Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Daffodil in springtime

The temperature outside and in has warmed up a tiny bit in the last few weeks.
Daffodil no longer spends every minute of the day under the woodstove. 

Now I can find her in the kitchen. Waiting.

Stalking me.

Watching my every move.

Preparing to pounce the second she hears me open the bag...

...of crack for cats.

Daffodil: Toss me another one or this is gonna get ugly.

Smooch: Mom? Everything ok in there?

Daffodil: @#!$% dog.


  1. This post makes me smile :-)
    Daffodil is a beauty and Smooch....I think she likes the catnip too.

  2. HEH HEH. Nice of Smooch to make sure his mama was okay. LOL

  3. That's one scary looking cat! She sure can glare.

  4. Crack for cats ... ha ha ha!!!

    Daffodil is one beautiful cat, with such an expressive face.

  5. I can see Smooch's tongue. She's checking on you, but hoping maybe she can snag a cat crack snack for herself. :)
    Cats can look so menacing!

  6. Love it! That kitty has the most beautiful face!

  7. You have captured the scene and translated the thoughts so perfectly (as always)! I love Daffodil's eyes!
    (Oh, and I was all set to be jealous if you had the flower type of daffodil's showing already!)

  8. I know all about kitty crack. They sneak up behind me while I am busy in the kitchen. I turn around and there are the two of them looking like the little girls in The Shining. It has become a routine.

    Greenies, absolutely kitty crack.

  9. Glad things didn't have to turn ugly in the kitchen. Daffodil is a cutie with attitude, it could have gone very wrong if you didn't comply. Thank goodness you have Smooch at your back.

  10. Carol in Colorado3/6/12, 8:50 AM

    Daffodil is beautiful. She sure has the "look" down. Cat crack, I love the term. My cats don't care for the Greenies but sure like some of the other brands. My cats love it when I spread catnip down in the sunroom. The catnip eventually finds it's way all around the house.

  11. So, you were lying on the floor again, weren't you ? :)

  12. Boy, I'd be out of treats in like five minutes...

  13. catnip is crack for cats -- perfect! I love Daffodil; her coloring is perfect.

  14. She's beautiful. I didn't even know they had catnip treats. I can see why she would be stalking you for them.

  15. yep! My Emma loves those crack treats! I accidentally spilled some loose catnip on the floor - usually goes inside some velcroed mice - and she managed to clean it all up better than a vacuum!

    Daffodil is certainly a beauty!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  16. Smooch has the most expressive face of any dog I know (including my own). All dogs know that their cat roommates are the boss!

  17. Yeah, crack for cats is right. Tino, who does not play, will play if he has had some cat crack. Otherwise he is all business, catching the squirrels, mice, voles, chipmunks and baby bunnies. Birds are not his thing.
