meal times were so much simpler when the Ethelettes were here.


  1. Here in Sandizona it's a problem, too. I gave my horse psyllium to help with that. I think I've seen some similar plastic tubs in your photos. And I'm sure the new dining table arrangements will settle down soon!

  2. politics even in the animal world eh!!

  3. I know those mats cost an arm and a leg, but could you get some for out in their normal feeding area?
    A friend of mine did that, but she only had one horse in the eating in that pasture. Didn't need so many mats.

  4. I could see where they would all feel a bit too close for comfort when it comes to mealtimes...No one wants to worry about getting kicked in close quarters!

    I never thought about sand being able to cause colic....That's a tough one where you live!

  5. Don't let them get by favoring The Ethelettes, they will get used to the new system!


  6. Don't worry - this is easy to fix. We have a lot of sand in our soil. I give the girls Fibersyll 4 in 1 by Select ( They eat it happily in their food, and it keeps the sand slurping from causing problems. There's another brand that I can't remember, but it doesn't taste as good, according to Silk & Siete.

  7. Carol in N. Colorado11/16/12, 8:14 AM

    We give psyllium to the horses here because of the dry summer and the horses seem to graze where there is more dirt. The gang will get use to being fed in the barn instead of outside.

  8. now that is a heck of a problem, flunking a poo test. Colic is no fun no matter the animal. My Saint Bernards used to get colic from eating certain plants in the yard. Never mind that they tended to graze like cattle. I had to range them in and not leave them out to do what their little hearts desired or pay the price, literally and figuratively.
    Crowded feeding times would be a difficulty as well. Oh the fur baby shuffles we do cuz we love um. Oma Linda

  9. One thing's for sure. They'll go where the hay is and will make whatever adjustments to ensure they get their share. Love the faces and crossed legs.

  10. Could you use some of those nets to hang some hay in?

  11. Love the caption about having to pee....
    I worry about the sand, too. I have to get some Sand Clear to see if we can move accumulated sludge out of the digestive tract. I never knew that sand shows up in fecal tests. Doh! I mean, how dumb can a person be? Garbage in - Garbage out!

  12. Love those expressive Lucy lips.

  13. I'm totally anti colic in all creatures. I hope their next poo exam showed less mineral and more fiber...
