
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

They didn't get the memo about the time change

Wynonna: Hurry up. You're an hour late with my dinner.
Me: I beg your pardon, but I am right on time. 

Wynonna: Like hell you are.
Me: Wynonna, we've had this same discussion every stinkin' fall for the past 16 years.

Wynonna: And not once has it made any sense. Just shut up and feed me.

Wynonna: I'm waiting...

Me: Foaming at the mouth? Seriously? Isn't that a little dramatic?
Wynonna: I told you I was starving. Did you believe me? No.

I'm going to interrupt this story to point something out that you might have overlooked.

I have snout smears on the front of my house.

Meanwhile, over in the corral...

George: Feed us this very minute or there will be nothing left of my neck.
Do you want that on your conscience?

Alan: Daylight-schmaylight. Would it kill you to feed us a little early?

Lucy: I'm going over there. Maybe I can talk some sense into her.

Lucy: This whole situation is getting entirely out of hand. 
Alan and George are about to jump out of their skin they're so hungry.

Alan: I can't HANDLE the time change!

Hank: All good things come to he who waits patiently by his feed tub.


  1. This time change does seem to be hard to deal with, especially this year. Can't say as I blame any of your 7MSN crew.

    By the way, love the 'snout smears'!

  2. This is the time change everyone in the family dreads because of the dogs. Will someone please figure out how to get them to understand it? They do everything they can to get our attention except tap dance and I expect that's coming next. I can only imagine the antics your crew puts on to get your attention!

  3. I'm with Alan on this time-change business.

  4. Hank and Lucy *always* crack me up in the morning!

  5. LOL. Same problem here. I finally gave in and started feeding the dogs closer to their normal time but am slowly pushing it towards the new time. (You can only be the bad guy for so long.)

    They have incredible time clocks in their tummies, don't they?!

  6. In a perfect world, we would all just live by the sun, throw away all clocks, small plastic devices called phones, alarms, calendars, daytimers, and any other devices/mechanisms that define our realities...and we would all get along...and we would just go about doing the next right thing...and then retire when we were tired...and we would sleep until we woke up refreshed, renewed, and ready to do it all again.

  7. Some similar scenes played out here (except for the nose smears, of course). One little hour makes all the difference in the world to them, doesn't it?

  8. I'm totally w/your crew on this one. This time change stinks!

  9. I second the motion on the Anonymous post. Could not have said it better.
    Best always, Sandra

  10. Ahh, Arizona! We don't need no stinkin' time change!

  11. I thought my dog was going to run me over this morning as she herded me toward her food bowl.

    I can't believe you let those poor equines continue to suffer while you stopped to take pictures. Poor, poor babies!

  12. Snout smears??? Now that's something I do NOT have on my ranch. Ha!

  13. Yup, we are having the same discussions with my dog family! They aren't any more patient than yours and probably just as loud in protest!

  14. You could try what my farming friends do...just don't change your clocks. It does get a bit confusing for those of us who live in both farm-world and have an off-farm job but, if you don't have to be anywhere it might work for you. The critters would be happier.

  15. You and the kids need to move over here to Arizona...we don't change our clocks! I love the snout smears. :)

  16. I feel your pain. My dogs are fed each morning at 5:30 and they get insulin now they are awake and bugging me at 4:30. Today we made it a little longer. I am hoping to sleep until 5:30 tomorrow.

  17. What a good boy Hank is. So sensible and patient. The others just can't help themselves. Those tummy clocks are very accurate.

  18. Poor Wynonna. I think you'll just have to get her a watch so she understands. I've got the same problem with my dogs, they've been circling their feed bowls an hour earlier and wanting to go out for their last potty run an hour earlier too.

  19. The snout marks are so cute!!! The donkey's photos make me smile!

  20. Every time we change our clocks, there's that moment when it dawns on me that I'm going to have to explain things to my usually doesn't go well.

  21. I think I speak on behalf of moms everywhere (of both 2 legged and 4 legged children): leave time the hell alone!!!!!!!

  22. I didn't think you had a time change at 7MSN. I mean, what's the point of being 7MSN if you don't have your own time zone? Like Phoenix?


  23. Any chance of taking a quick video the next time they are "horsing around"? I would love to hear their little voices!!!!

  24. So by next fall you will probably have completely forgotten this comment, but I bet this would be really helpful during the next time change...Change their feeding by 10 minutes everyday leading up to the time change, then they wouldn't notice it as much!
