
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The one where Hank tries to give us all a heart attack

Yesterday was the dreariest day I can remember since moving to New Mexico 18 years ago. The temperature hovered around 40, the sun never came out, and it rained. All. Stinkin'. Day. The rain helped melt the snow, which has been covering the ground for 12 days, but it also turned the entire ranch into a great big, sloppy quagmire.

Lucy, Alan and George had the good sense to stay in the barn.

Hank did not.

George: You really should go out there and convince him to take shelter. 
Alan: He might catch a cold or something.
Me: I don't suppose one of you wants to carry the umbrella so I don't get drenched?

Me: I didn't think so.

So out I trudged out into the corral, slipping and sliding and sinking in the muck,
to try and talk some sense into Hank.

Hank: Hi, mom! Isn't it a beautiful day? Life is good!

Me: Easy there, Hank. We don't need you to be falling down and hurting yourself.

Hank: Lighten up! Lose the camera and kick up your heels! This is fun!

Lucy: He's gone off the deep end. I'm outta here.

Hank: Bad knee? What bad knee? I feel great! 

Alan: Run for your life, Lucy. He's lost his freakin' mind.

Lucy: Horses are so weird. No common sense whatsover.

Me: Hank, come down to earth, would ya? You're scaring me.

Hank: Chill, mom. I've never felt so good.

Hank: How do you like me now, osteoarthritis?

Hank: Take your "equine senior" feed and stick it where the sun don't shine.

Hank: Give me a little credit, mom. I know my limits.
Me: I want to believe you, Hank, really I do. 
But gray hair isn't good for my self-esteem, so cut the crap.


  1. Goodness sakes ... what on earth got into Hank!?!?! It was scary just looking at the pictures and I couldn't imagine being there seeing him in action. Hope he's doing ok today ....

  2. Hmmmmm, was there a "lady horse" in the area Hank was trying to impress ;-) eh

  3. Hank may not have "donkeysense", but he's one pretty horse! That boy can't take a bad picture.

  4. Are you sure that was just a cookie that you put in the watertank yesterday?
    If yes, can I have some please? (for my knee..)
    Stunning photos!

  5. I'd do a little dance after all the snow melted, too.

  6. Is this where the term "feeling his oats" came from? Or maybe "horsing around"?

  7. It just goes to show you that animals have a different opinion on the weather than we do. Maybe next time it rains, Carson you could kick up your heels and see what happens. The sun might come out. Ha!
    Thanks for the laughs.
    Best always, Sandra

  8. Airs above the ground, by Hank.

  9. Oh my gosh! I can so relate to the gray hair. But I admit - I also love seeing Hank defy osteoarthritis and kick it up a little!!

    Give him a big hug from the November Hill crew.

  10. Yeah.... our critters can certainly give us a huge scare. Glad he had his fun and you didn't have a heart attack.

  11. Love the brown and white of Hank and the snow on the ground!

  12. He was sure feeling his oats! Love these shots of Hank kicking up his heels!

  13. Carson, I can see where this would give you gray hair! Oh, my!

  14. Love seeing Hank so spunky. Carson you can send any snow up to northern Michigan. We should have snow and don't.

  15. Great pictures of Hank having a good time for himself. Guess he feels good enough to put on a show and scare the hell out of you.

  16. What great shots, especially the "airs above the ground" one. While I understand your trepidation because of Hank's bad knee, what fun to see him enjoying the fact that he's alive.

    It's a good lesson.

  17. Fantastic pictures! He's having a blast. I'm thinking 1 of those will make the calendar next year.

  18. Why do horses kick up their heels and cavort in the snow? Dogs like it , too.

  19. Looks like Hank has been taking lessons from Beamer! Love that second last photo- such power! I think he loved his rain bath.

  20. Looks like latent Lipizzaner genes showing themselves! Aren't you glad you weren't riding him at the time?

  21. Good heavens to Betsy! Did Hank get too many happy pills from the tank float the other day?

  22. "Mommy, that's what I want for Christmas, a floating pony!"
    "No, that horse is just jumping in that picture."
    "No, that pony is floating, I wanna floating pony!"

