Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday encore ~ I Love Lucy, and here's why

Last year at this time, through an incredible twist of fate, I met Lucy ... online. 
I think I'll use the next few Saturdays to re-live the excitement of meeting her and bringing her to the 7MSN. 
This sure brings back nothing but good memories for me; I hope it does for you, too.


Ten days ago, I told you I was 99.9% sure I had found the riding donkey of my dreams. That number has changed to 110%.  She will be mine as soon as I can get her here. And I still haven't met her in person. I know...I know...some of you are shaking your heads and thinking I'm nuts. But I'm not. Allow me to introduce you to Lucy:

I edited this video from three discs' worth of footage that Lucy's mom, Estella, made and sent to me. Can we have a shout-out for Estella and her husband, Bud? The nicest people in the world whom I've never met? Estella wants only the best for Lucy, where best equals a home that's not covered in rich Colorado grass. Lucy is a very easy keeper and will do better where the pasture is poor and the exercise is abundant ... somewhere like the 7MSN.


  1. Hold it!!!.....Has it been one year already?!?!

  2. Enjoyed watching this. It is so good to find that animal that is just right for you. She is such a talented animal.

  3. I agree! What? A year already! I LOVE LUCY!

  4. Wow, how time flies! Very often, amazing animals don't go from one amazing family to another. Lucy hit the jackpot, twice!

  5. I was pretty sure our grass would kill a donkey and this affirms that :-(. I sent a huge, navicular QH to a friend in Thoreau and he lived for many more years because of the sparse NM pasture. Much happier than in a tiny dry lot.

  6. Estella from Co.1/14/12, 8:14 AM

    Bud, bring the year, how time goes by. I couldn't help but cry HAPPY tears when I saw this video (what memories), but I know with out a doubt that Lucy is in a much better place with you and the boys. She is a good donkey isn't she....I was blessed to have her in my life for awhile. Give her an extra big hug and kiss for me and Bud today. Thank you again for being just perfect for Lucy. WOW one year

  7. Carol in Colorado1/14/12, 8:44 AM

    It's difficult to believe it's been a year since you met Lucy the Wonder Mule. She has become a lucky member of the 7MSN gang. I love reading about all the antics of the gang.

  8. We all love Lucy! It doesn't seem that long ago that she arrived.

  9. So, I just watched the video again. Got teary eyed-again. Thank you Estella and Bud for letting Lucy join the 7MSN gang.

  10. seeing this again just makes me smile even bigger than I did the first time. Lucy is such a great donkey and the stars came into alignment and brought you two together so wonderfully. What a blessing she is to you and you to her.....the boys got a great sister donkey and Hank got a number two in charge.
    Great seeing this all over again.

  11. Of all the amazing things I've seen on your blog, this remains one of the amazingest. I'm jealous again! And let's hear it for Estella, who has a big enough heart to part with the smartest equine either side of the Pecos!

  12. That was one fabulous episode one year ago, when Linda and Lucy Met Online and hurled caution to the winds, knowing they had met their perfect soul mates!! Well, Linda knew immediately, and Lucy, ever the calm, unflappable Darling Donkey that she is, was ready and willing to give the 7MSN a good try.....

    Looking forward to the next episodes... :-)

    Oh, I just want to hug her and scratch those enormous, soft antannae ears. I love Lucy, too.

  13. This was fun! You know, she looks different to me now than in the video. She's so patient and she is still, but I think she looks more independent and confident in being who she is now. Maybe it's because I see her in the herd and can see she's found her place there -- where in the video I see her by herself. But she looks different to me. I am reminded again of how much it meant to you to have such a calm friend to ride with. Bless her sweet heart.

  14. "What's not to love" is right! What a treasure.

  15. Fun watching that again. Everybody loves Lucy!

  16. Such a nice little donkey! The previous owners did an awesome job with her. Everyone should have a mount like Lucy. Thanks for sharing it!

  17. I just discovered this video and fell in love with Lucy! What a gift this beautiful animal is. I will ask your next out-of-state visitor to give her a huge hug from me.
