
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Free Bird

I called Amelia's owner in Arizona to let him know to be on the lookout for her. He says he'll call me when she gets there. Let's hope her GPS works better going in that direction. Or better yet, let's hope she gets to the New Mexico/Arizona border and turns right back around.


  1. Oh, dear, it's another 7MSN morning--a smile on my face and a tear in my eye. I hope Amelia's owner sees this video.

  2. Now that she has found your little oasis, maybe she'll put you on her list of stops.

  3. How beautiful! Safe travels Amelia!

  4. Aww...have a good trip home, Amelia. And maybe you could send your new friend Carson some info on where she can pick up a few of her own that will perch in your old spot. Or perhaps she'll build them a Pigeon Palace and start a subdivision in Wynonna's pen next to the girls.

    I have a feeling we'll see more heart shaped beaks in the future.


  5. How silly, this post made my eyes tear up!

    Amelia's story made an interesting little interlude on yoour blog. Thanks for sharing her.

  6. have a safe journey home Amelia! (waving from Canadaeh)

  7. Wow, who would have thought that I would start my Sunday morning over coffee crying over a pigeon with a messed up sense of direction.....she should have stayed with you and I'm sure she will miss you now that she is gone.

  8. Some pigeons gotta sit, and some pigeons gotta race. Few get their own music video, usually the prettier ones.

  9. I'm sorry she didn't stay. Guess she needed a resting spot before she headed back home to Arizona. Maybe she has children she needs to get back to who knows. But she did have a great vacation.

  10. The love you have for God's creatures is immense. Thanks for sharing that part of your life with us.
    Sandra in OK

  11. Stupid pigeon made me cry. Yet another punch outta my man card.

    Safe travels Amelia!

  12. I wonder how long it'll take Amelia to get home. She sure flies fast!

  13. Unlike the other Amelia, this one was lost, and then was found- and she sure found her way into your heart. I enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame on your blog.
    Maybe she'll visit again. You did a lovely job on the video.

  14. Darn it, Carson! I've got tears dripping into my coffee! You've made me look at pigeons in a whole new light. I'll have to really look at the ones down at the park carefully now! She was a beautiful bird! Lots of blues and purples...I hope she makes it home okay and we see an update on her!

  15. What a beautiful video - it made me smile and tear up at the same time. I hope she returns to you, but if she doesn't I hope she tells all her friends about the great vacation ranch she stayed at in New Mexico and you'll see many more coming for a visit.

  16. I have to agree with Cheryl Ann - the salty tears add a different bit of flavor to the eggnog laced coffee!
    Oh, I am feeling a heavy burden of guilt.... as I think about the flying pigeons... in a new light.
    Amelia is one lucky bird! Can't wait to hear about her safe arrival in Arizona!

  17. Lump in throat. Godspeed, Amelia!

  18. I'm with the others on this one.... The combination of your video, Freebird, Amelia and your tender heart made for tears in my coffee. Gosh its lovely how you love and characterize the birdies and beasties in your blog. Thanks. Oma Linda

  19. Oh, safe travels, sweet Amelia. You brought a lot of joy to a lot of people in your few days here. And, trust me, there's nothing better than having a light on, waiting for you, at 7MSN.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  20. That song gets me every time, dang it. Godspeed Amelia, get home safe!

  21. Ok, I'm teared up about a pigeon I never met...yeesh. I so hope Amelia gets back safely. I know you'll let us know.

  22. One of your best posts ever. Let us know when she makes it home.

  23. Great video, thanks! It's quite refreshing to learn from your appreciative perspective of pigeons as opposed to my city-girl knee jerk reaction of "ick, not another pigeon." A shameful attitude, I know, even tho I'm an animal lover, of both the wild variety and human-friendly family members.

    I bet she came to visit you because she's a sophisticated pigeon who reads only the best of blogs. She probably decided a fall visit to one of her fave ranches was in order before the cold, dreary winter hit. She was right, she got stellar treatment and great memories galore. Take care...

  24. Awww.... darn it anyway. I hoped she would stay .... and become part of the 7MSN family....

    After seeing your post the other day I read a lot about pigeons and their importance in war time and other was very interesting.... I think we should still have Pigeon Grams.... what fun that would be.... you pay up front for a bird to deliver your mail ... and wait for a return answer.....

  25. okay.... this made me cry.... God will tend to her and safe travels; I love the shot where she has her neck feathers kind of ruffly; she looks like she is ready for a night out...

    interesting she took off in the rain....

  26. I can't believe this: I'm crying over a bird leaving you. Seriously. What a beautiful video. Let us know if you hear from her owner -- I'd like to know she made the journey safely.

  27. The bird wasn't even yours, and I am crying over the video! I hope she makes it safely home.

    Amelia WAS a part of the 7MSN family for a little while and what an impact she made!

    Maybe a flock of Pigeons is in the 7MSN future???? LOLO
