
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I couldn't have done it without you

Once I narrowed down a year's worth of photographs to 12, I was toast. There was no way I could pick one for the cover. That's where you came in. Thank you to everyone who weighed in. Your opinions matter here, and when you said things like:
...captures the essence of 7MSN
...imparts the sense of "seven miles south of nowhere"
...says it all without a face but rather the iconic image
...Hank IS the leader so he should 'lead' off the calendar symbolizes the beauty of the choice you made many years ago...

Who could argue with all of that? Not me. So without further ado, here is the cover of the 2012 calendar:

And here is the link where you can purchase one. One calendar will cost you around $12.50 plus $4.00 shipping. Place your order between now and December 18 and you can save 15% by entering the code NINECAL at the checkout page.

But who cares about any of that? You all came back here today to see if you won one of these things.

There were 179 entries in the contest, and the all-powerful Random Integer Generator selected comment number 22 as the calendar winner.

And guess who commenter 22 is...

None other than Estella from Co., also known as Lucy's Before Mom!

I couldn't have rigged that if I tried.

Estella, a calendar will be working its way to you in the near future. You can skip right to January, February, September and November for close-ups of the best saddle donkey in the universe.

There will be a link at the bottom of this page through December if you'd like to preview or order the calendar.


  1. Congrats Estella! Lucy must have sent good vibes to the random comment selector just for you!

    You've got to be so pleased your Lucy landed in such a wonderful home. :)

  2. Oh, that's just too cool, that Estella is the random winner. Iddent that jus' perfeck?

  3. Kismet IS all it's chalked up to be.

    Congrats Estella.

    (Thanks for including my comment up there.)

  4. Hooray! Congratulations Estella!!

  5. I love the cover shot! Hank is a gorgeous horse. I've just been lurking lately - not much to say.

  6. Good for you Estella. A great memory for you during 2012.
    Best always, Sandra

  7. Great cover shot! Congratulations to Estella!

  8. Perfect choice- of photo, and of winner!

  9. Linda, this is the purrrfect picture for your calendar cover. So much like the stencil of Hank!

  10. Estella from Co.11/16/11, 7:43 AM

    OMG, as they say now, But a HUGE YIPPEE..HURRAY...THANK YOU..THANK YOU. I can easily say this is a tissue event. I think the cover of Hank is also the right choice. You all can't begin (well, some of you can) to know how my heart is filled with joy, peace (I could go on) knowing what a wonderful person and place Lucy has to live and how she is being used and SEEING her on this blog. Thank you, Linda and thank you all for loving Lucy the way I do. I've also come to love ALL the four legged critters at 7MSN Ranch. WHAT a GREAT way to start the day. One more HUGE YIPPEEEEEEE and hugs to all and kisses

  11. Estella's win has given me shivers of happiness!

  12. Hank wears his leadership role well. Congrats to Estella. The calendar shots are so representative of 7MSN: body, soul, and spirit.

  13. Happy dance time. I can just see you doing a happy dance when you saw whose name matched up with number 22. Some things are just meant to be. No one deserves it more. Love wins.

  14. Carol in Colorado11/16/11, 2:50 PM

    Congratulations Estella!! What a great way to start 2012. Enjoy!

  15. what a perfect person to win it!! glad to know things still work out like they should at times :)

    and yes, that is the perfect shot now that I take a second look: capturing the grace and beauty of 7MSN and the beautiful photography that you share with us!

  16. I couldn't think of a better winner. How fitting.

    I'd better get busy on my own calendar....I'm procrastinating...again...

  17. That there is poetic justice. Congratulations, Estella!

  18. Yes! Estella definitely deserves the prize.

  19. I've been smiling all day because you quoted me, Carson, and also because Estella won the big prize !!! True Karma at work here !!

  20. Estella from Co.11/16/11, 7:34 PM

    Have I told you all how wonderful you are...What a day...can't wait to get the calendar. Life is GOOOOOOOD..sweet dreams everyone.

  21. Couldn't be a better winner. Congrats Estella!

  22. That is one incredibly gorgeous capture! I love silhouette shots & the horse is such an awesome bonus!!! =)
