
Friday, March 9, 2012

The "All Eyes are On You" Contest

1. Because Rosebud and Snapper were feeling excluded when Daffodil got her own post this week and I got to thinking that you all might be feeling excluded because I rarely reply to your individual comments, but I (and my parents) appreciate them more than you will ever know, and we even discuss them during our weekly phone call, and my mom keeps asking me who all these new readers are and I have to confess that I honestly don't know but they seem like such nice people.

2. Because I love stream-of-consciousness sentences.

3. Because it's almost spring, though you would never know it by the weather here yesterday when it snowed all damn day and the wind blew so hard that part of the freeway was closed because the blowing dust was too thick to drive through and when I learned about that, I e-mailed Justina so she wouldn't get stuck in traffic when she went home for lunch to feed the Boyz and Gracie because they would be so upset if she didn't show up to give them their hay and isn't it about time that we all got together for another donkey playdate?

4. Aren't you glad that I usually edit my thoughts when I write a post?

5. Because the new season of "Mad Men" starts on Sunday, March 25, which really makes me happy because Sundays haven't been the same since the second season of "Downton Abbey" ended and it's going to be something like nine more months until the third season starts and we get to meet Lady Mary's maternal grandmother Shirley MacLaine, who I don't think will stand a chance against Lady Violet because Maggie Smith is the best actress ever and the reason I want to be a Dowager Countess when I grow up, though I confess to never knowing what "dowager" meant until I googled it during season one.

6. Does it seem like I watch too much TV? I don't, really. But when I find a series I like, I get a little fixated.

7. Because Dave, husband of Peggy in Missouri who alerted me last July of a screaming deal on Groupon for a gallery-wrapped canvas print which subsequently became the prize in the "Getting to Know You" contest, alerted me to a screaming deal for another gallery-wrapped canvas print and it seemed only fitting to use it as the prize for this contest.

8. Because I ran out of stuff to blog about this week and I've been keeping this contest in my pocket to pull out for the next time I ran out of blog fodder.

So for all of those reasons, I am giving away a 16" x 20" gallery-wrapped photo canvas of the 7MSN image of your choice. Here's the deal:

Leave a comment on this post telling me and the other readers of this blog something that made you happy this week.

Lurkers, this is a another free pass to join the 7MSN community. I know you're out there. Don't be shy.

One entry per person. No entries after 7 pm Mountain time on Monday, March 12. Winner will be chosen at random and announced Tuesday morning. If you post your comment anonymously, please include your name or initials in the comment so I can identify you if you win.

A 16" x 20" gallery-wrapped canvas from CaféPress of your favorite photograph from this blog. If you don't have a favorite or have no inclination to go searching for one, which I totally understand, you can let me know your favorite 7MSN character and I will offer up several options from which to choose.

Good luck!


  1. Happiness to me is being outside, and this week brought a lot of that for me due to our mild weather. I simply puttered around here/there, getting ahead on springtime work that always needs to be done. Ask my kids and they say I roam aimlessly about! Ha! Little do they know that they're day is coming!

  2. Things that made me happy this week:
    Monday: A flock of 20 Bussard wheeling over the house.
    Tuesday: A real handwritten letter in the mailbox.
    Wednesday: Woke up from the noise of six chattering jaybirds in the garden.
    Thursday: A wonderful full moon shining on my bed.
    Friday: It´s friday!

  3. This is was a BIG week for me. One of my foster girls put together a resume and FOUND A JOB!!
    I am just so proud of her that I made a special dinner and have been talking about it all week. I know it does not seem like a big deal, lots of kids work part time but with all of her social anxiety and mental health this is HUGE! and I am one proud foster mama.

  4. We have NO snow...and I live in Michigan! Spring is in the air.

  5. For a change it's been a good week for me, and there were a few things that made me happy, but nothing tops spending some time with some donkey girls, getting donkey hugs and being snuggled against.

  6. Seeing my 3 month-old himalayan kitten snuggle up against the older ones she harasses to play non-stop, during a group nap.

  7. I was very happy this week when I rescued 2 horses from a kill broker's lot. I can't wait to get them home after about a month in quarantine. There were several mini donkeys rescued last week from the same place, one of them a mama donk and her 2-week-old baby donk. They were taken to Lilly Pond Foal Rescue in Maryland and the report this week (and photos) is that they are getting better and stronger after some vet and loving care. The photos of all the rescues bring me more joy than I can explain.

  8. A week ago today, a tornado destroyed the nearby town of West Liberty here in Kentucky. The hospital where I work went on Disaster Alert and received multiple casualties, as well as all the patients transferred from the damaged hospital in WL. Amidst the chaos and tragedy, it made me happy that our little regional hospital was able to step up and do a wonderful job for the people affected by this event.