  23. He looks good... how awesome that he felt so good. Good for you, Hank.

  24. Wow, he does know how to get air, doesn't he? Scared the heck out of me just looking at the pictures, cannot imagine what your heart was doing while watching him!

  25. Clearly, whatever you're giving him for his arthritis is working - so great to see him loving life. Hank's the MAN!

  26. Oh, Hank. These photos really show the Joy of life!!

    Thank you for sharing.

  27. The fact that you caught him entirely airborne is the best yet! Do horses smile? Because it looks to me like his is smiling!! He is so darn handsome - I keep looking at the pics over and over again. He really is picture perfect.

  28. Great shots! That must have been so cool to watch!

  29. I really love Hank. So glad to see he's feelin' fine. And the second vertical shot is a winner.

  30. We all have our crazy moments, right, Hank?

  31. wooohoooooo..... and wow..... straight up in the air off all 4's..... and absolutely loved the elegant rearing and my ..... oh, I sure hope he didn't tweak any knees! One time I showed off .. trying a Michael Jackson moonwalk thing and got too high on tippytoes...then... it turned into ballerina toes arched the wrong way and then, .. I was in trouble...broke two toes and fell on my knees ..which were wrecked for weeks.... I don't know...something just got into me, so I sorta feel I know how Hank feels..

  32. I would say that is one happy horse. And very handsome to boot!

  33. Wow! Hank was feeling mighty spunky yesterday!

  34. I love the pics, but the racing around on ice scares me, lol. Ours went at it yesterday and I was so sure someone would break a leg!!
    Do love the airborne pic. Good catch!

  35. I understand your concern but wow....if his body language doesn't say happiness, I don't know what does. What a gorgeous boy enjoying the best life ever at 7MSN with his herd and his loving Mom.
    And yes the weather was crap yesterday....blah didn't even describe...come on sunsshine. Oma Linda

  36. Estella from Co.12/14/11, 10:48 AM

    WOW what careful Hank...he must have been feeling really good... Give the kids a hug

  37. Can I please have some of what he's taking? My knees (also OA) would totally collapse if I tried a fraction of that!!! Hank is gorgeous!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  38. That was fun! I wonder what got into him? He's as frisky as a 2 year old there.

    I am very impressed by your camera skills! I am struggling with action shots to put in mildly.

  39. Animals must know their limits - most of the time anyway. I can't believe your photo of him up in the air - all four off the ground - great shot!

  40. What was it with the weather in NM yesterday?! Here in Quemado the weather was dreary dreary. Reminded me of Buffalo/Rochester NY. And just like Hank, my senior dog was running around like a crazed puppy. He has a bum hind leg and after this morning's romp (by the way the snow cover was spectacular this am). He was limping... but grinning.

  41. Truly a joy to read. I love the photo of him with all four feet of the ground!

  42. Wow, Hank sure was giddy. I'm glad to see he was having such a great time....unfortunately, experience tells me, he'll probably feel it tomorrow....

  43. Amazing shots of Hank's extreme Happy Dance!

  44. Hank is soooooo beautiful love his "happy dance" love the kicking and rearing pics great shots there mom!

  45. I know it made you so nervous watching him..... but what great shots! It is fun to see him having such a wonderful time despite the yuck weather...

  46. Hank is truly wild and truly beautiful, and is acting like a colt. A wild colt.

  47. Wow, Hank was a whole 'nother horse!What a bucking bronco!

    It sure was a mess! I thought it was so strange to see it sleeting and melting the snow already on the ground.

    But the warmer temps sure were welcomed.

  48. Hank is magnificent in those photos. Really. Wow.

  49. This may turn into my favorite post on your blog. He's just outstanding, I can feel his joy! Thanks for this wonderful post.

  50. Laughing my butt off. You go Hank!

  51. i am truly laughing out loud... what a horse.. that is what Jake, our boxer mix does in cold weather. he has never seen snow though... i share Osteo with Hank... glad he did not harm himself.
