
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday encore ~ Catching Snowflakes

As I'm sifting through posts from Decembers gone by to find something suitable for an encore post, the snow is coming down relentlessly. 
I wish it would stop. I also wish Lucy and the boys would take shelter in the barn and that the sun would come out and it would be 70 degrees. Since none of that is likely to happen, I'll re-post this picture to give you a taste of what it's like in New Mexico today.



  1. That is the most awesome picture!

  2. Carol in Colorado12/3/11, 5:56 AM

    I wished the snow would stay in the mountains this weekend. We got a go round of it yesterday and another one this morning.

    We won't see 70* for awhile, unfortunately.

    Donkeys usually don't like rain but they stay out in snow. What is up with that? Silly furbabies.

  3. Oh, you guys are getting snow? We have had TERRIBLE winds over here in California!!! Our local mountains did get a dusting of snow, too, but not where the horses are. Joshua Tree National Park did and hubby and I may head over there today or tomorrow! Stay warm!

  4. Such a nice taste of your area!

  5. This photo is worth 10,000 words. Priceless.

  6. Thanks for the chuckle. Even horses like to stick out their tongues and catch snowflakes. Who knew?

  7. Thank you for always making me smile.

  8. awe Hank, you make me smile!!!! I remembering doing the very same thing when I was I kid a looooooooooong time ago eh!

  9. Estella from Co.12/3/11, 6:47 AM

    Oh! yes, snow..the second storm of the year. Did you have those terrible winds that California had a few days ago? Hank is such a handsome guy and I love the tongue, reminds me of my kids when they were young out playing in the snow storms. Hugs to the critters

  10. now how did you know that was my favorite picture *<=o)

  11. Hank is just a kid at heart-catching snowflakes on his tongue. We are getting rain here. :)

  12. Got up to snow again this morning in Canon City, CO but, according to the weather guys on Ch. 5, maybe 3" at the most for today! What a great pic of Hank, catching snowflakes on his tongue ... it's just the colt in him! Love it!!

  13. On our drive down to Pietown yesterday morning, your neck of the woods was spotlighted with shafts of sunlight breaking out of the stormcloud bank....on the way home, we were met with only a wall of snow your way. We waved and scurried ourselves towards Burque. The storm chased us all the way home.
    I just love this photo of the ever handsome Hank.

  14. You have all my sympathies. Last year at this time we had over a foot of snow and it just kept accumulating all winter. Today though we have a rare, beautiful, sunny day. I hope it stays this way, I for one, am NOT dreaming of a white Christmas. Stay warm.

  15. With the set of his ears and that gleam of wonder in his eye(s), and that priceless tongue sticking out ... what a wonderful shot! And yes, Hank, there really is a Santa Claus. ;p

  16. A great photo to start my morning with a smile! I think if snow were falling in my area right now, I'd be sticking my tongue out too - though not to catch the snowflakes!
    Unfortunately, I'm sure it is on the way - temperature has dropped and the sky is full of clouds.

  17. There is a lifetime in Hank's eye. So glad he is in your kind care.

  18. I love this picture and I love Hank. xo

  19. Look Mom....if I stick out my tongue... I can catch a snowflake...hahahhah....

  20. Wonderful picture! I think you must stand outside all day waiting for a good shot.

  21. Talk about a phenomenal photo!

  22. What a stunning photo, with a little humor thrown in for good measure. :)
