Wednesday, June 20, 2012

UPDATE: Dear Van Horn, Texas, thank you for doing the right thing

Most of you read the post below earlier today. The NBC affiliate in Midland, Texas, 
broadcast an interview with Jason Owens tonight on their evening news. Here is a link to the video.
At the 1:23 mark, Jason Owens says, "We haven't done anything wrong and I'm not gonna surrender these donkeys. 
I'm gonna use 'em. I'll sell them if these guys wanna buy 'em." 

The donkey roping event is still cancelled, but the battle with Jason Owens continues. Damnit.


Yesterday afternoon, the city of Van Horn, Texas, cancelled the World Championship Donkey Roping
scheduled for June 23 in response to public input and the number of complaints received. 

Let us all bow our heads together and say

Every e-mail you wrote and every phone call you made added up to one big hullabaloo, and the city of Van Horn did the right thing. Power to the people, and God bless social media because without it, we'd never have known about the event in the first place, let alone been able to spread the message and get folks all riled up to help stop it ... in 7 stinkin' days.

Now what? I've spoken to Jason Owens, the stock contractor and rodeo producer, three times and at length since Friday. He has assured me he will never, ever put on another donkey roping, and I believe him. He has incurred the wrath of the online donkey community once, and he never wants to be the focus of our ire again. Justina and I have had assurances from Mark Meyers of Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue that PVDR will provide sanctuary for Jason's herd of roping donkeys. I have made this known to Jason and have every reason to believe that he and Mark will work out the details. In that case, the donkeys would be transferred to one of PVDR's sanctuaries to live in a pasture environment and never be roped again. Amen.

We haven't won the war against donkey roping, but man oh man have we shown what a formidable opponent we can be.

Now excuse me while I go celebrate. I told Lucy, George and Alan that we'd all go out for a beer and they're getting a little impatient.


  1. HOOOOOOOray! Miracles do happen.

  2. Congratulations!
    Have one on me!!!!

  3. Jenny in MN, now in AZ6/20/12, 4:54 AM

    Thank you for seeing this through and making all the calls you did. Never think for a minute that your blog is not of great importance! So many of us enjoy your pictures and stories AND we Love your great judgement, kind heart and efforts.

    I wish I had more time to work on the things in life that really matter to me. Someday I will get there, but the little I did do to help with this is a start. Thank you.

  4. Well done! And your blog has played a big part in publicising how bad the event was and encouraging people to sign the petition and write to those involved! Power to the online donkey community! :-)

  5. I am giddy with the news and sent an email to everybody listed on Justina's page to thank them. We did it. You were wonderful. Lucy, George, Allan and you can all have a beer on me! (but aren't they underage?)

  6. Wow, what would we do without social media? Thank you so much for letting us know what we could do to help. Without people like you and Justina we would have never known things like this even happen.

    Take a little time to celebrate; you deserve it!

  7. First thing I did today was open up my copy of the email from Ms. Malafronte. This is all kinds of WIN! Thank you, Linda, for making us aware of this event. Think of the lives you have changed and saved! SO happy that the donks have a safe place for retirement :)

  8. I'll join you all in that beer celebration.

    Perhaps it would be appropriate for those who are able to make some donations to the donkey rescue in honor of Jason and the folks who learned from this. And/or, in the spirit of loving our neighbors, a donation to Jason to show him we know he has lost revenue from the event and we want to make it up to him because of the way he responded?

    Do you have any addresses for these? Maybe you could put this information on the blog since not everyone reads the comments?

    Here's to this small step in the right direction!

  9. Wonderful news!

  10. Diane from NC6/20/12, 5:57 AM

    Way to go Carson, and all the donkey lovers who stepped up and took a stand on this issue. We are all celebrating with you today.

    Don’t know if you are familiar with The Carpenters song, “Bless the Beast and the Children” or not, but It will be worth the listen. It pulls at my heart strings every time I hear it and I could not get it out of my head the last few days while this issue was being played out. Thank God and the promoters of this event for doing the right thing for our long ears.

