
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Playing peek-a-boo with a porcupine

It was Sunday morning around 8:30 and Smooch and I were headed out on a walk. As we approached the gate at the end of our driveway, who should I see waddling under our fence but Mr. Porcupine. It was the first time I had seen him in the daylight, and darn it all if he wasn't the cutest little bugger. Smooch and I stood there as he slowly waddled under a tree. I politely asked him to stick around until we got back, as I wanted to take his picture.

About an hour later, Smooch and I returned, and who should we see again but Mr. Porcupine, waddling from Tree A to Tree B,
where I had seen him once before and suspected he lived. I took Smooch into the house, retrieved my camera, and went back outside
searching for Mr. Porcupine.

Hello, Mr. Porcupine. Remember me? 
The nice lady who didn't shoot you about a month ago?

I don't mind you living in this tree as long as you promise 
to keep your distance from Smooch and everybody else who lives here.

Mr. Porcupine: Were you really going to shoot me?

Me: It was an option...but then I did my homework and learned what a docile creature you can be 
as long as you're not threatened. And then I saw this video.
You just darned well better behave yourself so that all those folks out there
who are ready to say "I told you so" don't get the opportunity. Deal?

Mr. Porcupine: Deal.



  1. Very interesting pictures and video. I never really knew what a porcupines face looked like. Kind of sweet, but by the looks of his body I really wouldn't want him to get mad at me! Eeeek!

  2. You asked him to "stick around"? Okay, now I've spluttered my tea... And that little porcupino is SERIOUSLY cute. Maybe for Christmas you could leave bits of fruit and salty fat in his tree?

  3. They really are cute creatures.... just wouldn't want one shooting me!

  4. Wow, what wonderful pictures! I love porcupines but when I see them they are usually just dark blobs waaaaay up high in trees.

  5. So glad to see that you could finally interview your newest resident. And of course your camera is a vital tool that must be replaced immediately if it starts acting up -- and preferably upgraded at the same time. Consider it an early Christmas present to yourself! Merry, merry to everyone at 7MSN!

  6. Oh . . . my . . . word!
    I'n't he KEWT?????

    And the BABY eating the watermelon!
    I'm on Kewt Overload now.

  7. I can see a future summertime post when you give watermelon to the herd AND share some with resident outside the gates. :)

    He/she IS adorable.

  8. He is pretty adorable. Glad you didn't have to take drastic measures. And now that he's promised to leave everyone alone all should be well at the 7MSN.

  9. First of all, I give on my prior comment of your weather not having nuttin' on Indiana--you win. Secondly, I sense a "taming attempt" coming on. :) Seriously, who wouldn't love that little face?? (other than Wynonna.) Hope you got the woodpile close to the house! Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the happiness you bring to us each day! :)

  10. Ok, I want to hug them both. That is a bad thing, right? :-) I'm glad you have added another friend to your family!

  11. Having never seen a procupine in real life, I didn't know how interesting looking they are and check out those nails, honey. I'm jealous!

  12. Oh my gosh, I seen the cutest porcupine video on you-tube....I can't access it here from work to post the link (you-tube disabled)...but if you search for ""Teddy Bear," the porcupine, doesn't like to share" is hilarious. I never knew the noises those little fellas could make. Oh and from the video, porcupines LOVE corn on the cob!

  13. Bad hair day! Looks like me when I get up in the morning.

    Best always, Sandra

  14. Who knew they could be so cute? I've never seen a live one up close, but when I was a kid I spent hours pulling their quills out of my dogs' noses with pliers.

  15. When I was a youngin' (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth) there was a porcupine that inhabited the chimney of the house next door. He/she had free range of the neighborhood, walked walls, ate dog food and stole fruit out of the trees. As you said, because he was not threatened (but had the upper hand) he never was on the defense and lived a long and happy life as a "well respected" neighbor. Hope his country cousin understands the rules as well.

  16. Oh myyyy, what a face!
    What is it about *that* particular tree that made him/her decide it was home, can you tell?
    I am keeping fingers and toes crossed that this new co-habitation agreement works out well. I love this little guy already!

  17. Oh my, he IS cute. Beautiful photos!

  18. What great shots - I've never seen a porky up close. I do hope Smooch understands the rules of the game and your newest resident continues to feel unthreatened. And I hope he (or she? How do you sex a porcupine?) is a loner and doesn't one day invite all the kin and their babies.
    As for the video - well, that melted my heart.

  19. Just love that first photo where Mr. P is all camouflaged in his tree...wonderful!

  20. Love his hair style! :)

  21. I'm so glad you gave this cutie a chance. I hope it keeps working out. They are so cute.

  22. He's adorable. I would never shoot one but do recognize they can defend themselves when required. Too cute

  23. I love how the woman shooting the video can barely contain herself. And I'm glad you found your neighbor and have come to a meeting of the minds. :)

  24. He/she is just adorable! I love how it looks like he is paying attention to every word you are saying.

  25. Sure, they're cute. Having grown up in porcupine country, we learned early that porcupines have a decided sweet tooth for rubber brake hoses and electrical wiring of our vehicles. Not so cute then.

  26. The only porcupines I see are dead along the side of the road. Glad this one thrives and I love seeing the light of life in its eyes. Long may you co-exist!

  27. toooooooooooo cute!!!!!

    and yes, you've been a good girl this year.... Santa baby should bring you a new camera!!

  28. Great shots. I hope Smooch keeps a safe distance though. Sandy got porcupined and I had to take her to the vet to get the quills removed.

  29. Oh my gosh! You got some wonderful pictures of him, and your right! He is a cutie!!!!

  30. Has he stayed out of the yard now that he doesn't have a fence to climb? I've heard they don't look for trouble. And since smooch has a strict leash policy, all should be well...

    I hope he gets some watermelon this summer.
