
Thursday, November 24, 2011

The 21-ingredient, triple-chocolate p.i.t.a. pumpkin pie

I had planned to live-blog during the making of this Martha Stewart pie today.
Then I happened to read the recipe last night and noticed the part where it said "chill overnight." 
In the end, I'm glad I didn't try to bake and blog simultaneously because 
it got kind of ugly for a while and there was way too much stress involved.

When all was said and done, it turned out quite nicely. And that's a very good thing. 
Because I would be really embarassed to show up for Thanksgiving dinner without a pie in hand.


  1. That pie is so gorgeous....don't let Don wear it. Thanksgiving love to you and your herd. Casa de Cuckoo

  2. Looks delicious even if it was a p.i.t.a. to make. I'm sure it will be a bit hit. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the critters.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! DO bring that pie over here. That looks YUMMMMMM!

  4. It looks fab... I bet it tastes just as good! I agree that's a lot of ingredients but if it's worth it, then it's worth it! Happy Thanksgiving :)

  5. That pie looks yummy! If it tastes anything like it looks, it's going to be a big hit.

  6. If I made that pie, and it didn't come out good, my embarrassment at showing up pieless would be tempered by the joy of knowing the whole "came out bad" thing would be waiting for me and my fork when I got home.

  7. Don and I just read this post together and our mouths are watering.

    I almost spit my tea out while reading Linda in NM's comment... :D

    We all can't wait to see you... the picture of the finished pie is divine.

  8. Ooh, that looks mouth watering. Make sure you save room for pie!

  9. It is beeyoootiful! Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. Looks delish! I'd eat a piece or two of that in a heartbeat! Really... it looks VERY good!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the critters!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! I get a kick out of your "comments" on your pictures. :) That pie looks really good!

  12. Wow - that's one good looking pie! Yes, Martha is a hard task-master with her recipes. I made babka once like her mother makes it and it was, well, let's just say, it wasn't easy. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your wonderful furry and feathered pals- I'm grateful to be able to escape to the 7MSN every morning while I drink that first cup of coffee!

  13. Just stopping by to wish you a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

    The Pie looks SCRUMPTIOUS!!!!
    YUM! YUM! YUM!

  14. MMMmmmmmmmm pie.....
    Happy T day to you and the gang eh!

  15. Yummy!! Have fun!

  16. That looks yummy! I bypassed dessert tonight *(GOOD GIRL), but stuffed myself on everything else!

  17. Wow, that is some pie.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, and your critters.

  18. Oh...that's one magnificent pie!
    Bravo! (And *Happy Thanksgiving*!!)

  19. You bread was a big hit...I still steer people to your blog for that recipe .... and I still make it every so often myself ...why not a pie? ...

  20. YUM!!! The pie looks delicious AND beautiful!

  21. That IS a lot of ingredients. I've never done chocolate and pumpkin together. I may have to look into that.

  22. Done good, Carson! Are you going shopping today?
    Best always, Sandra

  23. I watched Marta making frosting snowflake cookies that took her about 10 minutes for each one. All I could think was how it would take a kid about 10 seconds to eat it!

  24. It looks GORGEOUS! You did a fine job! I bet it was scrumptious, too.
    I fought the tin foil around our crust, while in the oven, and the oven won. I kept bumping my hand against the hot parts of the oven while trying to reinstall the stupid foil edges!

  25. What a fabulous looking pie!

  26. Oh my! That looks spectacular - like something out of a magazine. I'll bet it tasted yummy too.