  11. Woo Hoo!!!!! We in Atlanta Georgia and the entire Southeast who probably don't have donkeys SALUTE YOU and EVERYONE who stopped this horrible injustice. I hope someday that I will have a donkey of my own. Hugs and Kisses (even donkey kisses) to ya'll. Deborah in Atlanta

  12. YEEEHAAAAAAA!!!!! A good ol' fashioned tar-n-feathering done in a new fangled way. NO ONE wants to walk around town with feathers stuck to 'em.

    I would love to provide a loving home to some rescue donkeys. It's kind of cold here, but I would put a coat on them!

  13. This sounds like it was more than a protest ... it was a negotiation that provided a graceful way out for the promoter and a place for his donkeys to go. Kudos to everyone involved in this for a great outcome for all!

  14. Yippee, yahoo!!!! I cannot think of a better way to start my day than with GOOD news eh!!
    Doing happy dance in Canada EH

  15. WooHoo!! Love people power!

  16. FANTASTIC news! Now there has to be a way to donate to help these donkeys when they are transferred to their new home...?

  17. I am so stinkin' happy about this, I cannot believe how fast and furious the donkey lover community went after this challenge. I also wrote to thank the Chamber because they stepped up and did the right thing. Beer for your donkeys? I would've thought watermelon. Either way, Cheers!!

  18. Perfectly said.

    Carson, you ROCK. Big time.

    We had beer and watermelon here last night too.

  19. Yeee Haaaa Great Googly Moogly! I'm so happy. Can you give an address so i can send a check to help some of those sweet donkey's? I'm too far away to go get one for Josie to love.
    THANK YOU and Justina!

  20. This brought tears to my eyes. I don't even own a donkey (but am a animal lover)... I did send emails for you and glad to contribute!

  21. Thank you for bringing awareness of this event to light, and for all the work you did to get it stopped. It is a wonderful thing that the hearts of the people were heard, and the minds of the people in charge were changed. This is no small thing that has happened here. I'm wondering if we could take it one step further, and everyone that was willing to call, write, and/or sign the petition would be willing to do the same with a note/voice of thanks? Just a thought...I also would be willing to contribute to the folks offering to care for these animals. Poor little darlings...I'm so happy they have a better life ahead.

  22. Estella from Co.6/20/12, 7:13 AM

    o.k. where do we go from here to stop it ALLLLL the way. Thank you...thank you....thank you and everyone else that followed up with calls and emails. What is up next oh GREAT leader....hugs and kisses today for Lucy, George, and Alan...Hank, too.

  23. Hurrah for donkey crusaders everywhere. Without every single call, posting or email the heart would have been there but not the guts. You and Justina are amazing, caring humane humans who have shared your love for donkeys with so many. And we many thank you for all you do.
    Tomorrow is another day to fight the good fight. Today is a day for clinking glasses and high fives all around.
    Last night I had a dream that the "caped donkey crusader" had a costume and I'm thinking this morning.....hmmmmm that's a celebratory possibility. Oma Linda

  24. I'm tearing up a little! This is wonderful news! Thanks to everyone who made this happen!

  25. Thank you, bloggers, and to each and everyone of you who helped make this (not) happen. I know the donkeys say "thank you".

  26. that's awesome. thanks for bringing it to our attention. i never would have known about it if you didn't get the word out. glad i could do my small part ;-) congrats!

  27. Social media can indeed do powerful and wonderful things! Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention. I met Danni's boys for the first time on Monday, and now know in person how wonderful donkeys are!!

  28. Woohoo! Thank you for all your hard work on this. Rafer Johnson and Redford send huge donkey hugs to all at 7MSN.

  29. I'm not sure if I've ever been more proud of you, little sister. I never doubted you would succeed - we Carsons never give up. I am honored to have done my small part by writing and Facebooking -- and sending a big THANKS to the folks in Van Horn, too. They really stepped up.

  30. Amazing, simply amazing. I am so over-the-top-happy for you and especially for the donkeys!
    Thank you for pushing this forward. This just made my day.

  31. someone commented on my blog about donkey basketball, that I would not oppose, maybe the donkeys could learn to play basketball before Saturday?

