
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

You know you live in the middle of nowhere when... know that not a single trick-or-treater will show up at your door... you go out in the pasture hunting down the herd with a friend and a flashlight...

...and try to take spooky pictures in the dark but that doesn't work too good... you lay down to get a better look at the stars and hope that nobody steps on you...

...then you stick a pair of goofy teeth in your mouth...

...that glow in the dark.

Then you laugh so hard that your sides hurt.

Sure beats sitting around handing out candy.


  1. It's funny how those of us that live so rural can make the best of any situation! Ha, no ghosts or goblins here, but I waiting out front and enjoyed a cold, crisp, starry night ... no light up teeth though. Those are awesome!!!

  2. You two crack me up!! What a fun time you had this halloween what with the visits, costumes and general merryment. Keep it up, you "make my day."

    You are the most consistent blogger I follow and every morning I can count on you to liven up the room. I pass your blog onto whomever I can and they are lurkers like me but we share a laugh and a "did you see what Linda put up today?"


  3. I'm going to tell a bunch of kids to drive out to your place next year. I think you need some trick or treat visitors, n'est-ce pas?
    Love your scary pics.
    Best always, Sandra

  4. Compared to you, I feel positively swamped with the 12 Trick or Treaters who came to my house. Weren't those stars fabulous!

  5. Oh, what fun! I thought I could hear the laughter from here... :)

  6. If I were to come trick or treating in your neibourhood I would expect dinner and dessert to be served in the paster with the gang ;-) I will bring the wine and carrots eh :D

  7. I didn't get any Trick or Treaters either but...I ate candy. I shoulda gone outside with a flashlight and a camera. Love the glow in the dark teeth.

  8. Carol in Colorado11/1/11, 7:23 AM

    I bet the gang was probably thinking "What is up with Mom? Has she lost her mind?" The glow in dark teeth did for me. LOL

  9. What a great way to start the day with a laugh...thank you AGAIN Hugs to the kids

  10. Sounds and looks like you had a lot of fun.

  11. We, too, live out in the country...up a trick or noise.

  12. Wonderful trick or treat post!! Love it--and boy was I scared!! We must remember to laugh at ourselves at all costs to the others!!

  13. Nice to have company under the stars!

  14. I would say that Danni inspired you in doing this but let's face it, we all know you woulda been in the front 40 with the donks and glow in the dark teeth...but this way you had another donketeer to share it with. Big laugh out louds here at Casa de Cuckoo.

  15. We only had people that we knew, some great nephews and great niece, and neighbors within just a few houses away, so less than a dozen people. But I'm hoping to give cake away to some restaurant friends later today. Haven't made it to that point on my list yet ...

  16. were you filming the "Donkey Itch Project"? (sorry it is the best I could come up with); too fun and sounds ideal: although I do have to admit it was fun walking around with my child and seeing her have such a blast!

  17. It's a good look. Shame it only comes once a year...

  18. We don't get any trick or treaters either -- too far from the road, I guess. We aren't nearly as creative as you with the time though!