  9. Hi! It's just a little something, but it makes me happy every year....I picked my first bouquet of spring daffodils and put them on the kitchen island. They are the first thing to bloom in my area and after our very mild winter, are blooming a bit early. I guess it doesn't take much to make me happy :-)

    Ashburn, Va

  10. What made me happy this week...

    Having my old (23 yrs), cranky, creaky, crotchety, thoroughbred mare come up behind me and give me a hug after a long, hard day at work. This, for her, is a first.

  11. OK - this contest is too good to pass up and I'm not exactly a lurker - I think this is my second comment. But this is my go to blog in the morning because I'm a cowgirl at heart. The happiest thing for me this week was that it is also almost spring here in the upper left hand corner. We hit 57 degrees yesterday and the sun was out - glorious.

  12. Dancing at the bus stop with my boys as cars went by...willing to make a fool of myself just to see them smile is a highlight in life.

  13. I always enjoy your blog, it is the first thing I read when I get to work (no internet at home).
    This week's post on the "dusty trail" was a real treat.
    I would still like to know about the donkey cart training if it is still a part of your life. Thanks for sharing your animals and humor.

  14. My riding instructor also runs a horse rescue. Several weeks ago she rescued 7 horses from a bad situation in the next county. We (her students and friends) are taking turns cleaning stalls and feeding these sweet, sweet old horses (who are so incredibly grateful for clean bedding, fresh hay and yummy grain). My instructor called to let me know the vet came out and proclaimed the horses "improving by the minute." I'm happy because I am helping in such a worthy cause.

  15. 1. Eighty more people know whom to call when they find an injured wild animal.
    2. We're getting some of our tax money back.
    3. The Great Blue Heron at the rehab is eating on his own.
    4. My scooter gets 108 mpg.

  16. I visited one of my neighbor's garden and he cut me a beautiful bouquet of sweetpeas. It felt so much like spring!

  17. Watching my horses play always makes me happy, expecially when my 27 year old joins in.

  18. It snowed! It really snowed!!!! :-D

  19. Opening up my glass view of my own little tiny private world, my sun-porch to the rest of the house and watching as…..

    My three dogs drift off into paw paddling dreamy dog land while bathed in the streaked rays of sunshine. My two cats on their window seat “cat chattering” at the waves of gold-finches visiting the feeders. Soon to follow the daily decent of wild turkey trotters who emerge like clockwork from the woods down the hill they come in a very orderly line. Ah spring!

    Stacey in Maine.

  20. Hello Lindas mom and dad, waving from Canada EH!
    Can we have a post on that really groovy and nifty computer desk, very nice eh...........Booking my airline tickets to visit with my older sister who lives in southern ontario.

  21. News that the skating rink will stay open for another few days since the weather dipped below zero. I love to skate away with the sun shining on my face and a cool wind at my back making one side of the rink an easy ride.
    News also that soon it will be spring for bicycle riding. I love being retired.
    Best always, Sandra

  22. Our temps in Wisconsin got to the high 50's on Wednesday this week. That made me VERY happy as our snow from last week melted and there is a little green grass coming through. Oh, and yes, the spring bulbs and garlic are peeking through the compost. It doesn't take much to make me happy, does it? :)

  23. Happiness is - gratitude for family, friends, pets & the interconnectedness of us all plus appreciation for those like yourself who share their lives with others so we truly know noone is alone!

  24. I can't possibly list all the things that made me happy this week. But here are some highliights. The weather has been so nice I've taken the crazy dogs for a long walk at the lake every day. I'm on vacation until the 20th!! My nephew went to church with me and had a blast. Friends over for dinner on Sunday...and again tonight. The Jayhawks won their first tournament game. And I could go on and on and on...I hope everyone had a week like mine.

  25. A couple things made me happy this week- I had an awesome riding lesson last night (my 2-point position is improving!), it was 70 degrees here in Maryland AND Zenyatta foaled!

    Life is good :)

    p.s. My mare Buttercup would like to me say hi to The Boys and Lucy!

  26. This was a week of happiness in many areas: Monday brought a beautiful snowstorm that threatened to down every daffodil in the yard but I managed to stay ahead of the accumulation and also to bring the ones with bent stems into the house where the are in my grandmother's Rookwood Pottery vase (thank you, Antiques Roadshow;I wouldn't have known!) next to my laptop so I can enjoy them and their delicious fragrance. Tuesday I babysat for the 4 week old across the street and now her mama thinks I'm a baby whisperer. That's the kind of reputation I want! Twice I was able to escort the enormous old Newfoundland, Buddy, back to his yard before he got into trouble, and yesterday I spend hours cleaning the winter flotsam from around my shrubs and fledgling plants while my dogs lay like lambs in the yard and my cats enjoyed the 70° day from the screened porch. SPRING!

