
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Giving thanks...for a pigeon?

Amelia is still here, and I'm seriously over-the-top happy that she's chosen to stay for at least another day. 
When I went out to the barn Tuesday morning, she was right where I left her Monday night, perched above the feed room. 
Then the sun came up and the whole neighborhood came out to greet her.

I took the picture above out my office window around 7:30. 
That's Amelia sitting atop the pipe rail, looking down over the chickens and five doves. 
There are three more doves perched on the roof.

Where did all these doves come from? 
Whoever said doves were lonesome needs to visit the 7MSN.

Amelia seemed a little surprised by all the fuss being made over her arrival (that's her standing closest to Eugenia). 
I can only hope that all these new friends are enough to entice her to stay permanently.

Amelia's presence is alot like those glory days when Deets was here – she doesn't have to stick around, but the fact that she does makes me smile so big my face hurts. This is going to sound ridiculous as soon as I type it, but I'm feeling honored because a pigeon has chosen to live here, if only temporarily, and I'll be adding "pigeon" to my list of things to be thankful for tomorrow.

Speaking of which, tomorrow somebody might be live-blogging her attempts to make Martha Stewart's Triple Chocolate Pumpkin Pie and the Cookin' Canuck's Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes with Chipotle Pecan Streusel. It could get ugly, but then again it might be fun. Until then, all of us at the 7MSN wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving.


  1. Oooh, I made Cookin' Canuck's sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving last year. Spicy and sweet! My skins didn't hold together too well but it was delish even if it wasn't pretty!
    Happy Thanksgiving from one of your many blog lurkers!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Linda! God bless all 7MSN creatures great and small!

  3. I'm thankful that a co-worker (Moritz Help Desk) turned me on to your blog. You help me start every day with a smile. Happy Thanksgiving to all creatures great and small (human and not) at 7MSN!

  4. Our daughter makes Bobby Flay's chipotle sweet potatoes and boy, are they good! Glad Amelia is still around to share the holiday with you!

  5. I think giving thanks for Amelia is a fine thing.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all at the 7MSN!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you and apparently your growing brood!

  8. I'm going to sound ignorant... but doves and pigeons... they aren't the same thing, are they? Is she a dove or pigeon. All I know is, I would happily send the pigeons we have roosting in the roof of our barn over to yours... :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. And also with you (blessed Thanksgiving-wise)!

    Pigeons are doves, or maybe doves are pigeons, so perhaps Amelia and her feathered fans have established a *flight or *flock or a ‡dule.

    *names for a group of pigeons
    ‡name for a group of doves
    Can you tell I'm trying to avoid getting some real work done here?

  10. A royal welcome for Miss Amelia. It's the little things in life that bring happiness.

  11. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your critters at the 7MSN! That is including your newest member Amelia!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the gang. The food sounds delicious. Hope Amelia decides to stay, looks like she's fitting right in with the rest of the bird gals.

  13. Estella from Co.11/23/11, 7:22 AM

    You also have a lovely Thanksgiving and the story of Amelia's arrival is quite interesting....I know if I were her I'd stay. What animal in their right mind would leave the 7MSN. (should I'd like to come live there) As usual give the kids a hug and THANK YOU for the many blessings and joy you have given others. :)

  14. I hope she stays around for you as well. Not a thing wrong with being glad to have a creature in your midst.

  15. I hope Amelia stays. She looks right at home at the 7MSN. I have a soft spot in my heart for pigeons. I rescued a couple babies in the nest when I was a kid. Our apartment complex manager in California knocked down their nest. I hand fed them and took them to a nature center that would introduce them back into the world when they were old enough. Then in my college days, I rescued a pigeon in Kansas at the stable where I boarded my horse. They were gonna leave it for the cats. I took it home, took it to the vet and nursed it back to health. It let us know it was healthy again when it flew across our living room, headed toward a mountain range in a big painting we had on the wall. I've also rescued sparrows and chickens. I have a thing for birds.

    Happy Thanksgiving to Amelia and the 7MSN crew. Good luck with that pie. It sounds delicious.

  16. Carol in Colorado11/23/11, 8:07 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to the 7MSN gang, all the readers and your mom and dad!

    Could Miss Amelia be a reincarnation of Deets? Just a thought. I love listening to the cooing sounds of pigeons and doves. What a wonderful addition to the gang?

