Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's all just for show

Alan: George, please stop doing that. You can be so annoying.

Alan: Don't make me kick this up a notch.

George: This other one tastes better anyway.

Alan: *heavy sigh*

George: Whoo-hoo! Finally got him to play with me.

Alan: It may look like we play rough sometimes, but it's all just for show. And blog fodder.


  1. George & Alan are quite the characters! Have a great week.

  2. Those guys remain . . . puppies!
    Or burritos . . . whatever a baby burro is called.

  3. Do you ever have any clouds in New Mexico? You always have the most beautiful blue skylines! They make for great pictures!

  4. I love the very last picture. That face is so expressive and clear that you can see his whiskers. Ears forever.
    Best always, Sandra

  5. Those guys are soooo adorable !!! Makes me wanta just squeeze their little faces !!! jeanne in SC

  6. The last picture makes me want to kiss his sweet nose. I love June's comment--"burritos" :)

  7. You always get the bestest shots of the boyz clowin' around or is it that they do their best shot clowin' around? And I love the last photo with Alan's secret idenity revealed.....check out the tiny devilish horn whisps of hair....tee hee. Oma Linda

  8. Estella from Co.5/3/12, 7:16 AM

    George and Alan are just the cutest. They look like they still have quite a bit of hair still on them. Have a good day and hugs to all.

  9. I just adore that face....sigh.

  10. You should make a line of greeting cards with the critters.

  11. Give that nose an extra rub from us.

  12. Love that last photo...I just want to kiss him! Betsy

  13. Cute ! In the last picture Alan looks like he has a black cat on his muzzle, whiskers and all.

  14. OMG how I love that last picture.

  15. It's great that all your critters get along so well and enjoy each other's company. Except Wynnona, perhaps, but who can blame her. Royalty does not mix with the riff raff, everyone knows That.

  16. I agree with Janet, I can just see a line of greeting cards with cute captions....All males, animal or human, play the same way..rough housing all the way...

  17. That last picture of Alan is adorable. What a personality!

  18. That last photo just melts my heart :)
