
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nosey Buttinski

Me: Why, Alan, I do declare, you have the softest, most kissable nose on the internet.

Me: Wait! Where are you going?

Me: Don't back up. We weren't done.

Me: I still need a flared-nostril shot or two.

Alan: Somebody had to stick his nose in my business and spoil everything.

Lucy: Not to be nosey or anything, but isn't it time for lunch?


  1. It's very hard to choose between all those adorable noses. I'd like to see silhouettes of the kids in that old-fashioned black construction paper. ;)

  2. A meeting of great!

  3. How sweet of Alan to linger for even just a short while!

  4. They are all...smiling. Or is George smirking?

  5. Those soft adorable nose's can butt into my conversation anytime eh!

  6. Donkeys do have the softest noses. And look how many you have to choose from if you want to kiss one.

  7. Such sweet soft noses.

  8. Estella from Co.10/13/11, 7:12 AM

    Well, you have the nicest noses to kiss....your kids are all soooo sweet and loving. Been riding lately? Hugs to kids

  9. I just love touching equine noses. They are so soft until you hit a whisker or two. I like feeding them carrots. The crunch is such a wonderful sound. Such a simple pleasure! I don't tell everybody this secret but I know you will understand.
    Best always, Sandra

  10. Lucys muzzle is pretty adorable as well... maybe that was what she was trying to tell you :)

  11. Alan's nostrils are the best! I love the picture of him on the top of the page. It makes me smile everyday.

  12. What a nice idea, to let your fans catch a glimpse of what you do for a living. Looks like pretty complex design work to me, very interesting, and such a neat job! FYI, the link in your Tweet worked fine this morning but when I tried to follow it again just now, I landed on an "oops, error" page (Issuu).