  32. Great news! It sounds like the major decision maker in pulling the plug on this was actually Jason Owens the stock contractor. I understand that he doesn't have an e-mail, but is there a way to get messages of thanks to him without having his phone ring off the hook? I really am impressed that he actually took the time to listen and talk to folks. There are a lot of stock contractors out there that wouldn't have been so open. Anyway, thanks you Carson and everyone that got the ball rolling and spent so much time to get this thing stopped!

  33. Oh, good! I was wondering what they'd do with all the donkeys. That is a good solution, yes, especially for the donkeys! Phew~glad we all made a difference!

  34. Carol in N. Colorado6/20/12, 8:16 AM

    My dd, dgd and I were happy to do our small part in saving these sweet, loveable creatures. I hope the donkeys are transferred to the rescues quickly. Thanks Linda and Justina for bringing this issue to our attention.

  35. Wonderful news, put me on cloud 9. It is wonderful to be part of a process that stops an unnecessary and harmless event and makes for a better future for the donkeys. This one is for Patrick!

    Thank you Carson, Justina, and Don for leading this effort!

  36. GREAT NEWS!!

  37. Thanks Van Horn peeps and Mr. Owen. I hope you truely did see the wrong in this and not just the heat. BUT, we'll take this any way we can get it!

  38. P.S. I still want one of those T-shirts!

  39. Fantastic!!!!!! Thank you for all of your hard work and diligence. A wonderful victory for the donkeys!!!! They'll be thanking you with every free breath they take on the wide-open pastures.

  40. SHUT THE DOOR!! Wonderful - I'm so glad! I participated in the email campaign and I'm very, very happy it worked!! Good work EVERYBODY!!

    Lee Anna

  41. Holy crap, indeed! We did good. The only cloud over my parade today is that I don't have a donkey to hug. All my other animals are looking a little disheveled right now, though.

  42. Absolutely, positively, stupendously FABULOUS news! Thank you everyone who played a part in this great victory. What a momentous occasion in history!


    Cheers! Like others have said, thank you for letting us know about this. The outcome is so wonderful and really brought this topic to the public and brought awareness. I only hope that all donkey roping will end.

  44. As they used to say on Hee-Haw..
    Saaaah looooot to everyone who stopped this event! Thank you thank you thank you.

  45. This is fabulous news! Great job everyone! I think I'll have a beer to celebrate too!

  46. The celebrations are wonderful --- but the cheerring isn't over!!
    We must now help to transport and support those donkeys to their new locations!!
    Please now give us the information and suggest to your fellow bloggers how to support Mark Myers on his Donkey reserve!!

  47. I'm in agreement with Anne. To make donations to Peaceful Valley with the message that we are supporting them and thanking Jason Owens. To directly thank him and to thank the city of Van Horn.

    Would you let us know the best way to do that? I am making a contribution to Peaceful Valley, but I think it's also important to thank those making this decision.

    This is wonderful!!

  48. I wrote Thank You emails, and am glad to hear you report the donkeys involved will never be used for roping again! What a victory for the Donkey! I KNOW BUDDY thanks everyone...(he was used as a roping donkey at one time, cause he told me so). Anyway, this is truely great news.


  49. Thank you Van Horn, Texas, thank you Jason Owens and most of all thank you Carson for getting this stopped. I seriously doubt that Jason Owens will ever consider having another donkey roping, he sounded pretty convinced to me. Lots for credit to him for listening.

  50. Sue from California6/20/12, 10:41 AM

    Thank you to you and the other the blogs for your time and effort to keep us informed, to everyone who called and e-mailed and signed the petition and to Van Horn, TX and Jason Owens for doing the right thing for the donkeys. This feels really good!

  51. I would like to see Van Horn come up with an activity with their donkeys that we could all support. They could give wild donkeys to teenagers to tame and train for ground work for a set period of time like 3 months. Then they could have a competition where the teen-donkey teams compete. It could have all kinds of fun things: an obstacle class where the donkey wears a pack and maneuvers over little bridges and things, picks up its feet for inspection, and does all those things that would be handy for a donkey to do. A donkey olympics!

