
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Let's get this party started

October was a very busy month for me work-wise, so Friday began my first day of a much needed stay-cation. 
And what better place to start it than at Morning Bray Farm, meeting the newest resident – Buck. 

Hi, Buck! You're such a cutie patootie.

Patrick: May I use that pail to go trick-or-treating?
Me: I believe it belongs to Bernard, but maybe he'll let you share.

Hmm... Ellsworth is training another recruit to scratch his itchy spots. Who could it be?

Why, it's Danni from Critter Farm!
Look out, folks, it's going to be another of those "when bloggers collide" weekends.
Think of all the Halloween festivities we'll be able to share.

Bernard: I think I'll dress up as a Pail this year.

Bernard: I can go from door to door eating my candy while I collect more candy. I'm such a smart ass.

Bernard: Trick or treat.
Danni: Nice try, but Halloween's not until Monday.

Nigel cares nothing about candy, he just wants ear rubs.

Bernard: I can't believe nobody is filling up my pail with treats.

Danni: But I don't have any candy for you today, Bernard.

Bernard: I'll take an I.O.U. Just be sure you have some next time I see you.

Then the dinner bell rang and it was time for Danni and I to head down to the 7MSN, where the festivities will continue tomorrow.


  1. The last photo is priceless. All lined up and headed to the mess hall for dinner. :-) No pushing and shoving now boys and girls.

  2. Great time and photos at MBF, good to see Danni in NM again. Have a super stay-cation, you deserve it.

  3. I count six rescues at Morning Bray. Do they have more? What a great place to enjoy life. They look so happy and well taken care of. Nice to see!
    Best always, Sandra

  4. ha! Yes, he is a smart ass. ;)

  5. I love the last picture since it's the first time I see the whole burro family! MeMaw just looked out the window (1:45PM EST) and it's snowing, wanna join MeMaw for the snowfight?

  6. I want to come, too!
    Hmmm, let's see. You have, as of this minute, 395 followers. Wow! It's easy to see that if one person came every day... you still wouldn't be able to host(es) all of us in one year. I guess will have to gang up on you and come in hoards to visit 7 MSN and have some fun!
    Where is the sign-up sheet?

  7. looks like you are having perfect weather to boot! all of you deserve this wonderful break from the daily grind :) just wish I could be there, too... but at least I can witness through blogs!

  8. What cute and fun loving burros, and Bernard has found the right pail for trick or treating this year.

  9. Bernard looks truly downhearted that nobody's pitching treats in there, poor boy.

    I checked out one of the "You might be interested in..." links and it occurs to me that you should maybe check the generator for functionality about now, just in case.

  10. While Bernard undoubtedly stole the show, it did my heart good to see Nigel getting loved up on. Ear rubs, no less!
