Thursday, October 18, 2012

George is left holding the bag

Alan: Let me play with it for awhile. Pretty please? 

George: We can play tug of war.

Is it me or does George look like Bugs Bunny here?

Alan: We should have picked the plastic bag. This thing rips too easily.

George: Score!

George: You're going to take this away now and spoil all my fun, aren't you?


  1. Game over? I don't see Bugs Bunny but that last picture is too cute. So fun to watch their playfulness.

  2. I don't see any family resemblance to Bugs Bunny in George, Carson. Although I haven't seen Bugs in a long long time.

  3. Estella from Co.10/18/12, 6:40 AM

    How funny, I just love starting my day with 7MSN humor. It seems to make even my coffee taste better. Thanks for the usual HUGS to all.

  4. Love the last picture!! It reminds me of my kids---standing in the pantry with a cereal box, "Who ate all the cereal!!?"

  5. The last photo is too stinkin' cute!!

  6. The ripping is the fun part, right Alan? Much better than boring plastic.

  7. They are so dern cute!!! I am not sure if mine would pay any attention to the feed sack! Guess I can try sometime soon. They all have so much personality. We love ours so much!

  8. LOL - those adorable donkeys of yours sure are a hysterical source of amusement aren't they? So much personality!!! And so stinkin' cute!! Oh, and I absolutely saw Bugs!! :) They always make me smile...

  9. I see Bugs! What a fun series! Those boys are so dang entertaining. And you know me with burro nostrils and lips.

  10. Defintely a little Bugs in picture number 3! These donks all seem to get along so well and its great fun to see them.

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  11. I LOVE that last picture - just brilliant!