    The winners could get scholarship funds. It would be great to have a way for us to contribute to this online. Afterwards, there could be an online auction where donkey lovers could bid on the little guys and take home a well cared for pet.

  52. Excellent news! Yes, you rock! And thank you Van Horn, Texas and Jason Owens for hearing us.

  53. My hats off to the folks at Van Horn and to all involved for bringing compassion to the forefront. Thank you all so much. I'm mentally passing a nice cold one your way, Linda.

  54. I am so glad this had a happy ending!I was doubtful we could change the mindset, and I am deliriously happy to be proved wrong!
    I sent my thank you emails. These folks definitely deserve a pat on the back for doing the right thing.

  55. Good job, Carson. I know you slept with a smile last night. Hugs to you and your herd. Celebrate. Bray Team Donkey!!

  56. This is such fantastic news! I wrote to Justina that I had immediately written thank you emails to the 2 people i had emailed about stopping this action. I'm just so proud of our efforts and the fact that you both jumped in to make this happen. I know your boys are proud of you, too!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  57. I'll NEVER underestimate the power of 2 detirmined women again :)

  58. I could just cry! Oh wait...I am. Tears of happiness flowing in Tulsa. (Admitedely, I had lost hope that greed would prevail.)

    Linda, my joy is for the Donkeys of course, but a lot of it is for you because I know how this must have eaten away at you. Thank you for being a louder voice than some of us were able to be.


  59. yippie we did it, Power to the People who make a difference!!

  60. Thank you. Thank you for making justice happen.

  61. Yeh for teamwork and a great leader of the pack!

  62. Hmmm. How much per donkey? I could bail one out.

  63. Ok... SO how much does he want for one of the donkeys? I am sure we all can raise enough money to buy them off of him and make sure they make it to the rescue!!!

  64. This update is disheartening. Clearly, this mass of cells doesn't get it at all. If he thinks he hasn't done anything wrong, if he thinks there is nothing wrong with exploiting animals, then he doesn't get it. I don't know how much it would cost to buy these donkeys; but he would probably use the money to buy more. I don't understand why the animal protective services can't do something permanent to end events like this. Isn't there a law about cruelty to animals? Sigh.

  65. Over at they do this sort of fund-raising/payoff thing all the time. check it out...

  66. I wondered when his "good ole boy" would kick back in. Probably got a bunch of heat from the local cowboys at a bar for being a 'wuss'.
    DAMNIT! :(

  67. I don't know how many of you have dealt with Texas redneck guys. (Unfortunately since we have been in E. NM I have dealt with quite a few!) He's feeling very threatened by all the "liberal hippies" that killed a profitable event. $$ is tight right now with hay over $12 a bale. I'm in no way saying he was right, but if the tone people are using with him does shift quickly he will dig in his heels just to give the "liberals" a hard time and the donkeys will suffer.

  68. Estella from Co.6/21/12, 8:24 AM

    Where is PETA?????? He just doesn't get it...does he. We have to work on making this an event that isn't a money maker....that's what it is all about. Hugs

  69. Well I was encouraged that Owens called off the event. But I had a feeling he would not give those donkeys up to a sanctuary. He does have money invested in feeding them (well we hope so, anybody seen a picture of these donkeys?). He doesn't really see the problem with roping them, he sees dollar signs. I think it would be great if there could be a fund started to raise money to buy them. Unfortunately Van Horn is not the only place in Texas that donkey roping takes place, so he can probably take his event somewhere else or sell them to someone else that puts on donkey ropings. The fact that he cancelled this roping might be the best we can get. Small victory, but maybe it is a start. At least the awareness of these events has increased!

  70. Made me cry tears of joy ... Woo Hoo for the Donkeys!
    Lisa G. in TN

  71. Uh oh, someone convinced Mr. Owens that he could recoup some of his investement in these donkeys. So how much does he want per donkey? He has 40? So how much for each one?

  72. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. Thanks for the education about donkey roping so my voice could be heard as well. It would be interesting to see how many states were involved with this.
    Thank you & Justina!