  27. I received a postcard from my niece, so fun to get "real" mail :)
    My son rinsed his plate and put it in the dishwasher without being asked (he is 20yo - hahha)

  28. A walk in the woods with my donkey, a ride on a good horse, the first robins of the year, a game of Frisbee with my dog...

  29. Something that made me happy: the sun has been out and I had the chance to work my horse! I am almost finished hooking a rug - the fact that it is only 10" X 12" doesn't diminish my happiness! And... my tulips are coming up!

  30. colleen from nc3/9/12, 7:21 AM

    time spent with my 16 yr old daughter who is working on her cooking skills and doing a fine job. supper ready 3 days this week and leftovers for lunch. i could get used to this happiness!!!

  31. The conference I have been organizing for the last year went incredibly well, so I will happy for a whole week at least!

  32. Coming home from work to find dinner already's the little things, right?
    Patti in NYC

  33. My tulips and Siberian iris are starting to come up!

  34. Stephanie B.3/9/12, 7:26 AM

    I've been reading your blog for such a long time, but am unable to post comments from work, so I usually just lurk. Thankfully I'm working from home today!

    I was happy this week because my husband and I made the decision to adopt a deaf dog... We don't have her yet (aren't even sure which dog we will adopt) but we made the choice to do it and I CAN'T WAIT!

  35. To put a foolish grin on my face: watching my little red and white Cardigan girl "Naughty Nola" reorganizing the sheep. She was bred to do it and, by golly, she can (and does)!

  36. My past week has been filled with so much that makes me happy due to the fact the weather has be BEAUTIFUL! In MD I have been able to wear flip flops which I dearly miss because I hate wearing shoes and best noise of all is back... PEEPERS are out in full force the past couple nights! I think Mr. Groundhog was wrong!

  37. Rain!!! The Bradford Pear trees are blooming eary in TN and I am so allergic, my eyes have been swollen and running for the last 3 days. It rained last night and washed the air. Everything is so sparkling this morning and I can see! Yea!!

  38. This week I found happiness in the sunshine and warmth. In Iowa. In March. Although, to be fair, I've hardly complained about this winter at all. I'm extra happy that tomorrow I'll be running barrels on my super sweet mare Rita!

  39. Happiness that my kids call and check on me. Happiness that we finally got our pictures placed on the walls in our new offices and it doesn't look like a warehouse anymore!

  40. I'm taking horseback riding lessons and this week I caught, groomed, saddled, bridled, got on and rode a horse that was much smarter than me. I did it! Even with a lifelong fear of horses, my age of 57 and 3 tries of swinging my leg over the saddle! Yeeee Ha!

  41. I can play, lol.. Because Something this week really did make me feel happy! We had a great day yesterday, we had Sunshine yesterday. It touched 60 degrees. Where as here in this place its normally all grey,gloomy and raining!

  42. I am a wife, mom, full-time job having, and full time college student. This week was my "spring break" from school. I smiled so many times with my extra time with my family. Wednesday night while snuggling with my children I smiled because I love that time with them each Wednesday and I hope it continues for as long as possible.

  43. Happiness for me is being outdoors, in the desert, in spring. The desert shrubs are blooming and some of their flowers are gorgeous! Salvia, penstamon, bougenvilla, even some cacti are beginning to bloom. I even have a few lupines in my front garden. Ravens are returning to the desert and are doing aerial ballets. It is a wonderful time here in the desert! :-)

  44. Warm breeze, finally, and seeing my 29 yr. old AQHA doing flying lead changes around his buds, just for the thrill of it. They were eating already and he wanted to keep going, even threw in a buck. He had uber-high liver numbers in the fall and I thought I was going to lose him. Thank God for antibiotics! He's a happy guy again! It was great to see the picture of Lyle, too. I know that would be tough. :)

  45. What made me happy this week? Last night I went with my fiance and picked out his wedding band, and we agreed on it. That made me happy. Also, my dobe Luci, she makes me happy every time I come home b/c she wags her little nub greeting me with a smile.


  46. I love the couple of nice, sunny days we had that allowed me to get outside with my new German Shepherd puppy and watch him play and discover everything around him!

  47. In my small world, an iced latte from Starbucks made me happy. For me, it means temperatures are warming up and I will be riding soon!

  48. Okay, okay. Lurker is decloaking, howdy! I am happy because spring is on it's way AND I was told I am more than ready to show first level dressage this year. Wahoo!

  49. My blind, deaf fosterdog Petey slept in his "big boy bed" ALL NIGHT LONG Tuesday night. He is like a colicky baby who cries when put down, goes to sleep when picked up, cries when put back down - and consequently ends up in my bed (where he snorts, grunts, whines, farts and rumbles) every night, so to have a whole night's sleep without him tucked under my chin made me very happy! It made the cat (who always sleeps on my bed) happy too.

