
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday encore ~ You know you live in the middle of nowhere when...

This post is from January 2010, but it could easily be from today because I'm leaving the ranch at dawn to run errands and get home before the road turns to slop. But I'm not complaining. The checkout lines at Walmart are short at 7 a.m. 


You know you live in the middle of nowhere when you leave for the grocery store before the sun comes up
so that you can get back home before the road thaws out and turns to mud.

But it's worth it because you get to see the day break,

and how many people get to see this on their way to Walmart anyway?


  1. Now that is what I call a "million $ view", and you cannot find that just anywhere eh!

  2. This may be an older post but it could be from today too- looks just the same with the sunrise and snow. Beautiful!

  3. Living in the sticks is AWESOME!

  4. Beautiful! It is wonderful that you don't take the beauty around you for granted. That includes your critters!

  5. Carol in Colorado12/10/11, 9:16 AM

    No where else but in the West can you get stunning sunrises and sunsets with mountains as backdrops.

  6. New Mexico - The Land of Visible Enhancement

    I found this while reading about South Dakota this morning and thought it might interest you. In the wikipedia article on Custer State Park they mention the Begging Burros.

    Begging Burros is a name used to refer to the donkeys in Custer State Park. For many years, these donkeys have earned this nickname as they approach various passing cars through the park begging for food. After earning this reputation, the burros have become famous now garnering the attention of most travelers through the park inside and outside of cars. Many people bring food to the park specifically for the purpose of feeding these animals. The Begging Burros inhabit one area of the park upon a hill where approximately 50 of them try to obtain any food they can. Custer State Park's roadway is blocked off by these animals to the point where a driver needs to beep his or her horn to pass and continue through the park.

  7. Those are the kind of views that make you say, "Dang, I'm glad I live here!"

  8. Carson, I so enjoy your blog...It's in my top two..I'm wondering if Amelia made it back to her home base? If not I hope she found another nice pit stop...Forest in Central Texas

  9. Are those Smooch ears in the passenger seat of that truck?

  10. I have only a woodstove to heat my house. This a.m. it was so cold - in California - that I stayed in bed as long as I could to avoid having to deal with an icy house. I'm such a weenie about cold and snow, I'd probably just live off crumbs rather than have to deal with a dawn time trip to the store. You're so brave.

  11. That last photo is stunning!

  12. Now, being the extremely fortunate one that I am, I have driven this path out with you more than a number of times...but I still have a hard time imagining those gorgeous mountains covered in snow. Who KNEW they could become even more incredibly beautiful?!!

  13. Stunning view? Can I borrow your truck? I promise to give it back. Maybe.
