
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hank puts his tongue to the test

The snow started coming down Friday afternoon, just as the weatherman had predicted.
I hate it when he's right.

Hank and his herd seemed to take it in stride. 
After Thursday's wicked winds, what's a few inches of snow?

By Saturday morning, the few inches had accumulated to a few more.

Yes, it was pretty, but it was also very cold and wet, and there are only 108 days left until spring. 

Hank: That snow looks just like powder on a doughnut. I wonder if it tastes just as good...

Hank: Uh oh. I think my thongue ith thuck to the pipe.

Hank: Whew. Close call.

Hank: Tastes pretty good but I'd prefer a Krispy Kreme.
(Roll your mouse between the margin and the picture to watch Hank eat his imaginary doughnut.)


  1. Hank, you are a handsome goofball.

    No snow here. Yet.

  2. Hanks a goof ball. Great photo of the 'herd'.

  3. As a Canadian if someone had asked me last week "Do you think the state of NM receives snow" I would have answered "no"! Thankyou for educmacating this CanadianEH! ;-)

  4. It's Christmas Story all over again. Glad he didn't get his tongue thuck to the pole. Can't believe you've got snow already but happy we're still far.

  5. Estella from Co.12/4/11, 7:09 AM

    You received about the same amount as we did by the looks of it. Sure looks the way do you ride in the winter? I love riding in a snow storm. Merry Christmas and hugs to all

  6. That series of Hank chomping the snow may be my favorite so far Carson. Thank goodness I had swallowed my coffee before I saw it.

    We're still enjoying shirtsleeve weather here on the other side of the country... sorry to brag, but if it makes you feel any better, the mosquitoes are enjoying the weather with us. ;)

  7. Beautiful pictures and in the third picture from top, aren't those small birds chickadees?

  8. Hank! Now, you've got me craving donuts.

    It sure was coming down. We've been getting a powdering every now and then, but then it warms up and mostly goes away. That photo of the birds on your fence is really lovely!

  9. Sorry the snow came so early this year, but the pics are great.

    No herd here, just two indoor cats and bird feeders just outside the front windows. The birds have had some puffy days already, but sixty predicted for today. Windy,but not terrible wind. Lots of chickadees, titmice, cardinals, flickers, sparrows, and hopeful doves. Doves only get whatever falls to the ground.

    In less than three weeks the days will start getting a wee bit longer. I always look forward to the countdown to players reporting for spring training. Baseball means spring.

  10. I love that first pic. Hank looks like "the brave and fearless leader, guiding his tired troops safely through the blizzard". I can almost see a whole novel hovering around them. It's a great photo.

  11. Love, love, love that photo of the herd walking in the snow.

  12. 108 days until spring -- you crack me up!

  13. I think snow would be fine if all you had to do was stay inside by the fire, read a book, and drink chocolate. Or maybe coffee with some Bailey's. But when you have animals, you still have chores, and winter chores suck. Thank you for making me glad I'm living in California's Central Valley. I get to enjoy your lovely snow pictures without having to beeee there.

  14. These are great pictures! I love all of them especially Hank leading the herd in. The birds on the fence. Hank bug-eyed licking snow...well, I guess all of them. :) Animals can be funny with snow. I used to live in Virginia Beach and we had snow two or three times. My outdoor cats would go to the door, see snow and then go to another door thinking at least there it would be the usual warm weather. They always gave me accusing looks like what did I do to make a mess out there.

  15. I had to look at the pictures again and just noticed the snow on the logo. That's pretty "cool"!

  16. I'm getting cold just looking at these.

  17. awwwwww-sooooooome! that actually applies to Hank and the snow. My 4 year old would be in some kind of heaven out there, now. I won't tell you about the balmy 68 dgr weather we are having down here....

  18. I love the first pic too. Hank is such a sweetie ~ :)

  19. I love those roll over pictures! Cracks me up!

  20. That first snow picture is unbelievable!! It is lovely!!
    Such perfect timing on your part to catch this eating snow picture!!

  21. What a great picture of Hank - I'm remembering "A Christmas Story," too.

  22. You can keep all that snow. It looks so cold!
    I'd say Hank could use a little maple syrup poured over his little snow cone treat! Glad the tongue didn't stick!
