
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

At least Hank was having a good time

No pretty snow pictures today. Nope. Today we've got video - raw, stark, frozen-fingers video.

When last we spoke, the weatherman was predicting heavy snow and single-digit temperatures for Monday. He was right again. The snow started anew just before I went to sleep Sunday night. My inner worrier woke me up hourly to look out the window. The snow kept falling, the wind kept howling, and I kept hoping that my herd had the sense to stay in the barn. When daylight finally rolled around, I found Lucy, George and Alan peacefully huddled in one stall and Hank running around the corral like an idiot having the time of his life. That pattern repeated itself throughout the day.

I kept my Flip cam in my pocket and tried to capture all the misery fun, indoors and out. So without further ado, here is Monday at the 7MSN:


  1. Loved it!!!!!Now this song is definitely stuck in my head for the rest of the day....I'm totally in love with the whole gang you've got there. Lovely blog.:)

  2. Jenny in MN, now in AZ12/6/11, 5:36 AM

    Love it! Thank you for the big smile for today! brrr...

  3. Congratulations, you have more snow in NM than I do in Alberta!! no no no, that is quite alright, keep it ....I insist ;P

  4. Oh, my! That's quite a bit of snow! I love how they all seem to be enjoying it, except maybe the chickens! Oh, and Wynonna! I loved seeing your wood stove going, too!

  5. Looks like they did play/harass one another a bit and get at least a small amount of exercise... You really DID get some snow!!

  6. Wow you have more snow than we do here up in northern lower Michigan!. Love the interaction this shows. At one point I thought Alan was running to Lucy saying 'help George is following m!'. Thanks for sharing.

  7. LOVE this!! What a great video of all the 7MSNers... :)

  8. What a great video and with a perfect selection of music. Loved it! Thanks for the sacrifice of your fingers for art. The sun is coming out today to melt alll your blues away.

  9. Brrrr! Smooch's coat is very becomming. Are you sure the herd couldn't one each too? Or maybe some warming lights in the barn like the girls get in their Palace? I guess I am thinking like a cold human, brrrrr lol

  10. I don't smile at your misery but this was the cutest video. What's up with Hank? He is loving the snow. When he comes in for a snack, those boys exit the stall in a big hurry. Oh dear, gorgeous photos but I hope you return to normal soon.

  11. Estella from Co.12/6/11, 6:57 AM

    I'm relating to the inside critters...Smooch and the cat have it made. George and Alan are non stop aren't they...what a pair. So much for going riding today heh heh heh Stay warm and give hugs to the critters

  12. It looked like Alan was looking for something..."Where's my DIRT?!?"
    I'm with Teresa--you can keep all that wintery stuff in NM, thanks, anyway!

  13. Like a bunch of kids playing in the snow. Did Hank make a snowman? Make snow angels?

  14. I think Smooch and the kitties know they have a good thing going on inside where it's warm by the fire!

  15. Great video! The snow is beautiful! The boys look like they are enjoying it. It does look quite cold though. :(

  16. How in the world did you find that song?? Love it!! Smooch has a fine looking jacket too!

  17. Ok...I will no longer complain when it's 35 degrees outside while I'm feeding my herd. Brrrr! I would stay inside with the cats. :)
    Great video.

  18. Carol in Colorado12/6/11, 8:22 AM

    I love the John Anderson song, it was perfect. I wonder how soon the weatherman will predict warmer temps. You have as much snow as I have in my yard. Glad Hank was having a good time playing. At one point, he look as if he was getting ready to roll and changed his mind.

    Stay warm!!

  19. The cats got it right...
    Love John Anderson, perfect music for your video. I had to laugh at Alan running to hide behind Lucy.

  20. I love watching animals playing in the snow, and I think the frame of Smooch yawning from a cosy spot in the house is priceless. I'm glad to see Wynonna at least stuck her head out for a treat!
    Have no idea why I only got the first five seconds of the music and then...silence. Hmmmm.

  21. I love Alan's sliding stop at 3:25!

  22. I loved how Wynonna had insulated her nose...with hay.... LOL... may have helped keep it never know til you try it!!!...LOL... Shadow D.

  23. Great video!!! You have more snow than we have in Eastern Ontario! We have none....yet :)

  24. I just can't get over all that snow...
    wouldn't be much fun to sit out on the "margarita chairs" now, would it?! (see where my mind goes?) lol
    I love how playful the white stuff makes Hank, George and's wonderful to see them cavorting around and kicking their heels up!

  25. Oh that was brilliant! Hank looked so happy frisking in the snow. Our horses used to love it too. Smooch looks very dapper, and everybody taking it in stride, except for you maybe? Put on the kettle or Bailys, get a good book and curl up by the fire and enjoy it not being 100 degrees. Hows the solar water heater working in these temps? Hang in there, spring is coming... eventually.

  26. As always, I am absolutely fascinated to see a slice of life at the 7MSN. Nothing stops the Alan/George train of hijinks I see. It looks like you have good shelter prepared for everyone, plenty of food, and they supply the fun. The music was great! Loved this video. Thank you for sharing the "fun" with us. :)

  27. The cat and dog have it made! But it looks to me like the barn critters are pretty content "Bad Weather" and all! ;) And Hank looks very handsome in the snow and I think he knows it!

  28. That was beautiful to see (from the comfort of my warm living room). Especially liked seeing Hank trotting in the snow.

  29. Better than a Jacquie Lawson card--- real life at the MSN. Love Smooch's fleece jacket!

  30. Hank is a beautiful mover; he must have been awesome in his "yout!" Hope that single digit weather isn't headed to the NE.

  31. love the video; doesn't look like winter wonderland today....just cold; thanks for sharing, though. Hank sure does love the snow!!

  32. Great video. Your weather was all over the news here in California. --actually, it was all over NPR so not just here. Duh. Smooch and the cat are the smart ones although the equines look like they are having fun. Winona...not so much.

  33. I'm so glad I found your blog ... in so many ways! It is raining heavily here in sunny Queensland today and I just loved watching your winter wonderland.

  34. I could watch those guys playing all day. Even though it's rotten and cold and I know you hate it. It still is a little piece of heaven on earth there. So fun! Thank you for sharing.

  35. I'll expand on JMG's comment...did Hank write his name in the snow *<=o) Love the new winterized header!

  36. I tried to open your blog last night and my computer wasn't cooperating...then this morning, ah! A wonderful donkey fix and snow fix in one lovely visit! :-) Thanks for the great video! I loved the way Hank was running around, happy to be alive! The donkeys were so cute! And your cat and dog, now they had the right idea, snuggled up by the fire! :-)

  37. Whoops! Alan nearly went on his tushie at one point x-D.

    Your house looks so cozy :).

  38. Scary. We have gotten no snow in Chicago. It's beautiful but you can keep it! :-)
