
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Calling Central Casting

New Mexico has become quite the hot spot for the film industry. They call us Tamale-wood, you know. 
Not a week goes by when there isn't a casting call for extras in some movie or tv series being produced nearby. 
I happened to mention this fact to the herd yesterday.

Lucy: Have them call my agent.

Lucy: If they've got a role for a leading lady, I might be interested.

Hank: I'll take any part that George Clooney turns down. I'm just as handsome.

Hank: Just make sure I get top billing and 10% of the gross. 
Oh – and no nude scenes and only yellow M&Ms in my dressing room.

Alan: Are these sunglasses too pretentious? 
I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard.

Alan: I can see myself on the red carpet ... 
waving to my adoring fans, signing autographs, being interviewed on Entertainment Tonight...

George: ...looking like an ass.

George: I am so ready for my close-up.

George: The camera loves me.

Smooch: Are you sure this is how Lassie got her big break?

A very special thanks to Costume Designer Norma for outfitting the herd.


  1. I just about spit my coffee on the keyboard over this post! What fun!! Those glasses are too funny, but poor Smooch ... she's swimming in them. I wish everyone well and hope their Tamale-wood dreams come true.

  2. ROFL! How did you ever get them to stay on?

  3. didn't realize just how big those glasses were until they were on Smooch!

  4. Your cast of stars had me smiling this morning!

  5. I lost my clip-on sunglasses yesterday. They are not quite that big or green framed. That probably explains why I'm not in the movies. Plus I'm one state to the right on the map.

  6. In my mind I can hear all of their different voices. Too cute.

  7. Tell us the secret! Did you have a tie going around the back to hold these adorable sunglasses on the patient animals? I truly loved the last picture. It says it all.
    Thanks for the laugh.
    Best always, Sandra

  8. Diane from NC11/20/11, 6:55 AM

    I am smiling big time and loving the pictures. They are very patient with you. What great critters you have.

  9. Your gang has way more talent than 3/4's of Hollywood ;-) Better looks also. ;p But their privacy will be safe from the prying eyes of the paparazzi as I donot think the 7MSN shows up on a GPS :D

  10. There was just enough spring in the side pieces ... and everybody's head is so big ... that the glasses stayed on by themselves. No magic involved.

  11. I think Smooch wears them best.

  12. Teehee....loved all the pictures, but I gotta say, When I got to Smooch, I cracked up! Just way to cute!

  13. Um...Hank? I hate to tell you this, but the 7MSN paparazzi has already posted nudie photos of you on the internet......

  14. Estella from Co.11/20/11, 8:04 AM

    These pictures are WAY to cute...thought I would split a gut. Smooch was just tooooo much. But I must admit they ALL looked like Movie Star material. Hugs to all

  15. Hank, don't be silly. You're way handsomer than George Clooney!

  16. Carol in Colorado11/20/11, 8:33 AM

    The sunglasses rock!! I love George's look with his head cocked as it to say "Pleeze". LOL

  17. Great! Perfect captions. Tamale-wood...hilarious!

  18. It looks like Smooch is tipping her head down a little and trying to look over the top of the sunglasses, much as we do with reading glasses. It's like she's trying to give you THE look and saying, "You've got to be kidding."

  19. How 'bout Wynonna, the ultimate diva!!!!

  20. The equine (and canine) equivalent to box office gold.

  21. That photo of Smooch is hilarious! What won't that dog do for you?

  22. George's "the camera loves me" shot MUST make next year's calendar.. It's priceless! And Smooch... hilarious!

  23. A great way to start the day!

  24. I checked out the Tamale-wood word and found out there is a guy claiming to have invented it and having the legal rights for its use.

  25. Just the laugh I needed before bed :)

  26. LOL This post made my day. Hank is definitely the equine George Clooney, no doubt about it.

    - Gaina

  27. Outstanding, darlings. I'll be watching for you all at the Oscars.
