
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Will jump on furniture for cookies

My dog cracks me up. Every. Single. Day.

The next video was brought to my attention by Pat and Jim. Hi, Pat and Jim! It cracks me up almost as much as Smooch does...ok, maybe more. Let this be a warning to the next 7MSN house guest: we will be trying to re-create something similar. Can't you just picture Smooch drinking a margarita and noshing on chips and salsa?


  1. Smooch has those other two dogs beat 'hands down' in the cute department! What a great leap that was!!! Totally was not expecting that. HA.

  2. OMG Carson, those video's TOTALLY cracked me up! What a way to start my day ... laughing out loud til my sides hurt and a big smile on my face.

  3. Oh Smoochie.... dogs know sit, stay, and rollover. Not "fly". Or was that "pounce"? Where are your manners, young lady?

  4. Oh, I think Smooch, especially in her airborne phase, is funnier than the dogs-in-restaurant video. Smooch is a funny funny girl. A tad bit greedy, but I would be the last one to hold that against her!

  5. WAYYYYYYyyyyyy to funny silly :D

  6. Thanks for the big smile on my face this morning!

  7. I see a Schnauzer dining video in my future! Thanks for the great ideas. :)

  8. She definitely fits the bill of "Cookie Monster" but then again so do I. I love cookies! Ha! Thanks for the laughs.

    Best always, Sandra

  9. I love both videos ... a good early morning grin!!

  10. Two hilarious videos! Thanks. Smooch is a girl after my own heart...I love cookies too!
    And I just received my 7MSN calendar in the mail yesturday-I can't wait to hang it up! :)

  11. OMGoodna! Coffee just about flew out my nose! Had to hold back to just tears because my boss was walking around. My Pug couldn't do either of those dining techniques. Even sitting on a chair she can't reach the table. LOL Thanks for great start to my day.

  12. I love the tail-waggin' thanks she so consistently gives you! Such a good girl you are, sweet Smooch.
    And wow - that was quite a leap. Not a single part of your doggy body wasn't a part of that jump.

  13. That song is so perfect! Carson, were this vignettes from a weeks worth of furniture jumping, or just one big cookie hoe down?!

  14. Smoochie girl is the cutest and the bestest and the funniest dog ever!