  50. Terry from Arkansas3/9/12, 8:34 AM

    It's been a wonderful week, let me count the ways!!
    My husband got a good post cancer surgery report!
    Our 23 year old mare has been at OSU (Okla State University) equine hospital for the past 3 weeks and her eye is finally getting better!! Wahoo for this as all our vacation money for this year has now been spent at OSU.
    It rained all day yesterday which we desperately needed and the whole world turned green overnight.
    Spring is here!! It's been a wonderful week!!

  51. What made me the happiest this week was Skype-ing with my little nephew who'd been recovering from a serious injury and making him laugh with some silly jokes I had rehearsed for him. It's such a joy to hear his infectious giggles - laughter really is healing...for all of us. My second happiest moment this week was seeing the first batch of purple crocuses popping up around my yard. Have a good weekend!

  52. One thing that made me happy this week: a MAJOR breakthrough on my paint gelding Milo. After two months or so of frustration and feeling like we werent getting anywhere in our new small arena, I kept with it and finally figured out what was going wrong. Now I have having consistently good, great, and better rides! I love my horse!

  53. So many things hit my "Happy Button" this week. It started out with going to Oatman, AZ to see the burros, then I got a job (one that fit all of my needs), 3 unexpected checks showed up in the mail yesterday! And, your blog always makes me happy. It's always funny and upbeat. Thanks!

  54. You should do another post about Mom and Dad.

  55. I'm happy that we are almost done painting the inside of your house. Betsy

  56. My youngest daughter was home for spring break from college. We were able to spend some bonding time as NW lower MI was hit by a major snow storm. She has struggled to finish college and will graduate April 28th and April 30th starts a new job. Hip Hip Horay!!!

  57. Two weeks ago today, Glory Day gave birth to Daybreak. Daybreak was breech and our vet delivered them. Glory and Daybreak are both llamas. As with most four legged mammals, llama fetuses face forward until just a couple of weeks prior to birth, at which Mom turns them so they face backwards. Well, Daybreak must have gotten stuck when he was half way turned. When he came out, everything faced to the left. His front feet faced left. His left rear leg was weak, allowing his tail to point to the left. Even his spine curved to the left. But guess what? This little boy is a fighter! He has become so strong over the past two weeks that his left rear leg is as strong as his right rear leg, his front feet point forward most of the time, and his spine has straightened substantially! We are so proud of him and love him SO much (although not nearly as much as his mom does!)!
    THAT is what made me happy this week!

    Marty in NC

  58. Seeing my 14 year old dog {diagnosed with stage 1 renal failure 15 months ago), go up to the younger dog and bat him on the head and pester him that it is play time. Her tail wagging the whole time. The younger dog surprised but happy to go along with the play idea.
    Seeing the cherry trees just starting to bloom.

  59. It was warm out here in DC yesterday. 74*! In March! The daffodils are up! And my kelpieX puppy likes to chase sheep! (Last dog [ACD] couldn't have cared less about herding, but did like to get dressed up. Go figure.)



  60. I'm looking to buy a Haflinger named Sunshine that makes me so happy I sing. We drove her for the first time in two years and she did wonderfully.

    My sisters first breeding Sphynx recovered from pyometra (infection of the uterus). I get a kitten from the first litter.

    My parents bought a 20 acre farm after looking for a year for the right place. They won't be moving for a year, so I have permission to live there with my horses.

    My old man gelding with ringbone loves his new boarding barn and was bucking and cantering when I turned him out. He NEVER cantered before. He basks in the sunshine with just his front feet out of the stall and watches all the horses.

    Saw a flock of hundreds(!) of swans in a field along with seagulls and Canadian geese.

  61. Ok, now I'm bummed - been thinking for an hour or so about what made me happy this week - there's a multitude of things I cherish and am grateful for, but happy? Must admit to not have done the happy dance for some time.
    Gonna hafta fix that.
    I do enjoy reading your blog everyday - keep up the good work!

  62. A very nice lady I know is going through a particularly rough patch right now. She bumped into a friend of mine and she said "Oh, I love her! She's so inspiring!"
    To think that I could ease someone's pain in some small way made my heart swell with joy. I like to think that is why we are here: to love, support and help each other.

  63. See my dog Kitra rolling over and showing me her belly and her face looking live a vampire bat with her ears out to the side and her canines showing. She always knows this makes me laugh and gets her some attention

  64. Yesterday I took the time to cook a roast chicken dinner completely from scratch with all the fixins. It felt so good to do that. My sister telling me that she and my niece and nephew have been turning the tv off during the evenings, lately, in order to read. My niece has caught my love of the Harry Potter books. It is viral! My vet telling me that my antique weenie dog's horrible test results may not be the death sentence we though. Whew! Hearing that the rain is gone and we will have a lovely weekend.

