
Monday, October 10, 2011

Rome wasn't built in a day...

...and neither was the Great Wall of Chicken. With the chicken palace done (except for some serious decorating), it was time to tackle the Berlin Wall, The Great Divide, The Great Wall of Chicken  – a partition by any other name – something solid to separate Wynonna from the flesh-eating carnivores moving in next door.

I made a special trip to the hardware store in honor of the occasion 
to purchase every girl's dream accessory: a post-hole digger.

If I could only teach my hole-digging dog to be specific. Sigh.

Digging the post holes really wasn't as bad as I had figured.

Not to say it was easy, but I had visions of having to rent an auger
to drill through the concrete that was disguising itself as dirt. 
Mercifully, it did not come to that.

Wynonna watched and commented on my every move.

What do you mean my room is getting smaller? 
Their half looks a little bit bigger than mine.
I will not tolerate this encroachment.
Can we paint the fence pink?

Once I had dug the post holes, planted the posts, and cut the fence panels down to size, I was toast. 
The gate and remaining fence will have to wait until next weekend.

I thought for sure I would screw up this part and would end up having to move the fence or make the chicken palace doors smaller. 
As D.A.L. would have it, everything came together with a few inches to spare.

I'll be able to drop the doors down to clean the coop, Wynonna won't get pecked to death by a herd of hungry hens, 
and the chickens will have lots of room to play and scratch in the dirt...
and drive themselves crazy sniffing at the other white meat next door.


  1. Poultry pecks pigs? Who knew?

  2. Carson, I really admire you for your ambitious projects! One question however----why didn't you make the partition from chicken wire rather than solid wood??? And why not metal T posts rather than wood?? Just wondering----and I'm sure you have excellent reason I hadn't considered. I too am a "single Mom" with a critter "family" of 13 horses and assorted others.
    Love your blog!!

  3. I like the Chicken Palace a lot. You have a lot of luck to be able to open that door! Do the chickens just hop out of their castle?

  4. Hey, Carson, can you come over here and fix our front gate? Maybe you should consider carpentry your second career! NICE JOB! I'm envious.

  5. Carson you absolutely amaze me! Love your new accessory - the post hole digger.

  6. I vote for careful planning ;-) what the heck will you do for "fun" when all of the chickens are nicely tucked in the winter eh? :D

  7. Anonymous, the fence had to be solid so that the chickens couldn't reach through and peck at the princess. As for wood posts instead of t-posts, I couldn't think of a suitable way to attach the wooden fence panels to the t-posts.

    Autumn, there's a not-very-steep ladder on the west side of the palace for the chickens to climb in and out.

  8. You and Anonymous have taken care of the question I had, so . . . GOOD JOB!

  9. Call me seriously impressed. Wow, Carson.

  10. My goodness, my arms would be falling off if I used our post hole digger. Quite an accomplishment. Pat yourself on the back if your arms are working this morning. Do any of your chickens fly? Most of mine will stay in, but I have a couple of jet pilots that always make it over the fence(s).

  11. Estella from Co.10/10/11, 7:19 AM

    I vote for, you planned it that way. Looking good....I also have a number of odd jobs that need to be done before the REAL cold weather comes. I can furnish, meals and a soft bed. Hugs to kids

  12. Um. City Slicker Sis, wants to know. Won't the chickens be able to "cross the road" and fly or hop over the top of the wood fence, into the Pretty Princess Palace next door?
    Just asking...

  13. It's coming together, and I know you must be so tired...but proud! Because we have 18 chickens next door, that dwell along our fence line, I will offer this might want to consider running some chicken wire along the top of the fence/partition. Our neighbors lost five chickens. The chickens would roost on top of the fence. I guess they would fall asleep and/or fall/hop into our yard, which is most unfortunate, because we have two Golden Retriever who think these chickens are the best 'toys' ever; In your case, to protect the princess from the carnivores. Just sharing from experience. Can't wait to see the ongoing progress!

  14. Will the chickens cross the road/hop the fence? I'm hedging my bets that they won't. Over in the garden where they live now, the fence on one side is 40" high, and the gate between them and the front porch is also 40" high. They have yet to fly out of there. So guess how high the Great Wall of Chicken is... yep, 40". All my girls are "heavy" breeds – while they can fly, their heft prevents them from getting much altitude.

  15. I had a dog who would dig where I asked her. I'd point and say "Dig!" and away she'd go until I stopped her. I miss her, Queen Bunny the Digger Dog.

  16. I like the wood, seems like building projects are in full swing in blog-land- Ted just did two for us, shelters, feeders, and a woodshed- make that 3!

  17. That IS every gal's dream accessory, along with a mechanized sprayer to tow on the back of the lawn tractor to weed & seed. It's the simple things ...

  18. ha ha ha. I'm thinking how much a post hole digger makes me flutter my eyelashes!

  19. Looks great! And I look forward to hearing/reading of the conversations between Wynonna and her feathered barnmates.

  20. Awesome Palace! Seems like you have thought of everything. (the other white meat LOL)

  21. I just love Wynonna so much. Does she own a piggie tiara because she certainly deserves one. I'm glad you are protecting her from those vicious pig-pecking chickens. ALso, I must admit to some post hole digger envy. That is my kind of accessory!

  22. Rome was built with D.A.L. , according to my notes from ancient history class.

    I'm with Wynona. Pink with orange accents.

  23. LOL!! You are just killin me with your pictures!
    I call it planning...BTW...

  24. So glad to hear Wynonna won't be hen pecked. I had to say that. I do hope you paint the fence pink for her. I think it would set off her colouring to perfection.