  17. Amelia is undoubtedly thankful to be with you at the 7MSN, a real oasis for travellers I'm sure. And what's one more at the holiday table? I'm sure all your "kids" are happy to share.

  18. Thought I'd share this with you. It is sorta like horoscopes and I like to read them for fun. This is from a book called Animal Spirit Guides

    If a pigeon shows up it means:
    You're about to receive an important message from an unexpected source in an unexpected way.

    Keep your mind on the goal that's just ahead, stay with it, and you will get there.

    No matter where you are in the world, you can draw on the feeling of home by closing your eyes, remembering what it was like, and breathing in the feeling.

    If you're going through any kind of a struggle, look to family and close friends for support and compassion.

    There you go! Hope you find this interesting or at least entertaining!

  19. I hope you and yours have a great Thanksgiving. Are they already putting in their orders for what they want this year?

  20. I tend to call doves country pigeons, but both show up in city and country.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all at the 7MSN !

  21. I completely understand and agree :-).

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. I can totally understand your feeling about the lovely Amelia. When I was a kid I had a pet pigeon. Her name was Perky. She had a broken wing and couldn't fly. My brother brought her home to mend. We had Perky for at least 7 years and then one day she was gone from her "house" in the backyard. She made the sweetest noises and was very social with our dog and cat.
    Happy cooking adventures and a wonderful Thanksgiving Carson. Oma Linda and all the crew at Casa de Cuckoo

  23. If you build her a little nest box and entice her into it with food, she is very likely to stay for good. If she feels she is home she will not leave unless forced (ie, crammed into a box and driven 75 miles away and turned loose).

    About a million years ago, I had some racing pigeons but I could never bring myself to drive them far away and leave them to their own devices. They do get very tame and make nice pets. They can be amazingly affectionate. I hope she sticks around.

  24. I'm hoping that one of these days Amelia's close up will appear at the top of your blog in your Cast of Characters.

  25. I totally get how you're feeling about Amelia. Will she take food from you? Not chocolate pumpkin pie, but I can imagine her settling in with you. Did her former owner seem to want her to come back? How amazing that you were able to figure that out so quickly - he must have been surprised to hear from you. Keep us posted! Now, I'm going to look at that pie recipe...

  26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and ALL of your wonderful hairy and feathery creatures... great and small. :-)

  27. I love the story of Amelia. Last night over dinner I told my husband all about her -- how she got off track, where she was supposed to go, how many miles that wrong turn took her. He loved it. He used to have racing pigeons when he was a kid so the story really resonated with him. We hope she stays with you too.

  28. Happy Thanksgiving to all at the
    7MSN Ranch. Is Amellias "former" owner watching her on here?

  29. Amelia must have put the word out on the pigeon grape vine that the food was tasty and the company entertaining at the 7MSN homestead eh!!
    Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  30. I think that is awesome. You need to read "Mutant Message Down Under"; it is abt the Aussie aboriginals.... they really have a connection and relation with animals and also feel honored by their presence.... we need to all be that way.... I hope he stays as well....I am now a little attached myself!

  31. You're so ambitious. I'd probably bake a plain pumpkin pie and eat the chocolate.

  32. I so hope Miss Amelia stays!! I completely understand feeling honored that she's chosen to stay with you. I feel that way every time my Layla looks at me with her big brown German Shepherd eyes and I can see that unconditional love staring back at me. I miss Deets :(
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you at 7MSN!!

  33. I do hope Amelia is still with you, at least for the holiday! As for the pie, well, according to your tweet it should have come out of the oven a few minutes ago -- and I can almost smell it from here. I will now go to bed and have very sweet dreams! Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  34. My favorite picture is your very last one...of Eugenia and Amelia. Gorgeous. And I can just feel the curiosity emanating from sweet Eugenia...if anybody is going to be pals, it's going to be these two.

    The comparison you made between Amelia and Deets touched me. I hope Amelia decides she'd like to hang with you all for a long time.

  35. Linda - Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your furry and feathered critters at 7MSN!

  36. Who wouldn't want to roost at the 7MSN? I feel honoured whenever ANY animal wants to spend any amount of time in my presence, much less move right in. Clearly, Amelia knows this is a safe place and you're what we call around here "a friendly".