  65. I recently broke my ankle severely. I have lots to be thankful for and thus happy at the same time.
    Happy that I didn't live 100 years ago, they would have probably sawed off my foot instead of doing surgery on it.
    Happy that I am married to a guy who ain't afraid to cook or clean and takes care of me like I was royalty (I would certainly be in a nursing home without him).
    Happy that I have such wonderful and caring family and friends..who help me get through this painful and forever time of healing.
    Happy that I didn't break my neck or back when I slipped out the backdoor on an icy mat.

  66. Several things made me happy this week! My boyfriend bought me a pistol (to conceal and carry); the welding shop got the hole in my trailer patched up (from a window unit the previous owner installed); my new roof-air unit arrived for my trailer; we are making progress on my DIY living quarters; I received daffodils today at work; and the biggest one of all - my little boy! He makes me happy every day! Thanks for such a fun and awesome contest! This is my first post here, although I have been reading for probably 2 years.

  67. I've been a little blue lately and this contest was perfect timing to remind me to reflect on the fact that I have SO many things to be thankful for! This week particularly, it brought me great joy to see my "just turned 5" year old start the next level in gymnastics. I was worried about her being in a longer class and older kids. She is so proud of what she is doing and just loves it. It brings great joy.
    thanks, Linda!

  68. Happiness this week... the vet coming out to check on the progress of Odin's wound and saying that its healing really REALLY well!
    (Odin, my grullo coming 2 year old, cut his hind leg down to the bone. Most likely on the feeder)

  69. finally knowing why my four year old mare is lame and that it can be treated woohoo. Seeing the snow covered Sierra Nevada mountains against a bright blue sky but having spring like weather down in the valleys.

  70. It made me happy to see our honey bees out and about, bringing in huge pollen baskets and humming happy hums.

  71. Things that made me happy this week:
    The crocuses are blooming!

    A flock of sandhill cranes flew over my house on Tuesday making their happy rattling, rolling calls as they returned north to start their families.

    Both sons are coming home from college this weekend for a visit.

    Best of all, my husband got some great health news on Monday: after three days in the hospital last week and a terrifying major procedure, he’s going to be just fine! He’s already soooo much better, almost back to normal. :)

    Your contest is very tempting, but until I start a blog of my own (soon, it’s very close now), just sign me ~

    Still Lurking

  72. Sandy from Edgewood, NM3/9/12, 11:05 AM

    This week.... every week.... reading your blog about all of your furkids.... makes me happy!

    Thank for your time and effort... it puts a smile on my face!

  73. Happiness this week has been living vicariously thru two wonderful bloggers and all their wonderful four-legged kids! I have been down in the dumps this week and your blog has helped me smile.

    I discovered your blog randomly just a few weeks ago and have been lurking and trying to catch up from the beginning and then I decided to check out Morning Bray Farm too.

  74. Getting rain here in north Texas.

  75. Getting the phone call that mom needs help on the ranch and knowing I have the time. I get to spend a bunch of time with horses and will be there for the first foal of the season to be born.

    Barbara from Northern CA

  76. Spring is coming with warm breezes...color me happy!

  77. Playing with my pooches, spending time with my family and enjoying my new house!

  78. I have way to much happiness happening this week to list, but, one of the high lights of the week was seeing my friend Bob, walk today in the hospital recovering from a massive stroke ! You all have a great weekend !


  79. Reading the antics of the 7MSN Ranch made me happy this week! I absolutely adore your menagerie and looks forward to reading your posts every day!

  80. Watching my young Corgi chase robbins out of the pasture. Such a goofball. Spring is here!

  81. Well, it hasn't happened yet, but my bridal shower is tomorrow, and looking forward to that has been making me happy! I'm also looking forward to riding this weekend, after having to forego it last weekend due to a crappy work schedule. Plus it's sunny in the Pacific Northwest right now!

  82. I am very happy for my Aspergian grandson getting home one his own from the school bus when the school didn't get him to his program. Ry is not only a strong kiddo but also a smartee. I am very happy he pays attention to what goes on around him. Oma Linda

  83. Your going to blow up your blog with this fantastic prize! Any picture of those naughty boys and sweet Miss Lucy is clearly wanted by all who fallow you.I don't have a blog but i'll share what makes me happy every morning. On my way to work everyday there is this old guy walking his dog.
    He's an unkempt, burley sort with a long greyish white beard. His dog is an adorable black and white shihtzu. Well groomed, clean and HAPPY. I smile and wave to him every morning. I think this weekend i'll get him a gift card from McDonald's and his dog some treats. Maybe i could be his "happy" for the day! Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

  84. What made me happy this week?

    Some healthy lambs born on pasture, 6" of snow followed by sunny, warm weather, taking a walk with the dog and seeing the first snake of the year (really?, it's March!?) and reading your blog posts each morning which always puts the best start on any day!
    Thank you for starting my day out right for the past two years plus!

