
Friday, October 7, 2011

If it looks like we're a little dazed and confused, we are

1. I awoke Thursday morning to find my internet service dead.
2. I get my internet service through Wildblue, over the Anik F2 satellite.
3. The Anik F2 satellite shut itself off yesterday, for reasons still unknown.
4. At noon yesterday, I started contemplating my fate if the Anik F2 satellite fell from the sky. I will spare you the details of my stress and angst, as I choose not to relive those hours. Here's a little scene that might help explain what transpired.

5. The satellite got repointed and I am back in business as of 5:05 this morning.
6. I can breathe again.


  1. I'm glad you're back on it was interrupting my morning. I always sit and eat breakfast while reading your blog so I was wondering why you didn't have a post up:)

  2. I lost internet connection for reasons I cannot remember 4 years ago for 48 hours and I live in the city..........I STILL have nightmares about it to this day! Pass the Bailieys for my coffee eh ;P

  3. Glad you're back "online".

  4. Soooo glad you didn' get bonked on the head by any falling satellite parts. Well, it could happen you know. ;-)

  5. I can totally relate. Stuck out in the piney woods of East Texas, I rely on HughesNet for satellite service. It's just one step north of dial-up. We're getting Internet cable laid along the country roads right now but I still have 14 months left on my Hughes contract -- which is so expensive as to make double Internet service not an option! Love your blog. It's the first thing I look at every morning.

  6. Feeling your pain...... and sharing your Project Runway guilty pleasure.

  7. Losing Internet connection is horrible. PG&E is shutting down power on our road this morning due to repairs. Arggghhhh!!!! Thankfully I have my Droid, and thankfully the rain has stopped. Glad you're back online. Have a better day today:-)

  8. Project Runway is my #1 favorite TV show EVER, however, I must say that I am not enjoying this season as much due to the WAY TOO MANY combined/group challenges! I really prefer to see what the individual designer's taste/style/point-of-view is, and it simply gets distorted when they have to work with another/other designers. I also have agreed LESS with the judges this year than ever's been a little frustrating. Sorry you had the frustrations with your internet...and glad you are now RESTORED!! :)

  9. You know this could have been the universe's way of encouraging you to go ride your mule.

    Just saying. I keep hoping my internet/cell phone will go down. I miss driving through all the dead zones where I was finally not reachable. (Once the initial anxiety wore off, it was quite relaxing)

  10. Oh my the withdrawals! I have a request for you, is there a chance you would consider making the comment box the kind that pops up on the original post- that way we can refer back to your photos when we are writing our comments. On this one, where it says "show original post" it only shows the text.
    Purty please?

  11. Thank gawd Rosebud was with you, or things could have gone terribly wrong. *smile* So glad to see everything is back up and running. Carry on, soldier.

  12. Not to deprecate your anxiety, but this failure also took out all of the medical pagers in British Columbia yesterday (and probably elsewhere as well). I don't carry such a pager, but I received all of the panicky emails.

  13. One of the perils of living rurally, is the disconnection of digital communications. Getting digital phone service and high speed internet but a few years ago, has changed my life. I can relate to your anxiety as I, too, work at home in rural New Mexico and must access my work via high speed internet service provided by Comcast. When it breaks down (frequently of late), I absolutely go to pieces when I can't access my work as I am on a work schedule that increasingly gets cut back, leaving me short of anticipated income. I even deposit my paycheck via the internet. Funny how the independence of our lives due to digital communications has resulted in our total and complete reliance on internet provider companies. At least I don't have a Crackberry.

  14. Shirley, I'd be happy to change the posting format ... if I could only figure out how! Can't find the setting anywhere.

  15. And were you still up at 5:05 this morning, waiting for the internet?!!! I had to give up my computer for 2 weeks a few years ago while my daughter's friend cleaned it out and improved performance - Mom was living with me at the time, and giggled every day over my withdrawal agony!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  16. Some friends of mine out here have Wildblue and lost their connection for 2 days. Said it was caused by a meteor shower.

  17. Ahhh, the joys of sattelite! I recently spent 2 days fighting with my provider before they finally admitted it was their equipment. I had to wait 3 more days to get the new equipment. Out a least you were back up the next day. :)

  18. Hey girl, we also have wild blue and was out of internet Thursday..grrr glad you survived it also :) Jeanne in SC

  19. I MISSED you this morning! I didn't have anything to read over my morning coffee! Glad you are back!

  20. So glad you're back - we missed you. Here and "there."
