Monday, September 17, 2012

Keeper of the cone

Me: Lucy, I detect a note of displeasure in those ears.

Lucy: It was my turn on cone watch last night, and frankly I'm a little tired.

Lucy: I realize we don't have many cones left and each one is a valuable treasure to be guarded,
but still, it's not like the damned thing is going anywhere.

Lucy: Alan, it's your turn.

Alan: I've got my eye on it. Relax and go take mom for a ride.


  1. HA!! Those flat out to the side ears on Lucy make her look like she is coming in for a landing eh! ;-)

  2. I love it when Lucy cusses.

  3. It's good to have a job that requires passion. Lucy's guarding job seems to affect her in an ear sorta way. Those ears are a riot of information. That pose is priceless.
    Just when I think I've seen all there is to see in the latest ear language lessons, here come your donkeys to give another example. Love them.

  4. Lucy looks like she's detecting incoming and George looks coned out. :)

  5. Estella from Co.9/17/12, 7:48 AM

    You just have to LOVE THOSE LONGEARS...Lucy is just so darn special...hugs to all

  6. Giggles. Such a cute trio and Lucy's ears are so awesome.

  7. Lucy looks overworked and exhausted from her night of cone duty, and George could care less about the cones.

  8. Re: your tweet about Eden City, I just received an email that the donkey-roping has been cancelled. Thanks for the heads up, Linda!

  9. Love this "couple"! How long have they been married? :-)

  10. OMG, Best Donkey Ears Ever!