  85. since i won the last canvas (yeah me!) i'll take myself out of the running this go-round...and the anguish of choosing a photo was daunting. anywho, i was happy with a haircut this week...the first in years =o)

  86. There are so many things that I feel happy about that it's hard to choose! My knee feels fabulous after restoring itself from a pinched nerve. Boy does it feel good to be able to move! I had about 4 bureaucratic goobers that worked out step-by-step, the last one this afternoon and I learned a lot about how to make things easier the next time I deal with each situation. I had birthday money to spend and have been stocking up on things I want, having a great time with abundance. :) And I really do feel happy when I visit the 7MSN. I always have a smile on my face. This prize is fabulous -- it makes me happy to look through the pictures again just for the fun of it.

  87. The sun is shining for the second time this week, and it's going to be 60 all next week. I guess that's more than one thing.

  88. A VERY happy week -- my first week of retirement!!! I have a zillion projects that I want to do and now maybe I'll have time for some of them. But first, it was warm enough to have lunch on my screened porch yesterday -- it's time to stop and smell the roses! (Well, at the moment it's snowdrops, but roses will come eventually!) Happy spring to all of you at 7MSN!

  89. Reading all of these posts has made me very happy indeed.

  90. It is a beautiful day and my contractor put the cupola on our newly tinned building! I love looking out there to see which way the wind is blowing.

  91. My daughter is getting married this year, and they are looking for their first house. What made me happy this week is that they included me in the search! I am having fun going with them and looking at the houses and just spending time together.
    Cheryl Wooten

  92. I ordered my chicks this week! We bought a house with 11 acres in November so now I can finally have chickens. I am beyond excited:)

  93. I love all the happy people out there! And yes, it's about time we all got together for another donkey playdate. Soon.

    I'm happy that I finally got a copy of the manual to my camera this week (I lost the one that came with the camera). I can't wait to find out what all of the buttons are for this weekend. :)

  94. My sources of 'happy' the past few days are small ones, nothing as moving as some of the others who have posted above:

    Getting to ride my second-favorite horse and having us a good gallop (and controlled turns!) made me happy.

    Wearing an extra-thick layer of horse hair, courtesy of my No.1 favorite horse, when i came home from the barn last night made me happy. When he sheds like that, spring is surely on its way!

    Having that same horse turn away from the person petting him and come to me unsolicited for a head bump and nuzzle prolly made my entire week.


  95. Sunshine, love and tax refunds (even small ones!) made me happy this week! :)

  96. My sister suggesting I get a second opinion on my injured dachshund and finding out that I didn't have to put him down or pay for a very expensive surgery that was not guaranteed. That made my whole month!

    Sydney in NE Okla.

  97. A 68 degree day in March in the Finger Lakes of Western NY makes me happy.

    Hope you and the herd have a great weekend!

  98. Spending a whole day quilting, learning new techniques.

  99. I was happy that we could go outside and play in the gorgeous weather!

  100. It rained off and on all day, will rain tomorrow and Sunday here is drought stricken Texas. I was 1 3/4 miles from the Bastrop Complex fire. PLUS it rained in the hill country to fill up Lake Travis!! CF

  101. Auntie Em in Tennessee3/9/12, 6:52 PM

    Awwww...I thought I was going to view my comment, but it vanished when I wanted to preview it. Trying again.

    It has been so uplifting to read the posts you've received!

    Happy to have a friend with whom we share her studio and make some art! (and play Words With Friends!)

    Awesome to feel well enough after an iron infusion that I've hiked almost every day on the trails my hubby has cut in our "north-forty".

    And it was great to untangle that "bird's nest" in my horse's
    mane. It doesn't take him long to twist it up again, so it's time to see if the mare next door eats Show Sheen and braids! *lol*

  102. I learned that next week, my father will be traveling the 800 miles between home and where I'm living now, so he can perform the home inspection on the house my husband and I are hoping to buy.
    I count four happy things and one sad thing in that sentence, that should be sufficient.

    I may be a rare commenter but I always love reading your posts every day. Thank you, and your herd, for existing!

  103. I am loving the comments - so much happiness abounding this week!
    I, too, have lots to be happy for, because spring break just started(I'm a teacher), and two true signs of spring today: I heard the first red wing blackbird of this calendar year this morning, and this year's first pot of maple syrup is just finishing up on the stove. Despite the weird weather, it looks like we might have a decent maple sap harvest again this year. I am happy to have a whole week at home with my three dogs, and some one on one time with my hubby, too.

