
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wynonna makes her bed and lies in it

I took these pictures and wrote this post in my head over a week ago, but it's taken me this long to figure out whether "lies" or "lays" is the correct word choice for the title. Why does English have to be so hard sometimes? Finally, I consulted Grammar Girl and I think I've got it right. Have you met Grammar Girl? She's hysterical. And very smart. Seriously. If you're a grammar nerd, you should introduce yourselves. She will be your new BFF.

Anyway, just before the developers arrived to subdivide Wynonna's stall, I tried to explain to her that 
sometimes development is a good thing, and good fences make good neighbors.

She wasn't buying it.

Wynonna: If I make my bed right here, surely those evil developers 
won't come in and subdivide my space.

 I'll just push this dirt over here ...

... and move this dirt over there ...



How dare any developer pave paradise and put up a parking lot?
Or something like that.


  1. Love your blog & all your animal antics! Wynonna is such a girl!!

  2. The 7MSN version of a sit-in. Pardon me, a lie-in?

  3. She's one ugly girl, but she does make a fine fine bed. :-)

  4. Wynonna is, most definitely, the only piggie I like after today!

  5. Not sure "plop" is a big enough word.

  6. What a cute post...Thanks again Carson for starting my day off w/a smile.

  7. I love Wynonna! She is so adorable. Clearly, she is making a 'statement' about HER space. I think you are going to have lots of photo ops when the 'girls' are moved into their palatial abode.

    I've never met a pig. The closest I've ever been to one was at a livestock show. I think they are really fascinating, as their feet/legs do not appear to be strong enough to support their bodies. I love their feet, however, because it looks like they have on high heels! ;) What do pigs feel like? Is their skin rough or soft, is their hair coarse/stiff or fine/soft? Do they let you touch them? Do you bathe a pig? Is there such a thing as a skinny pig??? I have so many questions this morning????!!!!!! I guess I need to google pigs and read up. Have a great day...

  8. Now that the chicken palace is complete and the property line is severed, it's time to draw up for plans for a palatial setting for Miss Wynonna. She's giving you a hint, don't ya think?
    Best always, Sandra

  9. That Wynonna is something else and is definite about "one little piggy slept here!" Just one little correction: Your "...and good fences make good neighbors" should read "...and good fences make "for" good neighbors." I know it makes no sense ... just because you have a fence doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have a good neighbor!

  10. Right on, Wynonna - would you like me to make some signs and come help protest? I'm sure I could gather up a few piggy friends to lend a trotter too. Pigs rule, Nope. Just what DO chickens do?

  11. I love Wynonna. She is one girl who definitely knows what she wants and isn't afraid to take it....or beg for it, or whatever the situation calls for.

  12. Carol in Colorado10/12/11, 8:37 AM

    I guess the Porcupine Princess told those developers what she thinks about the improvements. LOL

    Does the Princess enjoy being brushed? I know some pigs love being brushed because of the rough hair. It's no wonder hog hair was used for paint brushes at one time and maybe it still is.

  13. I do love her little squished up face. I need a Wynonna.

  14. I love Wynonna's schutzpah. You go, Girl!

  15. You quoted the end of Robert Frost's poem, "Mending Wall" to convince Wynonna of the positive aspects the wall. I think she prefers the first line of the poem, "Something there is, that doesn't love a wall." :)

  16. Never subtle in her messages is she? It will be cozy having a smaller space this winter.

    Glad you figured out the English usage issue. Can be maddening at times.

  17. You know I just love Wynonna. She's got it all, beauty and brains.

  18. Any day with a Wynonna post is a great day! This allows me to get my 'pig fix' without having to take on the husband to get one of my own.

    Now I have to check out Grammar Girl to see what she's all about. There are times when I pity anyone who is trying to learn English ... including natives like us. I never allow anyone foreign to apologize for what seems like poor English. Our language makes no sense, and I applaud any and all effort.

  19. Northern AB gal10/12/11, 3:24 PM

    I certainly hope that Wynonna has been well compensated for her loss of real estate. Let her know that there are people who will help her negotiate a fair settlement if need be :-)

  20. Wynonna is not about to give up her turf! Gotta love a pig with spunk. :)

  21. We have Bud at our house, who used to have bristles and look just like Wynnona. Now he's very old. Still does like his dirt, though.