  104. Happiness for me was spending the day with my husband. He had the day off because his company offers that to their employee's for their birthday and I had the day off because I worked last weekend.

  105. This week, here in the dreary Pacific NW, we got some much needed rays of sunshine, which always makes me happy. I soaked up as much of the last rays this afternoon as possible as I rebuilt a garden bed my escape ninja chickens destroyed earlier this week!

  106. I belong to a local camera club here in the Smoky Mountains of East TN and I won both first and second prize in the beginner group this week. Yeee Haw. AND, I've gotten to hike in the mountains three days in a row and plan on hiking today too. Yippee Skippee. The spring wildflowers are just splendid so far, early and prolific. AND, I have now been retired for six, count them, six years. Do the retirement thing as soon as possible folks, it is glorious.
    Mary Anne in Cosby TN

  107. Well, I know you're not supposed to say money makes you happy, but when you find out your son has been saving as you have tried to teach him, isn't that good? And when son nr 2 finally seem to have got a job after 1 year of unemployment, money again is the reason for me to be happy this week. But I have one that's not about money. My mother,85, decided to start cooking for herself again to ease my burden and because she feels like having a go at it again after a 10 year break! Happy happy happy I am.
    Then there is a pile of lazy cats on my bed right now that definitely always make me happy. :)

  108. Good morning to you and the "herd" :) Boy, I hope this blog NEVER goes away cause it brings me such joy and happiness...still wanta come see it all in person :) I drive a school bus and had been gone a whole week for my husband's Dad's funeral in Okla. so when I returned, the smiles and "glad you are backs" made me so happy...The red bud trees are blooming around here and some azaleas also , so makes my route a new beautiful adventure every day. The welcome our little Norfolk terrier gives me every time I come home is so heart warming and also makes me happy ! Life is grand isn't it? Jeanne in SC

  109. It makes me smile to think of *our* mom and dad reading this comment. We're just about to leave in dad's super cool red ride for an overnight trip to Clearwater Beach to see Claudia perform in "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas." They are so excited - as is our whole family. Another reunion - minus you and the herd. Still makes us all really happy.

  110. Diane from NC3/10/12, 7:33 AM

    Thursday I went shelling with my daughter, son in law, and my 90 year old mom on one of the little islands along our outer banks. I am so happy to still have my mom who is so amazing and always ready to join in on all of our adventurous activities. We spend Thursday’s together exploring along our coast, always laughing and having tons of fun.

  111. What made me happy this week?
    Stepping onto the front porch and hearing red-winged blackbirds calling from all directions. They're back! They're back!!!

  112. I rode three times this week, so I'm thrilled!!! May ride again today but the %&*$ wind is back. Sue in Washington State

  113. I drove two hours to go see my new horse and ride. Just sitting in the middle of him in the middle of the arena made me happy!

  114. My source of happiness this week is my 18 year old son telling me how much he loves me and my weekly horse riding lesson. We also had the most GORGEOUS moon last night. I could have stared at it all night. Bliss!

  115. what made me happy just happened hours ago. i met the donkey i'm going to buy this month. i still have her smell on my hands (she smells like a cat to me), which upset my horse very much. but he will learn to accept her, she's a horse donkey.

    she's only been with horses for years, and even grooms them. that's how i knew she was the one.

    a more peaceful creature i've never met. she emanates peacefulness, i cannot explain it. i'm new to donkeys but her owner answered all 26 of my questions, and now my worries are alleviated. this is the one! her name is bellis. i forgot to ask question 27, if she can talk. oops.

    i thought of you this morning when i drove to another state to see her. how excited you were about lucy coming home. i wished i could be happy but i was just worried. stressed about the unknown.

    but meeting her, there's no more worry. what a peaceful creature, with the cross on her back.

  116. I'm happy that we are getting nice rain in North Texas this week which will help make the hay grown. Last night my horse Kid, stuck his nose in my face for me to kiss (several times). That made us both happy. :)

  117. Happiness is having my daughter and her new husband come for a visit this week. Seeing her out in the turnout with her best buddy, our mini-donk, giving her hugs, despite the fact that she was using a big, scary, shiny walker! (she broke her femur skiing)
    I'm still a faithful reader...just have had a lot going on lately. Your blog makes me smile! :)

  118. Happiness and smiles have been rare in our home after losing our 15 year old cat in January. Your post of Daffodil brought smiles followed by tearful stories of our lost furry-faced girl. Danni’s kiss from Kai the llama made me happy today.

    /Barb in Oregon

  119. My wonderful parents celebrating their anniversary on Friday. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here.

    Raymona P. - TX

  120. Happiness was finally moving my horse to a new barn where the people are NOT crazy. Enough said.

  121. I'm beyond happy that the bank finally sold our current house and we can move into the new one we bought LAST MAY!

  122. I'm happy this week because by next week I'll be married to my best friend :)

  123. I'm happy because this week I'm at SXSW interactive and am surrounded by people, ideas, and enthusiasm!

  124. I am happy this week(end) because i was carded for every beer i had on date night, Friday! i will be 28 in two weeks and was told i look 14 at a Detroit casino bar! I was even stopped by a plain clothed security officer at the Red Wings game and carded while walking to my seat with beer in hand. I'm well aware i look young but this was a much needed self esteem boost!


  125. I was happy this week when I was able to halter my horse for the first since breaking my collarbone 8 weeks ago (riding accident). Add a sunny, warm day and it was a good week!

    Krista in VA

  126. Okay...this is going to sound weird, but I was really happy this week that...wait for one died where I work.

    When I tell you I'm working at an unassisted living facility with residents averaging 90 years of age, that may make a little more sense. I know it's only a matter of time before I find my first casualty, but every day that ends uneventfully makes me extremely happy.

    Bet, you didn't expect that one...

  127. My horse Tonka made me happy this week. He always makes me happy but we're getting back into riding and walking/exercising together after a winter off due to his health problems, and it feels like heaven. Also, we had a day that felt like real spring and it was glorious! But today it stormed something fierce. No daffodils here yet, but I think I saw a crocus just barely starting to emerge. :)

  128. The animals finally out roaming the pasture for anything green instead of begging for hay. And....sunshine!!!!

  129. Something that made me extremely happy this week is that the taxi driver who accidentally drove off with my suitcase (containing, among other things, a treasured necklace purchased by my parents in Egypt yonks ago) on Friday afternoon somehow managed to track me down and called me on Saturday evening to tell me that he had it safe and sound. I have to take a 4 hour train down to the city to pick it up, but I don't even care!


  130. What's made me happy this week.... is... that, today, I am heading home to Tennessee, to my soon-to-be husband, with my horse, Comanche'... and, we will be living near Nashville, in the country, near a small town. I have waited a long time, for God to give me the man of my dreams... I even had a laundry list of what I was looking for...and this man has really hit every item on it. Awesome, how God can do that! I love your blog, and really would love to have a burro.. maybe I can get one soon. I miss New Mexico... after living there for several years. Leaving Phoenix today... and will drive through Edgewood tomorrow... where I lived before. Keep putting up pics of the scenery, too... although I love the conversations your crew has with each other... LOL... Comancheshadow....(my blog, about my horse, Comanche') Shadow D.

  131. I am happy this week, because I have my horse and now two donkeys! They brighten every day that I wake up!

  132. I am happy this week because not only was I able to make it to the gym three times this week ( a feat in and of itself with two little kids and a houseful of pets), but my Rheumatoid Arthritis appears to be responding well to the increased exercise - yesterday I took the dog and my oldest son for a walk and I was able to run up and down hills with him - made me feel young again, and it made my entire week.

  133. This week I am happy because I got to spend some time with my daughter. I also did some sewing, and spent time with the hubs and son at the flea market while also shopping for the granddaughter that will be here in July!!

  134. This is a good exercise for me after this past week. It wasn't one in which I would normally be thinking about things that make me happy.

    I have a bad cold...but it's just a cold, and I am otherwise in good health.

    My fiance is facing another deployment to Afghanistan in the next few weeks, but that means extra income that we badly need, and his job is one that keeps him relatively safe behind the Green Zone.

    My job has been a nightmare the past two weeks, but I'm just mopping up a huge and public mess made by an outside contractor. It wasn't a mess I actually caused, so there's that!

    I'm happy to have a job, my health, and a family who loves me. The rest of it is all details.

  135. The warmth of the sun on my face warms my heart even when there is snow on the ground... sunshine and snow are something I didnt know could exist together until I moved to NM. Makes me oh so happy! Dawn B, Tijeras, NM

  136. I don't know if I'm to late or not but I'm going to post anyway! I am a lurker! I've been reading your blog for over 7 months now and I am totally addicted. I look forward to seeing a new post every day. Sometimes I even wait a few days so I have more than one to read! last week at work was a little stressful but being able to zone out and read about your adventures always brightens my day up! I look forward to seeing what adorable thing Alan and George are doing. I can't wait until its gets warmer and I see more posts about you and Lucy going on riding adventures!

  137. Selling my very small 1957 Horse Trailer to Polly the Pony's mom, and using the money to buy an extra tall, extra wide 1980's trailer for my regular sized boys.
